Friday 7 June 2024

Higgs says it's too early to know whether sex-ed group can return to schools


Higgs says it's too early to know whether sex-ed group can return to schools

HPV Global Action president says N.B. education, health officials vetted a now-banned presentation

Premier Blaine Higgs says it's still not clear whether a now-banned sex education presentation was vetted properly, but he would not rule out allowing the presenters back in New Brunswick schools.

Higgs said it's "too early to say" whether HPV Global Action, a Quebec-based sex education group, will be allowed to present at schools in New Brunswick again. 

That comes two weeks after the premier, in a post to X, said the group would be banned "effective immediately, after the group gave several presentations to Grade 9 to 11 students last month.

HPV Global Action's president Teresa Norris met with Higgs's principal secretary, Steve Outhouse, in person on Thursday to show him the presentation.


‘Too early to say’ if sex-ed group can return to N.B., premier says

Duration 1:08
After meeting with the premier's office Thursday, HPV Global Action says the province’s health and education departments both had a hand in vetting a now-banned school presentation,

Outhouse, who is also working as Higgs's campaign manager, was the only government representative to view the presentation Thursday. 

Higgs told reporters the intention behind that was to "have a neutral person just look at" the content. 

The premier has said the group's presentation went beyond the curriculum, but on Friday he said department staff will evaluate whether that's the case.

"That wasn't the purpose of that meeting," he said when asked why no Department of Education staff attended Thursday's meeting to evaluate the content. "It will come to that, I'm sure.

"I don't have a full assessment of that discussion, but I understand the next step is to measure that against the curriculum."  

Teresa Norris, president of the non-profit organization, said on Thursday she has presented in New Brunswick for years without issue until Higgs posted the cover slide from her presentation online. 

A man in glasses speaking. Premier Blaine Higgs says it is too soon to know whether a Quebec-based sex education group will be allowed to present in schools again. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

It featured questions about anal sex, pornography, and other topics Higgs called "clearly inappropriate" and outside of the sex education curriculum. He later told reporters he had not seen the full presentation.

"In all of our years, we have never had anybody work with us, see our presentation, or in an aftermath ever have any issue with our presentation," she said. 

"The only thing that happens after our presentation is, typically, somebody is saying, 'could you come to our school too?'"

A pink and purple presentation slide with four text bubbles. Higgs shared a photo of a sex education presentation to X, formerly Twitter, calling the material 'clearly inappropriate.' (X)

Norris told reporters the provincial Department of Health and Department of Education both had a hand in vetting the presentation.

She previously told CBC News schools are required to view an outline of the presentation and sign a consent form before she delivers it to students.

But Higgs questioned whether presentations like this one should be approved after seeing a "one-pager" outline rather than a full presentation.

"At this point in time we haven't found anyone in the system that actually looked at the presentation," he said. 

"If there wasn't clarity going in to what was acceptable or considered acceptable and what wasn't, that's a problem. If there wasn't a request to see the entire presentation before you present it to 200 kids in an auditorium, that's a problem."

Outhouse called the meeting "constructive" in an interview Friday. 

"We definitely have more information now than when we started," he said. "There are some followup questions that we have."

A man wearing glasses smiles. Steve Outhouse, the premier's principal secretary, was the only government representative who attended the sex-ed presentation viewing. (Alix Villeneuve/CBC)

He's asked the organization to share more information about its communication with the departments. 

"The overall question will be, was this a situation where the vetting process wasn't thorough enough to determine if there would be issues?" Outhouse said. "Or whether the vetting process was thorough but not enough information was provided.

"Ultimately, where we want to get to at the end of the day is to have a process so that educators can still decide ... what's appropriate to be put forward, but parents have adequate notice so they can decide if they wish to have their children participate or not." 



Savannah Awde is a reporter with CBC New Brunswick. You can contact her with story ideas at


David Amos   
Methinks the last thing Mr Outhouse could be called is "a neutral person" N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Everybody knows Cardy is to blame for this nonsense 

David Amos 

Reply to David Amos
In a nutshell the NDP leader conned Higgy then went about his business of destroying the PC Party and everybody fell for it excluding mean old me

David Amos 

Reply to David Amos
Cardy's Major Faux Pas was getting a bunch of PC sheople to sign a note to me when he became Higgy's Chief of Staff 
Al Clark   
Oct 22, that's when. 
Al Clark   
Don't worry higgy, we're laughing with, not at, honest!
David Amos 
Reply to Al Clark
Surely you jest
Al Clark    
Reply to David Amos
with, not at, honest ;-) 
David Amos 
Reply to Al Clark   
Spoken like a true liberal
Tristis Ward
Higgs says "It's too hard to back out of my political interference, so I'll interfere a bit longer."

Sticking a political nose into education for the sake of manufacturing outrage has to stop. We don't need this American-style conservatism here.

David Amos 
Reply to Tristis Ward
Yea Right
JOhn D Bond 
Cowpoke Blaine shoot first ask questions later

The premier has said the group's presentation went beyond the curriculum, but on Friday he said department staff will evaluate whether that's the case.

WTG Blaine how many times is it now that you make a call and then back pedal when the facts are known.

David Amos 
Reply to JOhn D Bond 
Higgy is the Waffle King 
Sandra Boudreau 
Please don't let political pressure stop you from doing the right thing. you are protecting our children and parental rights. stand your ground, Mr. Higgs.
Margaret Flowers 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau 
@sandra Boudreau Protect them from what exactly?
MR Cain 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
Mr. Higgs has no place sticking his nose in family business. Up to the family to protect and nourish the child.
Wilbur Ross   
Reply to Sandra Boudreau 
Mind your business. Parents already have the right to opt out. Been that way since 80's.
JOhn D Bond 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau  
Protecting them from what? Facts, Information? That is the role of education.
David Amos 

Reply to Wilbur Ross
So says the union dude
David Amos 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
Dream on 
Tristis Ward
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
He's not protecting children!

And it's not his job to micromanage every single thing in NB. It's his job to govern the entire province, and one would HOPE he had enough to do to keep busy.

If you want him to "protect children" have him stick his nose into the pitiful state of our roadway system. Somebody is going to die on those roads that have gone unmaintained for at least four years now. It as easily might be children as anybody else.

Mathieu Laperriere 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau 
You have always had the parental right to opt your kid out of these presentations. That has never changed. This infringement on your rights you believe is happening is delusional.
David Amos
Reply to Margaret Flowers  
Good question 
John Gray 
Reply to Sandra Boudreau 
Not protecting my child. I disagree, you can just withhold your children if you disagree with science
James Risdon
Reply to Sandra Boudreau
I agree. There is no reason to be teaching kids about these practices at the age of 14. 
Howard Otoole
Whether you like it or not, kids are exposed to all kinds of material on the internet. Now more than ever factual and age appropriate information is critically important to keep adolescents healthy and safe and to prevent the lifetime consequences of unsafe or inappropriate behavior. Children reach puberty earlier than in the past so old benchmarks obviously have to be reevaluated.
David Amos 
Reply to Howard Otoole
What are parents for? 
Howard Otoole   
Reply to David Amos  
Not all parents have the knowledge and the ability (and are comfortable with) discussions pertaining to matters of sexual health and reproduction.
David Amos 
Reply to Howard Otoole
Who are you to judge them? 

Leighton Wensley
Real questions about real issues teens face are inappropriate? Talk about sending teens into the world ill prepared to protect their own health.
David Amos 
Reply to Leighton Wensley 
James Risdon
Reply to Leighton Wensley
Teenaged kids should only learn to say no. And basic biology. That's it.

The rest just comes naturally.

Leighton Wensley
But is ignorance blissful?
MR Cain 
Reply to Leighton Wensley 
That usually ends when changing your first diaper at 16 years of age.
David Amos
Reply to Leighton Wensley 
Ask the ignorant



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