Friday 11 October 2024

Higgs defends PC record in northern New Brunswick


Higgs defends PC record in northern New Brunswick

Liberals expand on community clinic promise, Greens talk improving mental health supports

Continuing his tour of campaign stops across northern New Brunswick, Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs stopped for a photo op in Bathurst.

Along with local candidate Kim Chamberlain, who is also the mayor of Bathurst, Higgs stood in front of the old Smurfit-Stone mill.

The abandoned industrial site has been an eyesore in the town for 20 years, and the PC government issued a call for demolition so it can be cleaned up.

Demolition began this week.

When asked about a claim from Liberal Leader Susan Holt that Higgs has "ignored" the francophone north, Higgs pointed to the Smurfit-Stone site as an example to the contrary.

"I think the reality is of what we're doing here in the northern regions, the projects we've invested in," Higgs said.

Blaine Higgs Blaine stood in front of the former Smurfit-Stone mill in Bathurst on Thursday, which is being demolished after 20 years. (Camera Pool)

"I think we've done this right across the province, right across the North … I just think that the reality is much different than the perception."

He reiterated his position that the north could have more representation in government by electing PC MLAs.

Higgs and his candidates also continued to raise Policy 713 as an election issue.

A statement from PC candidate Bill Hogan, education minister in the Higgs government, accused Susan Holt of having a "hidden agenda" for not including her stance on Policy 713 in her election platform.

Higgs and Hogan changed Policy 713 to make it mandatory to get parental consent before teachers can use a child's new chosen pronouns if they're under 16, even verbally, in the classroom.

Policy 713 was not formally included in Holt's platform released last week, but it's been her position for more than a year that she would implement recommendations on the issue from the province's child and youth advocate, Kelly Lamrock, if she were to form a government.

She confirmed last week when she launched her platform that is still her position.

Lamrock's report, from August 2023, found that the revised Policy 713 violated the provincial Human Rights Act, the Education Act and children's Charter rights.

He recommended that staff verbally respect all students' pronouns without need for parental consent if they're in Grade 6, or higher.

Holt promises another community care clinic

Liberal Leader Susan Holt announced another location for a proposed community care clinic, this one in Blackville, making for an even dozen communities she's promised the model for.

She has previously announced she would open 30 such clinics before 2028, if elected as premier.

There is already a health clinic in Blackville, about 50 kilometres southwest of Miramichi, but Holt said it would be expanded to a collaborative care clinic.

That model would include doctors, nurses and other health-care professionals in a small practice, aiming to keep patients without a doctor from seeking care at over-stressed hospitals, she said.

WATCH | Blackville clinic would save trips to Miramichi hospital, says Holt:

Blackville would get collaborative care clinic under Liberal government

Liberal Leader Susan Holt was in Blackville on Thursday to announce a promise to open a collaborative care clinic in that community in 2025. The Liberals say they would open at least 30 clinics across the province.

She's heard from doctors who prefer the collaborative care model, she said.

"They need that admin burden off of their plate. Doctors are spending time at fax machines and on the phone trying to deal with referrals when they could be serving patients."

The cost would fall under the $115.2 million over four years for the 30 clinics already promised, Holt said.

The leader was also asked by reporters about campaigning as a Liberal and being tied to the unpopularity of Justin Trudeau and the national Liberal Party.

She did not directly answer, but said health care was what most voters were concerned about when she goes door-knocking.

Greens would expand budget for mental health care

On Thursday morning, the Green Party announced it would increase the mental health portion of the province's health-care budget to 12 per cent.

Party Leader David Coon took the podium in Moncton to promise the increase would ensure that everyone would have access to supports such as psychotherapy under Medicare.

WATCH | Coon explains how schools factor into his mental health plan:

Greens would increase mental-health budget by $85 million if elected

Leader David Coon said the Green Party would increase New Brunswick’s budget for health-care services to 12 per cent of the overall health-care budget if elected, with some of those funds going toward supporting teachers in addressing mental-health issues in the classroom.

"This is so important because, currently what happens to too many people is ... after rehab, their trauma being untreated and mental illness being untreated puts them back in the same position they were [in] before."

Medicare only covers mental health services, including psychotherapy, offered within the public sector, such as in hospitals and via public health, confirmed Mandy McLean, executive director of the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick, in an email.

This accounts for long waitlists as providers choose to work privately, McLean's email stated. "Services by private practitioners are not covered by Medicare."

The Greens also promised to establish two new rehab centres for addiction treatment to boost the overall number of beds across the province.

Coon said there is a "menu" of priorities when talking about providing mental health services and they are equally important for youth, the seniors and those facing homelessness.

Does carbon tax cost New Brunswickers? Yes and no, says new federal report

A new report on the federal carbon tax seems likely to keep the unpopular climate policy front-and-centre in the New Brunswick election campaign.

The study by the parliamentary budget officer, an independent watchdog, says the average household in the province would get $241 more in rebates than it would pay in carbon tax in 2030-31 — bolstering the argument of the policy's supporters.

Only the wealthiest 20 per cent of households would pay more than they get back, and that difference is a mere $22, says the study.

But when the cost to the overall economy is considered — such as lost jobs and investment income — the picture changes.

That calculation shows the cost to the average New Brunswick household would be $457 more than it would receive in rebates in 2030-31.

Thursday's report, by parliamentary budget officer Yves Giroux, updates his March 2022 report that mistakenly included the separate industrial carbon price in its calculation of the impact on households.

Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux waits to appear before the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD) at the Senate in the Parliamentary Precinct of Ottawa, on Monday, June 3, 2024. Parliamentary budget officer Yves Giroux tabled a new report to parliament about the carbon tax. (Spencer Colby/The Canadian Press)

That report was seized on by both sides in the carbon tax debate: by supporters who pointed out most households come out ahead on rebates, and by opponents who noted they lost out when the cost to the overall economy was considered.

The original report also didn't calculate any impacts in New Brunswick because the province still had its own provincial carbon tax at the time. It only looked at provinces where the federal tax and rebates were in place.

Higgs scrapped the provincial model later that year, arguing that allowing the federal price and rebates to apply in New Brunswick would help people cope with inflation.

"What this does right now is provide relief," he said at the time.

But the PC leader has since reverted to his argument that the federal levy is not affordable.

The new report issued Tuesday adds specific New Brunswick estimates.

All three of the province's main political parties campaigning in the Oct. 21 election say they want to eliminate or replace the federal tax.

Higgs said he'll launch a new legal challenge to the carbon price if he's re-elected, though it's unclear what the grounds for that would be, given the Supreme Court of Canada found the tax constitutional in 2021.

Liberal Leader Susan Holt said she will try to convince the federal government to exempt New Brunswick from the federal pricing standard and let the province adopt a different model with a more "robust" price for industry.

And Green Leader David Coon says he would adopt a cap-and-trade system, similar to Quebec's, that shifts the price to industrial emitters.

Another flaw with the original 2022 parliamentary budget office report is that it didn't compare the cost of the carbon tax to other, potentially more expensive climate change policies.

Nor did it compare the tax to the cost of doing nothing, forcing governments to shoulder the costs of increasingly extreme weather attributed to a warming climate.

The new report acknowledges that limitation and says it's not endorsing a "do nothing" approach.

The parliamentary budget office "has not assessed the policy merits of carbon pricing or alternative approaches to reducing [greenhouse gas] emissions," it says.

"Providing comparative policy analysis is outside the scope of the PBO's mandate."

The election is Oct. 21.

Standings at dissolution: PCs 25, Liberals 16, Greens 3, Independent 1, vacant 4.

Where the leaders are today

Liberal Leader Susan Holt will be making a women's health announcement in Moncton.

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs has no events scheduled on Friday.

Green Leader David Coon is making a senior-care announcement in Riverview.

For complete coverage, here is a link to CBC's New Brunswick Votes 2024 stories.


Sam Farley


Sam Farley is a Fredericton-based reporter at CBC New Brunswick. Originally from Boston, he is a journalism graduate of the University of King's College in Halifax. He can be reached at

With files from Rhythm Rathi and Jacques Poitras


David Amos
"Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs has no events scheduled on Friday."

Methinks that was a bit of a Faux Pas in light of the fact he was close to Heron Bay N'esy Pas?

Federal and provincial approvals will be needed at different stages of the project.

At the municipal level, Heron Bay Mayor Norman Pelletier said the existing rock quarry has operated as a non-conforming use within Dalhousie town boundaries but an expansion can't move ahead without the area being rezoned.

Pelletier, who's also the provincial Progressive Conservative candidate in Restigouche East, has not yet decided whether to support the mine.

David Amos
The boomers who are selling their homes for big bucks can certainly afford the rent on an apartment

David Amos
Reply to David Amos
I hear even Higgy sold his house and is now living in its basement I wonder what his rent is

valmond landry

Reply to David Amos
a lot of boomers that sold their house before the pandemic didn't get big bucks sir.

David Amos
Content Deactivated

Reply to valmond landry
You should talk to my family or Higgy before you try to argue me Sir Hell my youngest brother even sold his car dealership

David Amos

Reply to valmond landry
During the so called "pandemic" I had to pay 3 grand for a puppy and he lives with me rent free

David Amos
Reply to valmond landry
Did you flag my reply because I called you Sir???
Jos Allaire
"Higgs said he'll launch a new legal challenge to the carbon price if he's re-elected, though it's unclear what the grounds for that would be, given the Supreme Court of Canada found the tax constitutional in 2021."

- So he's going to spend our 💲💰💸 on a hopeless case. These conservatives are trying to deny climate change while its effects are happening right under their noses. Two major hurricanes in a row hammering Florida. Yet its governor denies climate change.🤪 Karma❗

Jake Newman

Reply to Jos Allaire
yep and the carbon tax will fix everything, specifically those Florida hurricanes.

William Murdoch

Reply to Jake Newman
Al Gore said so - more than twenty years ago,

Loran Hayden
Reply to Jake Newman
where did anyone say it would fix everything?

William Murdoch
Reply to Jos Allaire
Yes and one of the two was reported as possibly being as bad as one in 1848 ... but it turned out not to be. You see Climate is always Changing.

David Amos
Content Deactivated

Reply to William Murdoch
I butted heads with the crook Al Gore long before he produced that dumb movie In fact if I were to call his old campaign advisor Ron Klain he would quite likely know me by my voice and style of talking

David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
Trust that you would have enjoyed my reply  

William Murdoch

Reply to David Amos
I sure did. 
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
You read it???  
Ted DiBlase 
Reply to Loran Hayden
I will fix absolutely nothing. 
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos
About your brother passing?
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
No about Mr Gore 
Steven Lyons
If a party promises to spend more it means you will get less of the fruits of your labour.

Here's the proof;

Total expenses for the federal government were $280.4 billion in the 2014-15 fiscal year.

Adjusted for inflation, that's roughly $345.5 billion in today's dollars.

Finance Minister's budget projects total expenses will be $496.9 billion in 2023-24 — a year when there's no extraordinary pandemic-related spending.

And under her current plan, the spending will move higher in the years to come. Her budget projects spending will ring in at $555.7 billion in 2027-28.

How many people are doing better today than in 2015?

How many are doing worse?

Bob Leeson
Reply to Steven Lyons
I'm doing way better compared to 2014-15, especially in income. However that means I also pay considerably more taxes since then in income tax. So I'm contributing proportionately much more to the government's revenue/income side of the equation.

That being said, it would be interesting to know how government revenue/income has also risen since 2014-15 due to people like myself, and also to the increase in population who pay taxes within the last 9 years.

Obviously it's not as simple a calculation as you might think, since your only considering the expenditure side of the equation.

MR Cain 
Reply to Steven Lyons 
No idea how one can reach that conclusion; a lot of missing factors. I do believe there is a significant increase in the wage gap; some are making great gains at the expense of those with lower wealth.  
Loran Hayden
Reply to Steven Lyons 
Let me see, I'm a sixty year old man, making a six figure salary working from my living room - back in 2015 I was a 51 year old man making half as much and working twice as hard in a cubicle after having spent nearly a decade digging clams, scalloping and going back to school....I'm quite a bit better off no thanks to Harper. 
David Amos
Reply to Steven Lyons
Well Put Sir

Financially speaking I am doing profoundly better today than in 2015 but if I told you my story you would not believe me. No offense intended nobody does

David Amos
Reply to Loran Hayden
FYI My younger brother was a fairly successful bankster. In 1995 he was about to retire and take a job in the Investment Industry when he drowned while scuba diving for scallops in the Bay of Fundy. I trust that his Ghost and that of our Father has been enjoying what I have been doing since then.  
Steven Lyons
The only way there is to be prosperity in this country is to pay off public debt and enact balance budget laws before it's too late.

Robert Brannen
Reply to Steven Lyons
Enact that law for all the provinces; then sit back and observe all the chaos that would ensue, not to mention the suffering.

Bob Leeson
Reply to Steven Lyons
Yay, we could be the first modern country without debt! Err... for what gain really? At least we're not near the debt levels as the USA and most other countries. Currently provincial and federal governments have great credit ratings without any shortage of buyers for our debt. Heck, like most Canadians, I own and profit from part of that debt too.

William Murdoch

Reply to Bob Leeson
So do you think that Canada can print money on par with The US?

Loran Hayden
Reply to Steven Lyons
your qualifications as a macroeconomics expert are...the same as Poilievre's are as an addiction expert?

Loran Hayden
Reply to William Murdoch
No money has been printed - the BoC has repeatedly corrected this disinformation.

David Amos

Reply to Steven Lyons
I wonder if anyone understood when I explained to Higgy et al back in 2013 how take care of the pensioners and rid us of the debt at the same time. I even explained it again on Rogers TV in 2018. I do declare that fixit is very important today
Rosco holt
Reply to Steven Lyons
The province could have paid the debt if the private sector paid their fair share instead of getting numerous tax cuts, subsidizes, grants and many generous gifts at taxpayers expense.  
Rich Hatfield
Ongoing cost increases are the reason why rent is going up so much, said Willie Scholten

Saya the man who owns half of Fredericton.

Feel free to set up your tent on any of his properties.

David Amos
Reply to Rich Hatfield
I doubt Willie would let me do so

Lou Bell
Reply to Rich Hatfield
Mr. Scholten is absolutely correct . Funny how most of those who deny the truth love to blame others and not just look in the mirror . Many of those apartment buildings that were sold were by owners who failed to raise rents while costs kept rising , and especially in the last few years . Now let's be honest , would you invest in a business where , as costs rise by more than 10 % a year , you're mandated to not increase the rents of your tenants ? So many love to criticize others but want no part of it themselves !

Fred Sanford
This is mostly a supply and demand issue. We have too many people chasing too few housing units. This will inevitably cause prices to go up. A rent cap is a foolish move. As Scholten says, that will just cause landlords to stop maintaining their properties.

Fred Sanford
Reply to Fred Sanford
A rent cap will also disincentize the contruction of new units making the problem even worse.

David Amos
Reply to Fred Sanford
The price of lumber is astounding and the sales tax on it adds insult to injury

Max Ruby
When property taxes keep skyrocketing for landlords and homeowners rents go up too. NB has the highest property taxes in Canada. If something isn't done huge corporations will buy up everything in this place because the people are getting taxed out!

MR Cain
Reply to Max Ruby
I don't know how the property tax is calculated, but I do know what is included differs from province to province. Aside from that, why don't people appeal it instead of just complain?

David Amos
Reply to Max Ruby

Robert Holmes
Reply to
Our Landlord pays the equivalent of one month's rent per unit per year. Roughly 12% Rent Revenue. Seems about right.

Robert Holmes
Reply to
Cranbrook, BC

Bob Smith
I'm sure that if taxes were cut as Scholten repeatedly asks for, he'd be doing interviews immediately afterwards touting all the affordable housing that will now be built. Snicker...

David Amos
Reply to Bob Smith

SarahRose Werner
"Mylène Vincent, a housing development consultant, says non-profits and governments need to step up to fund and operate affordable community housing projects." - I would suggest that in particular, governments need to step up to fund and operate public housing units, as they used to. Nowadays government seems to want to offload all too many of its responsibilities onto non-profits.

MR Cain
Reply to SarahRose Werner
I understand that Sheppard and Green both made commitments to upgrade existing public housing and build some new ones. I know the feds have been working with the municipal governments, but I have not heard of anything from the Higgs government, not even seen a tender.

Garry Mackay
Reply to
0.631933% is the tax rate for a residence in Toronto. There is no place I know of in the province that low. The NB rate is applied to the perceived unrealistic sale value of a property. It has nothing to do with the tax rate or services provided or not provided. non occupied residence are taxed at double the rate (only NB does this). That is why there are so many trailers in rural areas used as cottages because there is no permanent structure to tax.

Until the tax rate is for serviced provided it will be unfairly applied.

Tim Hortons is not a multi million dollar building nor should the regional hospital that all our taxes paid for be the highest taxed building in the province. It should be exempt because it takes income tax to pay that tax.

I could go on however I think it all falls on def ears. IMO

David Amos
Reply to Garry Mackay
I have been screaming about such things in 8 elections and nobody has heard me yet

Hugh MacDonald
"Rising costs to blame, landlords say"

And no doubt they want a bigger return on their investments.

David Amos
Reply to Hugh MacDonald
They have a point about taxation

SarahRose Werner
Reply to Hugh MacDonald
One thing that we're seeing now is that new investors buy rental properties and expect the rents they collect to cover not only the interest portion of their mortgage payments but also the principal portion.

Max Ruby
Reply to
And the exhorbitant property taxes, I think landlords pay double.

MR Cain
Reply to
Interesting read citing myths.

Vel Oakes
Reply to
And, they want that mortgage fully paid in just a few years rather than over the full 25 year term of the mortgage. Investing in property requires people to take a longer term view; too many can't see beyond the current year.

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