Thursday 10 October 2024

Holt says she 'feels bad' about her Bathurst education comment


The Writ Podcast - Ep. #135: B.C., New Brunswick and Saskatchewan election updates

Éric Grenier 
Oct 10, 2024 
 The Writ Podcast There are less than two weeks to go in the B.C. and New Brunswick provincial elections, while Saskatchewan’s campaign officially got underway. We’ll know who has won these three contests by the end of the month, but for now all three might be too close to call. 
Back to provide some updates from the campaign trails on this episode of The Writ Podcast (and a day early!) are Richard Zussman, Global News legislative reporter in B.C., Jacques Poitras, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick, and Adam Hunter, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Saskatchewan. 


Methinks many agree that Little Susie could lose in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?


Holt says she 'feels bad' about her Bathurst education comment

Greens release full platform, PCs make no new announcements

Liberal Leader Susan Holt said she felt bad for how comments she made about her former Bathurst-area riding were perceived.

"Yeah, I feel really bad about that because I love Bathurst, and Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore, and they've been exceptionally generous to me and my family," Holt said while campaigning Wednesday in Fredericton, where she is now  candidate in Fredericton South-Silverwood.

Earlier this year on a podcast, Holt said people in the Bathurst area, where she ran after becoming Liberal leader,  were "totally different" from the "highly educated" residents where she lives in Fredericton.

Kim Chamberlain, running for the PCs in Bathurst in the Oct. 21 election, condemned Holt's words in a PC campaign ad that came out this week.

"I feel bad that my comments were taken in a way as to be perceived as an insult," Holt said, adding that it was unfortunate that Chamberlain "has chosen to go this route with her campaign."

Susan Holt Holt is running in the riding of Fredericton South-Silverwood in this election. (Election Camera)

When asked about the PCs campaigning in the north this week, Holt said that Higgs "has ignored the north of this province, has called francophones lampshades."

Her comment referred to comments made by Higgs after the 2020 election, when dismissed his poor showing in the north and among francophones by saying they didn't have a history of voting PC, and that a "lampshade" could be elected as a Liberal in those regions.

"I think it's a little too late for him to come now and say he's interested in their votes and he's interested in investing in them if they vote for his candidates," Holt said. 

WATCH | 'Whether we form government or end up on the opposition benches, we will work hard,' Coon says:

Greens unveil platform with focus on health care

Green Party Leader David Coon was in Fredericton to unveil his party’s platform.

Higgs did not make any announcements on Wednesday, but campaigned in Edmundston and visited a paper company.

Green Leader David Coon released his party's full platform Wednesday, 45-page document that includes no costing.

He is facing new scrutiny over his election commitments, particularly his inability to put a price tag on some of them and his willingness to run what he calls "short-term" budget deficits.

How many political promises are usually kept?

That's a question that Gabriel Arsenault, an associate professor of political science at Université de Moncton, has tried to answer.

For Blaine Higgs's two terms as premier, Arsenault kept what's called a "polimeter," a website that tracks every promise made during an election and how many were kept.

And he will do it again following this election. Arsenault only counts promises officially made in a party platform or press release, he said, in an interview with Information Morning Moncton.

"So, 'I promise to improve the health-care system,' that's too vague, there's no way for us to determine whether it's been fulfilled or not. So we don't count that as a pledge," said Arsenault.

Gabriel Arsenault Gabriel Arsenault, a political science professor at the Université de Moncton, created a website to track how many promises are kept by the party that wins the election. (Michele Brideau/Radio-Canada)

Across elections, Arsenault said the Higgs government has been unique in how few concrete promises have been made. The campaign made 34 in the 2020 election and only five so far this time, he said.

While the PCs have only made one big promise — the HST cut — Higgs has made a few other small ones, such as not opening any more safe-injection sites.

"It's very exceptional to see so few promises in an election," Arsenault said.

By his tracking, the Higgs government has fulfilled about 70 per cent of its promises, Arsenault said, but added most promises this time around have been "trivial," except for the promise to cut the HST.

"The Liberals are definitely making bolder promises, that's for sure. In their platform, I'm counting at least 10 big pledges," Arsenault said.

"If Holt wins the next election, the polimeter will be more relevant, I would say."

The Greens have also made some big promises.

"What's different about the Greens, I'm finding, that they make more localized pledges. So they'll have a pledge about the ferry in Campobello, very precise, [and] the Shippagan bridge," Arsenault said.

"They're a very localized, very decentralized party, and it shows in the way they make promises."

Arsenault said that determining if a promise is kept "is not an exact science."

"Suppose you did 10 per cent of your pledge. Is that partially fulfilled or unfulfilled? It's a matter of judgment," he said.

Campus voting at N.B. schools next week

Elections N.B. is organizing polling stations at two New Brunswick universities next week.

Students, faculty and staff will be able to vote at UNB Fredericton's student union building, and at Sackville's Mount Allison University's student centre in Tweedie Hall, Oct. 15-18, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

Students will need an ID and proof of residency in New Brunswick for at least 40 days, including a signed lease or residency form from their university. 

WATCH | Voting in New Brunswick explained:

Unsure about the voting process in N.B? Here’s what you need to know

Who’s eligible to vote? How do you find out what riding you’re in? Can you vote if you’re just studying in New Brunswick? We answer your questions ahead of the upcoming provincial election.

Students can choose to vote in the riding where they attend school or in their home riding if they are from another part of the province.

"Most students don't realize [they can vote] if they've come from out of province, and that's something we've been working with Elections N.B. on to get the messaging out," said UNB student union president Drashtant Varma, in an interview with CBC's Radio Shift.

He said Liberal and Green candidates have come to campus this week to meet with students and answer questions, which has spurred more interest in voting.

"A lot of students asked, 'Can I vote here?' And we would tell them yeah you absolutely can, here's what you need and these are the times you can vote."

Mount Allison also hosted a debate for local candidates, said Lucy Rae, student union vice-president.

"I do think students are engaged. I really think having an on-campus polling station will really help get students engaged," Rae said, adding that students were most interested in affordability and housing issues.

Where the leaders are today

Liberal Leader Susan Holt  is making a health-care announcement in Blackville.

PC Leader Blaine Higgs is campaigning in Bathurst.

Green Leader David Coon is making a mental health care announcement in Moncton.

For complete coverage, here is a link to CBC's New Brunswick Votes 2024 stories.


Sam Farley


Sam Farley is a Fredericton-based reporter at CBC New Brunswick. Originally from Boston, he is a journalism graduate of the University of King's College in Halifax. He can be reached at

With files from Shift and Information Morning Moncton

David Amos
Whereas Higgy is campaigning in Bathurst today I can't help but wonder if Mr Outhouse is reading our comments 


David Amos

"Yeah, I feel really bad about that"

Methinks its because she could lose in Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore and a few other ridings as well N'esy Pas? 

David Amos

FYI Higgy's blogger buddy announced who he voted for and predicted the election result as well 
David Amos

Methinks the lady may wish she stayed in Bathurst if Higgy's former Deputy Minister of Strategic Initiatives and Communication embarrasses her in her hometown just like the Green Leader did in 2018 N'esy Pas?
David Amos

In 2018 before the writ was dropped I attended a "Meet the Candidates" forum for the Fredericton area and was permitted to ask each of them one question.

Holt answered me honestly. Guess who did not.

David Amos

Where the leaders are today

PC Leader Blaine Higgs is campaigning in Bathurst.

Mr Outhouse is a clever dude he knows where to strike while the iron is hot

Art McCarthy  
Reply to David Amos
Mr Outhouse; our tax dollars well-spent. <<eyeroll>> 
David Amos

Reply to Art McCarthy 
No doubt you agree that the PC Party should be paying his fees not us 
David Amos

Methinks Mr Outhouse enjoyed his visit to Badhurst today N'esy Pas?  
William Murdoch 
"Badhurst" ?

More like Six Roads !

David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch 
Methinks lots of members of peoplekind who camp around Tracadie laugh at my chiac N'esy Pas?
William Murdoch 
This conversation about how Norderners" are claiming that they have been slighted ... I'll say.

You only need find directions to those great big stone buildings.

David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
Dianne MacPherson 
WHEN will the list of Candidates and their

Ridings be Posted ??

valmond landry 
Reply to Dianne MacPherson 
after the election whoop's  
Allan Marven
Reply to Dianne MacPherson
Allan Marven
Reply to Allan Marven
or just click on it. 
David Amos 
Reply to Dianne MacPherson 
This is Higgy's riding
PED 28 - Quispamsis

Name Party

Blaine Higgs Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick

Aaron Kennedy Liberal Party of New Brunswick

Alex White New Brunswick New Democratic Party

Andrew Conradi Parti Vert N.B. Green Party

David Raymond Amos Independent

David Amos
Reply to Dianne MacPherson  
Obviously two of us tried to enlighten you
MR Cain 
For those voters who may have mobility issues and choose to use the mail system, it will cost $2.50 for a stamp. Unfortunate, but those in this situation are probably also of low income and every dollar counts.
Allan Marven 
Reply to MR Cain 
We have lost our polling station with the new ridings/amalgamation. I love progress. It is now a 30 km trip to vote. Are shuttles available?
William Murdoch 
Reply to Allan Marven  
Just jump on one of The NDP Leader's Bullet Trains. 
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch 
I am too old to wait such a thing and I can't jump anymore 
valmond landry
i feel the same way about higgs even if he doesn't come out with a similar statement the way he's treating the north eastern part of the province hurt's more than whatever mrs holt apparently said .  
David Amos
Reply to valmond landry 
How did the folks down here fare any better?
Dan Lee
12 mlas leaving cant all be wrong.........this premier doesnt play well with others........ 
Lou Bell
Reply to Dan Lee
Actually , ye better count all those MLA's who left after losing to Higgs during the last 2 elections . In fact , things are so bad for the Liberals that they have several running for them who were resoundingly defeated , including their current leader and some who ran for other parties . Pretty bad when they haven't enough Liberals to run for them and need Greens and NDP to fill their candidate list ! 
Allan Marven
Reply to Dan Lee
True enough. But it's amazing how some politicians can't just leave a sinking ship alone. 
Shawn Hickey  
Reply to Dan Lee
Higgs isn't throwing money around 
Dan Lee
Reply to Lou Bell
hehehhe yup.......some good for Higgs......he had to go et Alberta to boost his image.....hehhaha 
David Amos
Reply to Dan Lee
He never did 
Dan Lee 
it takes a good woman to admit her mistakes.........too bad we dont have a premier like that........ 
William Murdoch 
Reply to Dan Lee
Who is your "we" this time?
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch 
It ain't me
Lou Bell
Lou Bell

Reply to Lou Bell
Loran Hayden
Reply to Lou Bell
And the Liberal government is not stifling resource development. We have laws passed by Parliament, not a party, in Canada. 
valmond landry 
Reply to Loran Hayden
all depend on what his master tells him .
Lou Bell  
Reply to Loran Hayden 
They certainly are . They've added several stopgaps that have stifled resource development here in NB and the same resource companies , many Canadian have stated such , and gone elsewhere where they've been fully welcomed . Trudeau and his buddy Dom LeBlanc meanwhile , have welcomed development in Quebec .  
David Amos
Reply to Lou Bell 
Why lament about such things? Those dudes don't run in provincial elections
Lou Bell
AS fast as Ms. Holt is digging her hole to obscurity , she'll be in China by election day 
William Murdoch 
Reply to Lou Bell
Actually if she digs straight through she will end up somewhere in The Indian Ocean. True Story. 
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch 
Sounds about right but what does that have to do with price of tea in China while our PM is there protecting our interests?
William Murdoch 
Reply to David Amos
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch 
Bingo However when Trudeau wants a cuppa, it’s apparently not tea he wants 
Gary Webber
Reading the conservative comments on here makes me wonder, have they been asleep for the last 6 years or just oblivious to everything Higgs has said degrading to the people of Northern New Brunswick? 
Errol Willis 
Reply to Gary Webber
Specific to this article, what did he say that was degrading? No problem calling him out for those types of things, if they are accurate. 
valmond landry
Reply to Errol Willis 
doesn't have to say anything pretty obvious that he's not in love with the north eastern part of the province 
David Amos
Reply to Gary Webber
Higgy's fans are wide awake today
Loran Hayden 
Her "basket of deplor..." moment. It sank Clinton.  
William Murdoch 
Reply to Loran Hayden 
Sure did. Great thinking on your part. Very relevant according me
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch  
Not really Clinton said it about people who would never vote for her Little Susie said it about folks who did
William Murdoch 
Reply to David Amos
Yes I stand corrected.
Chantal LeBouthi  
Why anyone trying to become premier like holt would say such things about northern people when she never lived there in her life it’s really rude to all in northern NB
David Amos
Reply to Chantal LeBouthi 
Particularly when she said it about folks who elected her 
james bolt  
You have to be careful when you say stuff. 
David Amos
Reply to james bolt 
and write it  
Dan Lee  
Reply to james bolt 
esp like Higgs laughing at dead liberal joke..........  
David Amos
Reply to Dan Lee 
Were you related? 
Rich Hatfield 
The Liberal playbook is they make four promises and keep one. 
Jack Bell 
Reply to Rich Hatfield 
Typo there, you misspelled "none"
David Amos
Reply to Rich Hatfield   
You are being too liberal Its more like ten to one 
Ted DiBlase 
Reply to Rich Hatfield
That`s good for them. 
Ralph Skavinsky
So the truth comes out about how she truly feels..interesting!!  
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky  
Veritas Vincit  
Jack Bell
"Liberal Leader Susan Holt said she felt bad for how comments she made about her former Bathurst-area riding were perceived."

Let me run that through my Politician to English translator:

"Liberal Leader Susan Holt said she does not like being called out for how you felt about what she said"

David Amos
Reply to Jack Bell

Matt Steele
Seems like this comment issue has been blown out of proportion as what Susan Holt said is true . Fredericton is a government and university town , so of course their education levels would be higher . Fredericton and Bathurst are two very different communities with different needs and cultures . Unfortunately , Susan Holt played the " Woke " card , and made a big issue out of every slip of the tongue , or off handed comment that Blaine Higgs might have made , and now it has come back to haunt her . As the old saying goes , those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones .  
David Amos
Reply to Matt Steele 
Imagine me agreeing with you  
Errol Willis
Reply to Matt Steele   
I think the "whataboutism" comment she made about lampshades (which in actuality, was a lie) was far more damaging to her persona than the education statement.  
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Matt Steele 
Sums up my thoughts..thank you ! 
Daniel White
Reply to Errol Willis
You are wrong sir. but i won't deceive anyone and go to your level. Look it up, 2020 Jacques Poitras" "Higgs stands by his lampshade comment". Facts are the darndest things to hide, when people want to spin their own narrative. 
Errol Willis
Reply to Daniel White
Higgs said "you could run a lampshade" in those ridings "and you'd get a Liberal."

That is not calling all Francophones a lampshade.

Is comprehension really that much of an issue for people?

Daniel White
Reply to Errol Willis
Never mind the twist. He is talking about the people voting for a lampshade. That comment is whole lot of slight to the people up here who cast a ballot. No respect for anyone else's decision. The rest of the province is finally realizing what Mr Higgs is about. Something the north has known for a long time now. He will never gain any traction up north, with naive people following him. We're to smart for that. 
Chantal LeBouthi 
Wow holt can’t believe you said something so condescending to the northern people 
David Amos
Reply to Chantal LeBouthi 
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Archie MacDaniel 

Blaine Higgs COR platform:

NB will have one official language.....ENGLISH

David Amos
Reply to Archie MacDaniel 
So you say 
Eileen Kinley 
... "Suppose you did 10 per cent of your pledge. Is that partially fulfilled or unfulfilled? It's a matter of judgment," he said.

Or suppose you did 80-90 percent :) And, how ambitious was the pledge? and what was its timeframe? We need politicians to be putting in policies for long term results, not just results in the 4 year election cycle.

David Amos
Reply to Eileen Kinley
Michel Pelletier 
the fact she reconnizes that her comment might taken badly, which is not, She et my vote.
David Amos
Reply to Michel Pelletier  
Why is it I am not surprised? 
valmond landry
Reply to Michel Pelletier
She's also getting our vote .
Jack Bell 
Reply to Michel Pelletier
...does that forgiveness extend to politicians not affiliated with the liberals, or do the blinders come off for them? 
David Amos
Reply to Jack Bell
FYI I don't wear blinders or masks 
Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to Michel Pelletier  
Just had a thought that maybe she showed the same brain power while advising Brian Gallant. I now fully understand why the Gallant government was the worse we've ever had....Bingo!
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky 
High Time 
Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to valmond landry
Is that brand new revelation?like a "wow" moment just hit you? 
Michel Pelletier 
What she said is true, money is flowing from Northern region to other region. But I have to say after living in Northern NB for most of working days, Edmundston, Campbelton, and Bathurst. Having been in business for 26 years and 10 has a staff pharmacist. I would say the level of education is higher in northern NB than others. People in the north adapt much better than what people said, they work harder and do everything with noting. I very proud of my Northern friends. 
David Amos
Reply to Michel Pelletier  
You confuse me 
Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to Michel Pelletier  
Whatever are you trying yo address? Certainly not her comment. 
Gregory Wulf
Holt shouldn't feel bad about speaking her truth. Her constituency should feel bad for not recognizing her truth sooner.  
David Amos
Reply to Gregory Wulf
Surely you jest  
Gregory Wulf
Reply to David Amos
I do jest... forgot to type in the "/s"  
Kate LeBlanc 
That says so much more about Chamberlain than Holt and frankly I understand Holts comparison and find it a valid one. Chamberlain like most Conservatives only know one way to "win", and it is generally in a negative way.
David Amos
Reply to Kate LeBlanc  
Oh My My  
Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
You are obviously new to this political will learn that NONE of them are always what we desire. 
Steph Roche  
holt may be voicing her honest opinion.

that is not wrong.

people will judge her based on her policies and her comments

need to compare this to the blatantly untrue comments and disinformation put forward by conservatives.

Steve Morningstar 
Reply to Steph Roche
I think you are picking the wrong party on the untrue comments. Her people waiting for a doctor numbers are completely fictitious and taken from a POLL of only 5k people. Even in that report it states there are massive difference between health regions in the province but she didn't even flush that out just took the blanket number and multiplied by the % because it fits her narrative. Her financial numbers are also off by about a billion because she added 2% extra into her forecast by counting the 2% HST cut twice so no more balanced budgets. Most of her 'major' announcements have no way of coming true because there are no doctors or nurses and I don't think she can bring them here if she is going to tax them into the ground. Or do you not think Doctors are in the 'higher income' bracket. 
David Amos

Reply to Steve Morningstar 
Interesting statement as I wait for my Doctor to call me today in order to confer with me about my tired old heart 

Ralph Skavinsky 
Reply to Steph Roche
Such as...waiting with baited breath for that info.. 

Steph Roche 
today is rich in the reporting of conservative competitors caught making foolish comments.

i wonder whether Rustad in the west and Holt are getting advice from Frod in Ontario and DS in ALTA?

David Amos

Reply to Steph Roche  
What a difference a day makes EH?  
Chris Merriam
"Liberal Leader Susan Holt said she felt bad for how comments she made about her former Bathurst-area riding were perceived." So the headline is wrong then....she feels bad about the perception...not the comment. 
David Amos
Reply to Chris Merriam
Apparently so 
Steph Roche
Reply to Chris Merriam
hold her accountable for her position on the issue

at least she is not trying to back pedal like Dough Ford, DS, Rustad, Moe

David Amos
Reply to Steph Roche
Need I say that I enjoyed your response? 
Jack Bell
Reply to Chris Merriam
"I feel bad that my comments were taken in a way as to be perceived as an insult,"

The politician equivalent of saying "sucks to suck"

David Amos
Reply to Jack Bell

Geordan Mann 
Don't hold your breath waiting for these so called leaders from either of the two main parties, whether regional or provincial, to demonstrate values, ethics or even "class" during normal discourse. In an election, forget it. 
David Amos
Reply to Geordan Mann 
The same can be said of all the party leaders  
Koffi Babone
I got a question for all those in favor of a single health network...

What say you about the story below? 
David Amos

Reply to Koffi Babone   
Why did the government deny my right to Health Care for so many years?  
Jack Bell
Reply to Koffi Babone  
The money saved by switching to single health authority would allow us to hire more doctors, which means in NB (an actual bilingual province) she would get excellent care in a more timely fashion. 
David Amos
Reply to Jack Bell 
Dream on 

Errol Willis
Holt says she feels bad about how her comments were received. I believe she is sincere in that feeling.

But then she loses all empathy by saying Higgs "has ignored the north of this province, has called francophones lampshades." He clearly did not say that.

Just like people pounced on her for reading too much into a comment, she then does the same to try and score a couple of small political points. Just like a childish game of yeah I said that but did you hear what HE said?

David Amos
Reply to Errol Willis
Well put 
MR Cain
Reply to Errol Willis
Errol Willis 
Reply to MR Cain  
You know very well that is not accurate. Even the article quotes Higgs as saying "you could run a lampshade" in those ridings "and you'd get a Liberal."

Very different than Holt implying that "Higgs called Francophones lampshades".

I suspect you will read between the lines to justify your own beliefs and conformation biases, but he very clearly sis not call francophones lampshades.

David Amos
Reply to Errol Willis
Well put again
MR Cain
Reply to Errol Willis
It is the same spin regarding different educational experiences. No need to read between the lines with the damage caused by this COR premier. 

Errol Willis 
Reply to MR Cain 
I don't disagree on the spin - people inferred from her statement something I believe she did not mean. I do believe that.

But then she blatantly said something categorically false in an effort to put some heat on an opponent. She should have just clarified, apologized, or whatever she wanted to do and moved on. The lie she told about Higgs made her look small.

If you remove your partisan lens, you will acknowledge that.

MR Cain
Reply to Errol Willis
Ditto. Nothing partisan about calling out the COR premier.  
David Amos

Reply to Errol Willis
There is some very serious partisan spinning in here today  
Jack Bell 
Reply to MR Cain  
At least he wasn't pretending to be something he wasn't, he didn't hide the fact he was COR, Holt sure did try to hide what kind of person she really is.
Jack Bell 
Reply to MR Cain  
Also, I find it really funny that you got called out for posting a link that doesn't support your assertion, then doubled down by deflecting to the old.. so, what Higgs was COR.   
Chuck Gendron 
Just goes to show, when you vote for a colour and not people and ideas. 
David Amos
Reply to Chuck Gendron
Yup How many votes do you think I will get this time? 
danny rugg 
Reply to David Amos
David Amos
Reply to danny rugg   
I am impressed that you would vote for me 
David Amos
Reply to danny rugg
How many votes do ya think the NDP leader will get? 
David Amos
Reply to David Amos 
PED 28 - Quispamsis

Name Party

Blaine Higgs Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick

Aaron Kennedy Liberal Party of New Brunswick

Alex White New Brunswick New Democratic Party

Andrew Conradi Parti Vert N.B. Green Party

David Raymond Amos Independent

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