Tuesday 4 June 2024

Transparency lacking in implementation of N.B. housing strategy, auditor general says


Transparency lacking in implementation of N.B. housing strategy, auditor general says

Paul Martin says completion timelines, specific costs missing from action items to create more housing

Key elements of New Brunswick's strategy to encourage the development of 6,000 new homes per year lack transparency, including around the timelines for achieving specific objectives and the total cost of some of the projects, says the province's auditor general.

Part of Paul Martin's report zeroed in on the New Brunswick Housing Corporation's implementation of the N.B. Housing strategy, which was released last June by Jill Green, minister responsible for housing.

"Fifty per cent of the actions [in the strategy] had no noted cost to government," said Martin, speaking before the legislature's standing committee on public accounts.

"For example, the action to recruit and or pre-qualify 10,000 individuals in priority trade occupations, to support immigration to New Brunswick, had no program costs or housing solution to the immigrants included in the strategy."

WATCH | 'We're interested in measuring their performance on this'

Attorney general zeroes in on N.B Housing strategy

Duration 0:59
In his report, Paul Martin says housing corporation needs to make goals more transparent to the public.

The three-year, $551-million strategy includes the goals of encouraging the creation of 6,000 new homes per year, reducing the waitlist for subsidized housing by 3,000 households, and increasing the number of skilled trades for residential construction by seven per cent annually.

It also aims to create conditions to hold annual rent increases at an average of 2.5 per cent and the percentage change in average home prices to 4.8 per cent.

The strategy was released as the provincial government's response to New Brunswick's housing crisis, brought on by rapidly rising rents, home prices and record-low residential vacancy rates.

The New Brunswick Housing Corporation was established in 2023 to carry out the strategy's 22 action items, and its budget was funded through transfers from the Department of Social Development, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure and Service New Brunswick.

Martin, in his report, said the housing corporation has established targets and measurable actions within the strategy, but needs to make clearer the links between its actions and its stated goals, as well as transparency, monitoring and reporting on its progress.

On transparency, Martin said most of the actions were measurable, had been clearly assigned to executives at the housing corporation and had their sources of funding identified. However, 16 of the 22 actions had no timeline for completion.

A man in a suit sitting at a desk and holding an open book Auditor General Paul Martin told MLAs Tuesday that the New Brunswick Housing Corporation hasn't laid out the costs associated with key parts of its strategy, such as the province providing surplus property for affordable housing development. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Additionally, 11 of the 22 actions had no specific overall cost to government.

One of those was the province extending temporary property tax relief to landlords by limiting assessment growth for tax purposes by 10 per cent for eligible non-residential properties and apartment buildings with more than four units.

Another was the province's commitment to make government surplus property available for affordable housing development.

"In some cases, program details were not sufficient to determine if the funding was going to be a loan, forgivable loan, or non-repayable grant," Martin said.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Martin said his audit was a good opportunity to offer the provincial government a scorecard for how it's doing on an important social issue.

"We're interested in measuring their performance on this and I hope they will take our recommendations and take them to the next step," he said.

Woman with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing charcoal coloured sweater and cardigan stands inside legislative building.   Jill Green, New Brunswick's minister responsible for housing, released her government's strategy last June for alleviating the province's housing crisis. The New Brunswick Housing Corporation was formed with the mandate to implement that strategy. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

The audit comes just shy of the one-year anniversary of the strategy being released, but statistics already suggest the province is lagging behind on some of its targets.

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation published data showing New Brunswick had 4,547 new housing starts in 2023, short of the strategy's goal of 6,000 annually.

And in May, Statistics Canada published data showing rents in New Brunswick jumped by 10.8 per cent in April compared to a year earlier.

Speaking to reporters, Green touted the work done in the past 11 months, adding that housing starts have gone "off the charts," with numbers higher than when they started being tracked in 1948.

At the same time, she acknowledged Martin's criticisms around transparency and public reporting on the progress it makes.

"We're about to launch the review of the first year of the housing strategy," Green said. "We are doing that, and we'll take his recommendations very seriously and implement them."


Aidan Cox


Aidan Cox is a journalist for the CBC based in Fredericton. He can be reached at aidan.cox@cbc.ca and followed on Twitter @Aidan4jrn.




David Amos
"Speaking to reporters, Green touted the work done in the past 11 months, adding that housing starts have gone "off the charts," with numbers higher than when they started being tracked in 1948.

At the same time, she acknowledged Martin's criticisms around transparency and public reporting on the progress it makes.

"We're about to launch the review of the first year of the housing strategy," Green said. "We are doing that, and we'll take his recommendations very seriously and implement them."

Yea Right I would lay odds that Mr Outhouse will make certain that review is not launched before the election he was enlisted to manage for Higgy

David Amos
"Additionally, 11 of the 22 actions had no specific overall cost to government.

One of those was the province extending temporary property tax relief to landlords by limiting assessment growth for tax purposes by 10 per cent for eligible non-residential properties and apartment buildings with more than four units."

Seems the wealthy folks got a break eh?

Don Corey
Great to see that the province has developed a thorough and effective housing strategy. It obviously requires some fine tuning, but most certainly demonstrates the province’s commitment to address the many issues facing NB as we deal with our share of the Canada wide housing crisis created by the federal government. 
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Don Corey 
😂😂😂 'Effective' ... 
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
That is an interesting word    
Wilbur Ross
What has Higgs accomplished? 
Don Corey
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Enough to win the next election. Or will it be simply because of continued inept opposition?  
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Don Corey
That's a long list of accomplishments. 😂😂😂 
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Its sad but true 
Akimbo Alogo  
People who actually get out of the province once in a while will notice that this is not a New Brunswick specific issue. But then again, those people just want to complain and not help.
Kyle Woodman 
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Weak excuse. 
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman  
I agree 
MR Cain 
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
People who live here know this government had agreements with the feds for building homes in 2018. They also know the government asked and received lots of new people, despite a housing shortage. They also know that it took 3 years to convince the government there was a housing problem, which led to a study with conclusions to spend on public housing, submitted by Dorothy Shepperd, who committed $113 million plus a million for public housing upgrade. Jill takes over then there is no money until they produce a plan. If this is how the rest of the provinces are operating, it is way past time they were all fired. 
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Fall in line and accept failure ... NB Tories in a nut shell.  
Don Corey 
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Most don’t want to acknowledge and/or discuss the long list of Canada wide crises dumped on us by an incompetent federal government.  
Don Corey
Reply to Wilbur Ross
$2 billion toward our provincial debt is not a failure, regardless of how hard you and others here try to frame it otherwise.  
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Don Corey
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey 
You know I do it every day all day long  
William Peters  
The aim is to subsidies the private sector and to turn more of our economy into a rentier economy. That way time can be turned into a commodity that can be mined by out of province landlords. You who must live in this new world must find the time to acquire the money that will power the change after you have turned it over. What you do to acquire money is assumed to be there is ever increasing amounts to allow it.
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
The World Economic Forum claims "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"   
David Amos
Reply to David Amos
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation published data showing New Brunswick had 4,547 new housing starts in 2023, short of the strategy's goal of 6,000 annually.

And in May, Statistics Canada published data showing rents in New Brunswick jumped by 10.8 per cent in April compared to a year earlier.

Kyle Woodman
Is anyone surprised by another failure by the Higgs government. All talk, no action.
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Welcome back to the circus
Kyle Woodman 
Reply to David Amos
Never left  
Don Corey
Reply to Kyle Woodman 
No failure here. It all starts with an incompetent federal government dumping all these crises on the provinces. Try harder to stay informed.  
Wilbur Ross
So much propaganda coming out of Fredericton these days. Can't trust anything the Tories put out. Mr. Outhouse is stinking up the place. 
Akimbo Alogo 
Reply to Wilbur Ross
Looking good in your profile pic, princess.
David Amos
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Have you looked in the mirror? 
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross
He is not alone in making a stink in Fat Fred City 
Douglas James
The numbers are all just pulled out of a hat. It makes it sound as if the government is taking action on a serious problem when all it is really doing is trying to win the next election. 
David Amos 
Reply to Douglas James
Everybody knows that 
Douglas James
Reply to David Amos 
Everybody knows nothing or they wouldn't repeatedly vote for Conservative governments.  
David Amos 
Reply to Douglas James
They did not vote for you or me but I am not bitter 
Inger Nielsen
Auditor General needs to figure out where all our governments missing money went! things just are not adding up and we are talking a lot of money here 
David Amos 
Reply to Inger Nielsen  
Dream on
Eugene Peabody
Reply to Inger Nielsen  
Most of the millions and millions of dollars the federal government sent to NB to help offset the problems caused by the Covid pandemic went to paying the provincial debt not to helping citizens. 
David Amos 
Reply to Eugene Peabody


    1. Comment by David Amos.

  • Comment by Akimbo Alogo.

  • People who actually get out of the province once in a while will notice that this is not a New Brunswick specific issue. But then again, those people just want to complain and not help.

    • Reply by Kyle Woodman.

    Weak excuse.

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • I agree

  • Comment by William Peters.

  • The aim is to subsidies the private sector and to turn more of our economy into a rentier economy. That way time can be turned into a commodity that can be mined by out of province landlords. You who must live in this new world must find the time to acquire the money that will power the change after you have turned it over. What you do to acquire money is assumed to be there is ever increasing amounts to allow it.

  • Comment by Kyle Woodman.

  • Is anyone surprised by another failure by the Higgs government. All talk, no action.

    • Reply by Akimbo Alogo.


  • Reply by David Amos.

  • Welcome back to the circus

  • Reply by Kyle Woodman.

  • Never left

  • Comment by Wilbur Ross.

  • So much propaganda coming out of Fredericton these days. Can't trust anything the Tories put out. Mr. Outhouse is stinking up the place.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    • Have you looked in the mirror?

  • Comment by Douglas James.

  • The numbers are all just pulled out of a hat. It makes it sound as if the government is taking action on a serious problem when all it is really doing is trying to win the next election.

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Everybody knows that

  • Reply by Douglas James.

  • Everybody knows nothing or they wouldn't repeatedly vote for Conservative governments.

  • Reply by David Amos.

  • They did not vote for you or me but I am not bitter

  • Comment by Inger Nielsen.

  • Auditor General needs to figure out where all our governments missing money went! things just are not adding up and we are talking a lot of money here

    • Reply by David Amos.

    Dream on

  • Reply by Eugene Peabody.

  • Most of the millions and millions of dollars the federal government sent to NB to help offset the problems caused by the Covid pandemic went to paying the provincial debt not to helping citizens.








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