Sunday 16 June 2024

New research highlights where 'The Big One' earthquake could hit


New research highlights where 'The Big One' earthquake could hit

Northern part of the long Pacific Ocean fault most likely to produce a major earthquake, scientists say

New research offers a clearer picture of a fault line hundreds of kilometres long off the West Coast that is predicted to generate a major earthquake and tsunami commonly known as "The Big One."

The study confirms that the northern part of the fault, close to Vancouver Island and Washington, is most likely to produce a major earthquake. 

"It's giving us the first really detailed look at this huge megathrust fault that we've long known about but haven't had any details about," Edwin Nissen, a University of Victoria earth and ocean science researcher who was not involved in the research into the fault line where two tectonic plates are meeting.

The research, recently published in the prestigious journal Science Advances, produced the most detailed picture researchers have yet had of the fault zone spanning more than 900 kilometres from northern California to Vancouver Island —  imaging they say helps them understand the magnitude and probability of earthquakes. 

WATCH | Where 'The Big One' could strike off Vancouver Island: 

Clearer picture of B.C.’s ‘big one’ emerges — and it’s not good

Duration 2:07
A new study of the Cascadia subduction zone from California to Vancouver Island reveals the smoother, flatter fault line off the B.C. coast that will one day cause a violent, extremely damaging earthquake and massive tsunami.

Subduction zones are regions where two massive slabs of rock, known as tectonic plates, collide — one plate sliding under the other towards the earth's mantle.

In the Cascadia Subduction Zone, the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate is slowly sliding underneath the North American plate.

Most of the time, the plates are locked in place, pushing against each other and building stress. Once every several hundred years or so, they generate a major megathrust earthquake and large tsunami. 

According to Suzanne Carbotte, the study's lead author and Columbia University marine geophysicist, many subduction zones produce small earthquakes. These help researchers understand the faults and fragmentations deep in the earth. However, in the Cascadia zone, where these earthquakes aren't common, researchers didn't have that information. 

A woman with grey hair smiles. Suzanne Carbotte, lead author and Columbia University marine geophysicist, published the research in Science Advances last week. (CBC News)

About 50 researchers and crew took to the water on a ship that traced the Cascadia fault line. The ship was equipped with sophisticated imaging technology, which Nissen said is usually used by oil and gas companies for exploration. 

"Most academic scientists don't have the kind of money these companies have," Nissen said. "To get this kind of data for a purely scientific purpose is really exciting."

Researchers sent low-frequency sound pulses into the fault. A 15-kilometre-long receiver, towed behind the boat equipped with hydrophones, picked up the resulting echoes. With this information, researchers created high-resolution images.

WATCH: It's inevitable. A big earthquake is coming: 

Earthquakes: "The Big One" is coming

Duration 2:33
Why it's inevitable B.C. will have a big earthquake

They found the surface where the Juan de Fuca and North American plates interlock is much more complex and jagged than they had previously mapped.

Kelin Wang, a researcher with the geological survey of Canada and adjunct professor at the University of Victoria who was not involved in the research, said a survey of this scale hasn't been conducted before. 

He said it helps explain historical earthquakes near the northern Pacific Ocean, such as the one that hit North America and the resulting tsunami that reached Japan in 1700. 

"In a couple of years, we'll know a lot more about this system if we begin to model earthquakes and incorporate this information," he said.

While it's not possible to actually predict earthquakes, Carbotte said the information will help hazard-researchers understand the probabilities of earthquakes and tsunamis. Those models can inform building codes and tsunami evacuation plans to protect coastal populations. 

"The probabilities are high that we're going to see a megathrust earthquake in the [Pacific Northwest] in the next 100 years," Carbotte said. "[This research] does very much inform the hazard and resilience mitigation efforts."


Isaac Phan Nay


Isaac Phan Nay is a CBC News reporter/editor in Vancouver. Please contact him at

With files from Lyndsay Duncombe

David Amos
As my son called me today from Southern California to wish me a Happy Fathers Day I made another pitch for him to come and be with me in the Maritimes Now I read this news Need I say Hmmm?
Darryl Gregorash
People seem to be missing the whole point of this article. The Cascadia Subduction Zone has been locked for 300 years. During all that time, the mid-Atlantic rift has been growing by about 2.5 centimeters per year, meaning North America has been trying to move west by that amount.

But the locked subduction zone means that it cannot -- the western edge of the continent essentially has not moved in all that time. The rest of the continent is now about 7.5 meters closer to Vancouver and Victoria than it was 300 years ago.

When (not "if") that fault line gives way, there will be up to that much ground upthrust -- a magnitude 9 or greater earthquake, causing a massive tsunami on a scale similar to, perhaps larger than the one that hit Japan in 2011.

So how much of Victoria and Vancouver, and American cities like Seattle, Tacoma, and even Portland, Oregon, are built to withstand even a magnitude 8 earthquake? Not much of them, I would guess.

So stop wondering if this or that bridge will collapse. It probably will, along with half or more of the skyscrapers in your city. And after all that is done, there will still be the tsunami to contend with -- though the extent of that might be mitigated by the narrowness of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

But it will be the greatest, most deadly, disaster ever to hit this continent in all recorded history.

Albalita Rose
Reply to Darryl Gregorash
And when it does they will want to be bailed out by others... 
Elliott Stranger 
Reply to Darryl Gregorash
I’ve read the tsunami won’t be so much a huge wave but a very large tidal surge that will just keep coming. I would think most of the force of it would go out into the pacific rather than towards inland waters. They would still be affected in a big way though.  
Larry McCarthy 
Reply to Albalita Rose
Is that what you call insurance?
Elliott Stranger 
Reply to Albalita Rose
Don’t worry, we won’t ask you for help.
David Amos
Reply to Elliott Stranger 
Who is We?
Doug Ma 
Richmond will probably be hit hard, potentially being entirely flooded out. Yvr runways may be out of service to make relief efforts more difficult. Who knows how the three bridges out of there will hold up
Elliott Stranger 
Reply to Doug Ma
We have float planes and boats and helicopters though. I wouldn’t trust a bridge immediately after a large earthquake. Yes, the airport could well be affected.

Depending on how it all goes down it could be very difficult, or not. That’s why it’s recommended for households to have a kit prepared that can see you through for 3-4 days, a week.

Don Mann 
We might all be living on Mars by the time it ever happens, if it does. Just fear mongering. 
Gordon MacFarlane 
Reply to Don Mann  
If our sun doesn't burn out before that
Don Mann 
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane  
It is perpetual, nothing to worry about....just relax. Don't worry, be happy !
Larry McCarthy  
Reply to Don Mann  
It is? 
Howard Higgs
Reply to Larry McCarthy  
Your your personal frame of reference, it is. 
Elliott Stranger
Reply to Don Mann
It’s that kind of thinking that leads to many problems in the world. A failure to plan is a plan to fail. Of course the individual can do as they wish but it doesn’t work for the planning and operations of communities, towns and cities.    
Gordon MacFarlane 
Reply to Don Mann   
I'm good thanks, was just piling on to your post.

Oh and thanks for the ear bug

Larry McCarthy 
Reply to Howard Higgs  
Is that what Don says?
Howard Higgs
Reply to Larry McCarthy 
It's a public forum. If you don't want anyone to "help", private message him. 
Larry McCarthy 
Reply to Howard Higgs  
I did ask Don. Thanks for the input!
Craig McMaster
Reply to Don Mann
It's just information.

When did giving people information become "fear mongering"??

Once you have the information, what you do with it is up to you.

Personally, I saw absolutely nothing in this article to make me afraid.

Kat Shaw 
Reply to Craig McMaster 

It's like the researchers gathering information on hail in AB; information is good, nothing to be afraid of and can be useful in the future.

Darryl Gregorash
Reply to Don Mann    
Six such events since about 800 or 900 BC, the last of them being 324 years ago. No, we won't be living on Mars when the next one happens.

Note: You may be wondering how I know the date of the last one with such accuracy? It was obtained from local geological evidence, plus Japanese records of an "orphan" tsunami that occurred at midnight of 27–28 January 1700, Japan time. Given 10 hours of wave travel time, that puts the earthquake event at 9 p.m. PST on 26 January 1700.


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