Saturday 29 June 2024

Irving plans $1.1B upgrade to west side pulp mill

Irving plans $1.1B upgrade to west side pulp mill

Upgrade to 1970s boiler expected to increase output 65%

Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. is looking for approval of a $1.1 billion upgrade to its west side pulp mill.

The project includes a new 20-storey boiler building to be constructed within four years. The goal is to upgrade the current 1970s boiler to increase pulp output by 65 per cent and generate enough energy to operate without buying off-plant power, said Mark Mosher, vice-president of Irving Pulp and Paper.

Mosher said the mill has been getting gradual upgrades for years, including a 1990s upgrade to reduce odour and emissions. He said this new equipment is expected to reduce odour and emissions for each tonne produced.

This proposed upgrade comes on the heels of a new water treatment facility, a project started in 2022 to address environmental concerns after Irving Pulp and Paper was convicted of violating federal pollution laws by spilling effluent into the St. John River.  

WATCH | A walk through some of Saint John's pulp mill upgrades:

Upgrades proposed for facility overlooking Reversing Falls

Duration 2:20
Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. is looking for approval of a $1.1 billion upgrade to improve efficiency at its west side pulp mill.

The increased output would mean two trains out of the pulp mill a day, instead of one, and more incoming wood chips.

"Today we bring in about a third of our raw materials by rail and in the future we want to substantially increase that and bring the majority of it in by rail," he said. 

The company hosted an open house in Saint John this week to present the plan to residents and get feedback.

The company has filed its environmental impact assessment report and is awaiting approval.

The exact timeline is not known, Mosher said, but if approved, the company hopes to start construction in late spring 2025.

"We would hope to be done construction and in operation by late 2028," he said.

Man in blue vest smiling at camera, posters in background Mark Mosher, vice-president of Irving Pulp and Paper, says this project will increase the efficiency of the pulp mill. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

During those four years, there would be concrete pouring, excavating and construction of the steel structure.

"The majority of the traffic would be construction workers coming in and out," he said.

The majority of large equipment would be brought in by barge, and the steel would be coming in through a private road, Mosher said.

The current boiler is the closest structure to the water at the pinch point of Reversing Falls, and is the one producing the largest plume. Mosher said that building will be decommissioned and the new building will have no visible plume.

Mill expects to be self-sufficient in energy

The plant processes wood chips created by sawmills to produce pulp. The pulp is then sent to tissue mills, cardboard box and other paper product factories. 

Mosher said making pulp creates a byproduct that the mill burns to power itself. Currently, the 1970s boiler is only efficient enough to produce 80 per cent of the power it needs, so it has to buy the remaining 20 per cent.

This week, N.B. Power outlined plans to spend $26.3 million over the next two years to help pulp and paper mills with their electricity costs — a 36 per cent increase over the previous two years.

An illustration of pulp mill with green boxes containing upgrade information The Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd. pulp mill has gone through several upgrades as emission and effluence regulations tighten. (Submitted by Irving Pulp and Paper Ltd.)

Mosher said with the new boiler, once fully build in 2028, the plant would be fully self-sufficient, with enough power left over to sell to power companies.

Because of the pulp mill's current capacity, Mosher said JD Irving forestry operations leave behind plenty of wood that could be made into pulp.

He said once the upgrades are done, the company won't need to cut more trees to meet increased demand — they could just use what they now leave on the forest floor. 

"We're not touching any more land. We're just taking the volume that is there."

The new boiler building will be set farther back from the water than the current one, Mosher said, about 18 metres (60 feet) above sea level.

West side residents learn about project

West side resident William McKenna was at the open house Thursday. He said he feels informed about the project and is excited about the potential economic benefit. He said he's not concerned about increased traffic.

"The noise from the construction won't bother me because I don't mind that. And also just the the esthetic of the building going up, it's good to see industry grow because it's good for the economy," he said.

Medium shot of man in jean jacket and hat William McKenna, a resident of Saint John's west side, attended the open house to learn about the project Thursday. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

Judy and Myles Vardy were also learning about the project in their neighbourhood. Judy Vardy said she had some concerns and questions about traffic and noise but felt her questions were answered.

"We didn't know about the combustible liquid that they make and that they're gonna now use as fuel," she said. "It's producing a lot of extra energy and maybe a cleaner energy. So we need to do everything we can for our future."


Hadeel Ibrahim is a reporter with CBC New Brunswick based in Saint John. She reports in English and Arabic. Email:

David Amos
Will they expect an even bigger rebate from NB Power?
Douglas James 
Reply to David Amos 
Exactly! They can afford to spend a billion dollars on expansion but still expect taxpayers to subsidize their electricity rates. Shameful
Lou Bell
Reply to Douglas James  
Much like what we expect from social media Doug . All kinds of insinuations , and yet no proof . The story says they'll be self suffiicent . Really , comprehension isn't that hard .

David Webb
Just announced yesterday, over 10,000 jobs for the next 25 years as Irving Shipbuilding starts construction on 15 new war Nova Scotia. The Irving haters in NB must be so pleased that those jobs aren't in NB.
Mathieu Laperriere
Reply to David Webb
With the money they will make with these contracts... Maybe the Irvings will pay the Kent workers and the Circle K workers a living wage now?

Marc Bourque
And the billion dollar question is how much will the tax payers pay. One billion!

Lou Bell
Reply to Marc Bourque
Well the Fed Liberals gave them 500 million for their shipyard , so yeah , the Feds may just fork over a billion .

Douglas James
This should not be allowed until the city, the province and Irving devise a plan for direct highway access for the increased number of trucks that will be coming and going once the expansion is complete. The train crossing is also a major problem because depending on the length of the trains and which direction they are going, two crossings are affected and can block traffic, including emergency vehicles, for extended periods of time. Of course, nobody in the city or the province will do anything about this because they are too anxious to always bend at the knee for the billionaire industrialists who apparently can afford to spend a billion dollars on expansion but still need their electricity rates to be subsidized by taxpayers. Quite the legacy KC and the two Irving brothers have left for people who live in this increasingly unlivable city.

Lou Bell
Reply to Douglas James 
So I guess the wood pellet plan for Belledune should be abondoned ???
David Webb
Reply to Douglas James 
I would imagine you are quite pleased with the shipbuilding jobs in NS. Over 10,000 jobs for 25 years to build the 15 new war ships. No mention of it yet on the national broadcasters site. Maybe check another news site to get that information.

Jack Straw
Unfortunately stripping the forest clean of leftover branches , small trees etc is devastating to the environment in the long run. The small insects and micro biology that exist because of this has a big impact on the environment. But the smiling Irving talking head does not care nor was he asked by any citizens there. We will not be happy until no birds or other animals are left but the mill is maximizing it s profit. Sad commentary on the future.

David Webb
Reply to Jack Straw
What do you suggest NB'ers do for work? How about we scrap the fishery that is killing whales. That should look after the 2 main sources of income, other than government employees, in the province.
Jack Straw
Reply to David Webb
You are going to reap what you sow.
Lou Bell
Reply to Jack Straw
Sorry to p in your Corn Flakes , but the twigs and leaves and insects will all still be there . Any dead trees that have fallen won't be processed , much the same as in any forest . What they're salvaging is nothing more than what they have cut , just the smaller branches , stumps , etc
John Gray
I wonder how much Irving expects the tax payer to cover this. I'm sure higgs already has a subsidy set up already

Glenn O'Halloran
Reply to John Gray
Well, he just gave them an energy handout while saying no to the working poor, so I'm sure it's coming.
David Webb
Reply to Glenn O'Halloran
That is a falsehood. Read the act 2015-60. This was the Gallant governments doing.
Lou Bell
Reply to John Gray
Actually , it would be under the feds to subsidize . Carbon initiative . People should know that .
Douglas James
Reply to David Webb 
It doesn't matter whose doing it was...a Conservative government could have changed it but wouldn't, especially with Higgs close connection with the beneficiary.




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