Wednesday 2 October 2024

When Convid started Dana Baby started to do a story and it is ongoing


---------- Original message ---------
From: Drouin, Nathalie G <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: David Amos <>

Good day,

Please note that I am currently away from the office until Thursday, October 3, 2024, with limited access to my email.

For any assistance, please contact my office at (613) 957-5056.

Thank you



Veuillez noter que je suis présentement absente du bureau et ce jusqu'au jeudi 3 octobre 2024 avec un accès limité à mes courriels.

Pour toute assistance, veuillez communiquer avec mon bureau au (613) 957-5056.


---------- Original message ---------
From: Chrystia Freeland <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: David Amos <>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.

Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.

---------- Original message ---------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.


Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.


---------- Original message ---------
From: Office of the Premier <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <>

This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office of the Premier.

We appreciate the time you have taken to write.

NOTICE:  This e-mail was intended for a specific person.  If it has reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return e-mail.  Any privilege associated with this information is not waived.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie. Merci de votre cooperation.


---------- Original message ---------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.

We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.


---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: <>, <>, pm <>, <>, newsroom <>, <>, Jacques.Poitras <>, blaine.higgs <>, premier <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, pierre.poilievre <>, Jason Lavigne <>, jagmeet.singh <>, rob.moore <>, Bill.Hogan <>, <>, sherry.wilson <>, sheilagunnreid <>, Katie.Telford <>, pat.morris <>
Cc: mcu <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <>, Michael.Duheme <>

When Convid started, I started to do a story. That story is ongoing. Many videos to be uploaded!

Jan 18, 2023  
This video took place in ‎March, ‎2021 and produced in July. 
At the beginning of Convid, I could not stand the hypocrisy that was displayed from SPS Saskatoon Police Service ‪@SaskatoonPolice‬ 
So I went to their headquarters and was writing a story, doing some B-roll. 
This is only ONE of many interactions. I sent to their internal investigators with zero response or apologies. 
Because of what is happening today Jan 2023 I will be uploading several others in the near future. It shows many problems like this across the country. I am not a professional filmmaker. I have some equipment that is also not professional, but get the job done. 
The next video that I release will be the first time my Rights and Freedoms would be taken by the RCMP. 
Then comes Ottawa. I have yet to release over 45 hours from my headcams. 
What has come of our country this is even necessary? 
Do you see me scared of these fellas? That is why they do not like me. 
This also happens when confronted by others that have things to hide. 
In 2021 after already suffering many personal tragedies in the years prior and seeing my country rapidly changing, Courage came over me to start doing a story. It is a story you may not care for, or want to hear. It is a story founded years earlier in fighting for Rights and Freedoms. It is a story on trying to use the systems in place to address issues of national interest. It is a story on finding out every one of those systems has systemic corruption. 
This story comes with supporting documents all the way through. Trying to hold those systems to the current written words they are to follow. 
This story has fallen on deaf ears, because maybe, I am not the one to tell it. By getting out there this year and finding out there are so many more that are seeing the corruption and feeling it first hand, at first I thought it was a distraction. But, I knew we had to be out there as much as possible to let others see, we have no fear. 
As this progressed and a new thing started to happen in Canada and around the world because of the actions of the few. 
New stories and players had emerged. New tactics to demonize Canadians before one voice is heard. 
New media started to emerge. 
MSM started to go blind, on purpose? 
New good Canadians started to stand up. As their voices got louder, targets and countermeasures were used to silence. And new bad players entered the scene. 
After I go to Ottawa next week I hope to be able to stay the 25 days stood in 2022. Then I am coming home to put it all together this year. If you know anyone in Ottawa that could help me with a place to stay from Jan 26th to Feb 20th It would be muchly appreciated. 
Please email


No photo description available.

Dana-lee Melfi 



Pinned post

25 days standing only in peace.
Thousands supporting to my face and millions online from around the world. Zero government officials asking to hear my grievances and ignoring my many requests to be heard.
Please Share!
You know, I have always shown respect to everyone in my family and beyond, and love despite differences. What makes you think I am doing any different now?
Why do you think I am deeply affected mentally and physically now when logic and compassion is gone in communication? 😞
Billions of People around the world with Canadians feel the lines have been crossed on many levels of governments throughout. We have been peaceful the entire time. What you watch on CBC and CTV, Global is not reflective of the truth. They play the victim after bringing it upon themselves.
Through peace we have exposed and will beat them!
PEACE-MAN ✌️❤️🇨🇦🌎
If anyone feels alone, reach out, ask questions. If you feel it's gone to far and want change, reach out!
Hugs, Peace and Love ✌️😎❤️🇨🇦
Black and white photos taken by Luc Cherubino to prove these charges are false!
PEACE-MAN ✌️❤️🇨🇦🌎
For you to understand this next stage, it is important to remember that most of the documents used in this stage are protected at this point. But, it is happening on several fronts.
Like the case from Canadian Constitution Foundation on the use of powers.
Like the cases from The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms.
"OK here is some BIG news I have been waiting to tell you!
Media statement by JCCF. UPDATE: JCCF lied to me and broke their end of the contract just before my trial. Scoundrels, period!
I want to thank the JCCF for having the faith to stand up for people in these uncertain times.
✓ Freedom of Religion and Conscience
✓ Freedom of Expression and Opinion
✓ Freedom of Thought and Belief
✓ Freedom of the Press
✓ Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
✓ Freedom of Association
✓ Equality Before and Under the Law
I honestly cannot believe we have to fight for these freedoms in Canada today.
And if you don't think you don't.......
You have not been paying attention!
What happens on the 18th will be very interesting!
PLEASE SHARE! Please give a like to show the LOVE!
Show JCCF some love in the comments! for updates!
UPDATE: JCCF has canceled their support saying "we can not afford to pay private lawyers". November 7th 2023 and my trial is on Jan 22-26th 2024. They only ever paid 3k to my lawyer even after fundraising with my name for almost two years and a 7 page retainer as they knew the estimate of 25k. There has been no update to the public on my support and as of today Jan 1st 2024 and still have their add for fundraising up in their press release saying they support me.
As per Dana-lee Melfi, His engagement with the government started some time ago.
From ATIP requests to PIDC investigations and the process within.
There is a story you must hear one day about how he obtained his current lawyer. When the time is right you will find out much about Dana-lee Melfi aka Peace-Man.
We may also have legal precedent that they set. I, Dana-lee Melfi stood in total peace for a reason. There is overwhelming evidence showing my actions. Not from me, but from so many live streamers, Canadian Press and international publications and normal Canadians that were there in support sending me material. Not to mention, hours of video from Peace-Man's head cam still unpublished. Peace-Man has never been convicted of breaking a law, and is a government employee. We proved that it did not matter if anyone was in total protected peaceful assembly, we would still be met by illegal acts and violence. More than one political party was in on it and now all of them are exposed and will pay consequences. That includes the Mayor of Ottawa, the Police forces involved, anyone within Parliament and anyone that was associated with the operation against peaceful assembly.
"Just because they have laid charges on me does not mean I cannot proceed to lay charges on them. Believe it in your heart, my friend. There are a lot of smart people in Canada working on this. They will need our help in the future and we will join up again."
The Peace-Man
Their notice is on it's way!
Please join me at the Ottawa Courthouse on Jan 22-25th 2024
Come stand in peace for me? ✌😁🇨🇦
"Selective Law" has now been proven in Ottawa by Peace-Man....
Everything done in this case is to mislead. Seriously, they are spending tens of thousands persecuting a man that stood in peace, with taxpayer money.
"Maybe if I was naked the police would look the other way? If Selective Law Enforcement have let this happen in our streets, how about within government?"
Please consider sharing and liking to show support of this message.
UPDATE 2/16/2024
Is following truth and personal experience "breaking each other down" if calling out bad behavior?
Or just let it go on in the name of unity?
For about 6 months it was all in to help each other, then it became commercialized and personalised. If you did not agree, ya had better keep it to yourself. What most do not understand is the hidden agendas to use social fearing if someone did ask true but unwelcomed questions. That is how we got here. "Look the other way" has not only penetrated our government, it has penetrated the citizens.
The massive worldwide deception had plans to break apart any citizen led movement. They use many tactics and people to carry this plan out. By not recognizing these patterns it has been allowed to become successful.
I got all your sixes with a view people will be astonished in finding out. About our Government and those that wish to deceive.
It has never been about "me" as others like to say and use to control and confuse. It has always been about the protection of person and country ✌😁🇨🇦
Soon I will have to go under oath and show the undeniable proof of many aspects of this. I have no fear on being investigated in any way. But some sure do and are ramping up efforts to distract and misdirect. Many know are starting to see and understand the deception, I have never been alone. Whether you believe it or not I have honesty and integrity.
I never inserted myself anywhere and was asked into these personal experiences. What I have seen will shock you.

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 6:18 PM
Subject: The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: <>, <>, pm <>, <>
Cc: mcu <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <>, Michael.Duheme <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Minister of Public Safety / Ministre de la Sécurité publique
(PS/SP)" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 16:17:02 +0000
Subject: Response from Public Safety Canada - LEB-001083 / Réponse de
Sécurité Publique Canada - LEB-001083
To: "" <>

Unclassified | Non classifié

Dear David Amos,

This is in response to your correspondence dated July 24, 2019,
addressed to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of
Canada, concerning the New Brunswick Police Commission.

We regret to inform you that after examining your correspondence, it
has been determined that the subject matter which you raise does not
fall under the purview of our department and portfolio agencies. This
can be brought to the attention of the Saint John, New Brunswick
Police Commission.

Consequently, no response will be provided.

Thank you for taking the time to write.

Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada

Unclassified | Non classifié

Saturday 20 January 2024

Peace-Man returns to Ottawa

Was it all just a setup?


Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies


Take A Stand

213 subscribers
Jan 6, 2024 #takeastand
 If I could have 13 minutes of your time please.
We are ALL in this together!
No matter your label, this is not a Canada thing, It's a humanity thing.
Please share if you approve of this message.
No matter, I would love to hear what you have to say.
Especially if you are a Government official that has answers.
If the Courts, the Police agencies, CSIS and the Government have not
done their due diligence, (I can prove it) how can they find a man
standing in peace, promoting peace, guilty of a crime? Is this the
Canada you want? This is also a kind of an "ACCEPTABLE" docu-series
preview and was made in a hurry to bring awareness in the short time
to my trial.
I am not a professional videographer nor do I have all the tools for
how it should be shown.
None of the "Alternative media" is covering it or will cover it, nor will MSM.
Want to ask yourself why?
The subject matter is why! The hidden control is why!
Where has the logic gone?
A decade or more of documentation is what you may have not seen on why
I stood in protest. A methodical plan of sabotage made sure you have
#takeastand #Holdourgovernmentsaccoutable


Perhaps we should talk before you go to court on Monday I already talked to your lawyer and was not impressed
Please call on Messenger at any time. I am in the city on HS now.

@dana-lee6227 My computer does not have a mike or camera But feel free to call my cell Its in the email I am about to send you
Just so this statement is recorded "I do believe it is because of you David that no Judge was available for two days and then everything withdrawn". I know this because you showed your communications as you always have. Thank you sir.

Saturday 19 February 2022

Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland defending her liberal
democracy byway of her bankster buddies

---------- Original message ----------
From: "St-Onge, Pascale - Députée" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:05:01 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique : I trust that Higgy, Trudeau, Mendicino,
Blanchet, Singh and Andy Baby Fillmore know why I enjoyed what the ex
RCMP dude Rob Morrison just said in Paraiment
To: David Amos <>


Au nom de la députée de Brome—Missisquoi, nous souhaitons accuser la
réception de votre correspondance. Soyez assuré que vos commentaires
ont été soigneusement examinés et qu'un retour s’effectuera dans les
meilleurs délais.

Si votre correspondance concerne un commentaire ou une suggestion,
soyez assuré que votre courriel sera acheminé à la députée, ainsi qu’à
son équipe, qui en prendront connaissance, et le partageront aux
instances gouvernementales concernées, le cas échéant.


L’équipe de circonscription



On behalf of the Member of Parliament for Brome—Missisquoi, we wish to
acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Please be assured that
your comments have been carefully considered and that a return will be
made as soon as possible.

If your correspondence concerns a comment or a suggestion, please be
assured that your email will be forwarded to the Member of Parliament
and her team, who will take note of it and share it with the
government authorities concerned, if necessary.


The constituency team

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hardie, Ken - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:05:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I trust that Higgy, Trudeau, Mendicino,
Blanchet, Singh and Andy Baby Fillmore know why I enjoyed what the ex
RCMP dude Rob Morrison just said in Paraiment
To: David Amos <>


Thank you for contacting the office of Ken Hardie, Member of
Parliament for Fleetwood-Port Kells.

This automated response is to assure you that we have received your

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining safety protocols and
seating capacity, the constituency office is closed to walk-ins
however, the team remains available to help you with your federal
inquiries, you can contact us at 604.501.5900 or if you prefer meeting
in person, we can schedule an appointment for you to visit our office
as such.

While every effort will be made by our team members to reply to your
queries and correspondence in a timely fashion, and we will be in
contact with you as soon as possible.  To help us to accelerate the
process, please be certain to include your full name, home address,
including postal code and phone number in your correspondence to our

If you require help with an issue and you reside outside of our
Fleetwood – Port Kells federal riding, please contact your local
Member of Parliament for assistance. If you are not certain who your
MP is, please visit Election Canada

Thank you again for contacting our office.

Ken Hardie

Member of Parliament

Fleetwood-Port Kells

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Murray, Joyce - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:05:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I trust that Higgy, Trudeau, Mendicino,
Blanchet, Singh and Andy Baby Fillmore know why I enjoyed what the ex
RCMP dude Rob Morrison just said in Paraiment
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for contacting the office of MP Joyce Murray. This message
is to acknowledge receiving your communication, and that Ms. Murray
will respond as soon as possible.

Due to the high volume of correspondence, please note that Ms.
Murray’s priority is to answer mail received from residents of
Vancouver Quadra.

If you are a constituent of Vancouver Quadra please provide your
postal code and phone number, as she often responds by personal phone
call, workload permitting.  If you are not sure who your Member of
Parliament is, you can find out by entering your postal code on the
Parliament website<>.

If another government department or Member of Parliament can best
address your inquiry, we will forward it to the appropriate office
with a request for response.

Ms. Murray receives many emails that are not addressed to her but on
which she is copied. She also receives many petition-based emails.
Please be assured that while these emails are noted, the volume of
correspondence she receives does not permit her to respond to each

Thank you again for your email and for your patience.

Kindest regards,

Office of the Hon. Joyce Murray | Bureau de l’hon. Joyce Murray
Member of Parliament, Vancouver Quadra | Députée, Vancouver Quadra
206 – 2112 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC  V6K 2C8
Telephone : 604-664-9220
Fax: 604-664-9221

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Weiler, Patrick - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:05:01 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I trust that Higgy, Trudeau, Mendicino,
Blanchet, Singh and Andy Baby Fillmore know why I enjoyed what the ex
RCMP dude Rob Morrison just said in Paraiment
To: David Amos <>

ATTENTION: Thank you very much for writing to me. This is to
acknowledge that I have received your correspondence and will read it
and reply as soon as I can. Also, please feel free to contact members
of my team directly:

Our Horseshoe Bay office in West Vancouver is here to serve all
constituents in West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country. We
also have satellite staff on the Sunshine Coast and Sea to Sky
Corridor to assist in serving constituents.

My Contituency Office is open from 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through
Friday. Should you have any questions, you can contact my staff and I
by calling 604-913-2660 or by emailing<>.

For matters related to the Sunshine Coast such as requests for MP
telephone calls and general concerns related to the community and any
other questions, please contact Donna Bell at

For matters related to the Sea to Sky Corridor such as requests for MP
telephone calls and general concerns related to the community and any
other questions, please contact Christina Walsh at<>.

For matters related to West Vancouver and all casework questions
including issues or concerns with any Federal Department or Agency
such as Service Canada (includes but not limited to OAS, GIS, EI or
CPP), Canada Revenue Agency, Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship
Canada, Passport Canada, Phoenix Pay System, Veteran Affairs or
Indigenous Affairs, please contact Natasha at

For media inquiries, please contact Kevin Hemmat at
Patrick Weiler, MP
West Vancouver - Sunshine Coast - Sea-to-Sky Country

---------- Original message --------------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 23:04:46 -0400
Subject: I trust that Higgy, Trudeau, Mendicino, Blanchet, Singh and
Andy Baby Fillmore know why I enjoyed what the ex RCMP dude Rob
Morrison just said in Paraiment
To:,,,,,,, "dan.albas" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "jagmeet.singh"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mendicino, Marco - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:39:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and
Freeland defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for contacting the constituency office of the Hon. Marco
Mendicino, P.C., M.P. for Eglinton—Lawrence.
Please be advised that our office has the capacity to assist with
requests within Eglinton—Lawrence only and we prioritize
correspondence from residents.
If you reside outside the riding and require assistance, you can
contact your local Member of Parliament by entering your postal code
If you are a resident of Eglinton—Lawrence and require assistance
continue reading below.
            · For assistance with casework, we require your full name,
phone number, address and postal code to proceed.
            · For non-ministerial meeting requests, we need to know
the nature of the meeting and we will respond back with possible
            · For media requests, the Press Secretary will get back to you.
To contact Public Safety Canada directly, please visit:
To contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada directly,
please email or phone 613-954-1064.
For assistance with the situation in Afghanistan, please continue reading.
If you and your family require assistance regarding the rapidly
evolving situation in Afghanistan, detailed information on Canada’s
special measures to support Afghan nationals is available here:
For Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada, please contact:
For questions on how Afghan nationals may reunite with their families
in Canada, or information on the humanitarian program to resettle
Afghans outside of Afghanistan, please contact:
You may also call 1-613-321-4243 from Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 7
p.m. (ET).
For Canadians in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan, please
contact Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response
Centre in Ottawa at:
·    Phone: 613-996-8885
·    Email:
·    SMS: 613-686-3658

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 00:48:59 +0000
Subject: RE: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland
defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
To: David Amos <>


Thank you for taking the time to write.

Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
to let you know that your email has been received and will be reviewed
at the earliest opportunity.

If your inquiry more appropriately falls within the mandate of a
Ministry or other area of government, staff will refer your email for
review and consideration.

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

En raison du volume des messages reçus, cette réponse automatique vous
informe que votre courriel a été reçu et sera examiné dans les
meilleurs délais.

Si votre demande relève plutôt du mandat d'un ministère ou d'un autre
secteur du gouvernement, le personnel vous renverra votre courriel
pour examen et considération.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144 or by email<>

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.

Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5H1 Canada
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gladu, Marilyn - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:38:04 +0000
Subject: RE: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland
defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for contacting the Office of M.P. Marilyn Gladu. This is an
acknowledgement of the receipt of your e-mail.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gallant, Cheryl - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:38:06 +0000
Subject: RE: RE Trudeau Invoking the Emergency Act and Freeland
defending her liberal democracy byway of her bankster buddies
To: "" <>

Thank you for taking the time to contact the office of Cheryl Gallant, M.P.
Due to the high volume of correspondence, priority is given to
residents of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke.
Please, ensure your email includes your full name, mailing address,
and telephone number.
If your concern is urgent, or you need assistance with any federal
program or service, please, call the Constituency Office at


Brendan Mulvihill
Parliamentary Assistant to Cheryl Gallant, M.P.
604 Justice Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

---------- Original message --------------
From: "Julian, Peter - M.P." <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 02:29:26 +0000
Subject: Thank you for contacting our Parliament Hill office / Merci
d’avoir contacté notre bureau parlementaire
To: David Amos <>

On behalf of Peter Julian, Member of Parliament (New
Westminster-Burnaby), we would like to thank you for contacting our
office. Peter always welcomes and appreciates receiving your comments
and suggestions, which are helpful to his work in both Canada’s
Parliament and in the Riding.
We want to assure you that your email has been received, will be
reviewed as soon as possible and acted upon should it be required. Due
to the high volume of electronic mail received, messages from
constituents of New Westminster-Burnaby will be given the highest
priority. Please be certain that you have included your first, last
name and mailing address (including your postal code) as well as the
particulars of the federal issue (s) you are concerned about. Thank

As always, we serve the constituents of New Westminster-Burnaby with
resources, questions and concerns regarding federal departments and
agencies. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with our office with
your concerns. Due to the rising COVID cases, we encourage you to
reach our Constituency Office team by email<> and
telephone: 604-775-5707. In-person appointments can be arranged when
necessary, but are subject to change according to the most recent
health regulations.

For the most up to date information on Canada’s response to COVID-19
as well as information on financial assistance and travel restrictions
please visit:
Stay healthy and safe in these challenging times.
Nous vous remercions de prendre contact avec le bureau parlementaire
de Peter Julian, député dans la circonscription de New
Westminster-Burnaby. Peter est toujours heureux de recevoir vos
commentaires et vos suggestions qui sont utiles à son travail, tant au
Comté qu’au Parlement.

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Office of Peter Julian, MP (New Westminster-Burnaby) | Bureau du
député Peter Julian (New Westminster-Burnaby)
New Democratic Party | Nouveau Parti démocratique

We acknowledge that we work on the unceded traditional territory of
the Algonquin, Haudenosaunee and Anishinabek peoples.
Nous reconnaissons que nous travaillons sur le territoire non-cédé des
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New Westminster is located on the unceded and traditional territory of
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"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and
optimistic. And we’ll change the world."
-Jack Layton, 1950-2011

« Mes amis, l’amour est cent fois meilleur que la haine. L’espoir est
meilleur que la peur. L’optimisme est meilleur que le désespoir. Alors
aimons,  gardons espoir et restons optimistes. Et nous changerons le
monde. »
-Jack Layton, 1950-2011

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Rare legal move freezes cash, crypto tied to Ottawa protest
Feb 19, 2022
CBC News: The National
 1.26M subscribers
An Ontario court has frozen millions of dollars and cryptocurrency
tied to Ottawa protest organizers by obtaining what's known as a
Mareva injunction. Experts say it’s the first time the rare legal
manoeuvre has been used in Canada to target cryptocurrency.
#OttawaProtest #MarevaInjunction #Cryptocurrency Watch The National
live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET

David Raymond Amos
YO @AndrewScheer @ElizabethMay @theJagmeetSingh @cafreeland @CandiceBergenMP
Cops have the protesters cornered & the Trucker's leaders are in jail
so why are you still not
debating @cafreeland malicious nonsense?

Emergencies Act - Parliament is suspended by Trudeau! Feb. 18 2022
Marcel Irnie
199K subscribers
Feb 18 2022 - Andrew Scheer - Parliament is suspended! Before MPs even
finish debating Trudeau’s massive power grab, the House of Commons
gets shut down.

Butt launches Twitter tirade on Scheer for supporting truckers

“It’s a truly depressing turn for our politics to take in Canada. Have
we paid no attention to what happened to US politics, and how it

Published January 25, 2022

By Dave Naylor

The former top aide to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has launched a
Twitter broadside against former Conservative leader Andrew Scheer
after he supported the truckers' convoy rolling across Canada to
protest vaccine mandates. "Thank you Truckers! Trudeau is attacking
personal liberty and threatening everyone's ability to get groceries
because of his overreach on vaccine mandates.

Dave Naylor

Dave Naylor is the News Editor of the Western Standard and the
Vice-President: News Division of Western Standard New Media Corp. He
has served as the City Editor of the Calgary Sun and has covered
Alberta news for nearly 40 years.

The risk firm that helps you understand the world. Founded by Ian
Bremmer in 1998.
+1 212-213-3112
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Consulting agency · Business Consultant

Eurasia Group
Is dark money flowing into Canadian politics?
Our vice chairman Gerald Butts explains with The New York Times.

Baffled by the Chaos in Canada? So Are Canadians.

The protests seem to challenge the cherished image that Canadians are
moderate, rule-following and just plain nice. But was that really a
myth all along?

Protesters in downtown Ottawa this past weekend. “This is a
myth-busting moment,” one analyst said.    Protesters in downtown
Ottawa this past weekend. “This is a myth-busting moment,” one analyst
said.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New York Times

 By Catherine Porter

Catherine Porter is a Canadian journalist who worked for 16 years at
the country’s largest newspaper before becoming Toronto bureau chief
for The Times. She has spent a week talking to protesters, police and
residents in Ottawa.
Feb. 14, 2022

[Follow our live coverage of the Ottawa Protests.]

OTTAWA — It seemed a classically Canadian moment in a scene otherwise
torn from the book of Trump America.

Between the intersection transformed into a mosh pit and the graceful
Parliament buildings cluttered with “fake news,” “the Great Resist”
and “Covid red pill” signs, a middle-aged man named Johnny Rowe
perched on a median last weekend with an amplifier and a simple

“Welcome to Ottawa,” he called out to the hordes streaming down the
middle of the street, many hollering “freedom.” “Thank you for

If the outside world is baffled by the scenes unfolding in the streets
of Canada, so are many Canadians. They are dumbfounded, perhaps none
more so than the government officials who have stood by largely
slack-jawed as giant trucks stake out ground in the normally placid
capital, shaking and honking at night as people cheer and dance,
neighbors be damned.

As demonstrations kept flaring, the government on Monday invoked the
Emergencies Act, which greatly increases the government’s power to
crack down on protest, and in Alberta the police arrested 11 people
and seized a large cache of weapons. Earlier, traffic resumed over the
Ambassador Bridge, a major international route blockaded for a week,
and officials announced that they were lifting some contentious
vaccine pass requirements.

The chaos of recent weeks has left many wondering if Canada is
witnessing the birth of a political alt-right, or if it is a
pandemic-induced tantrum that, once exhausted, will curl itself
asleep, leaving behind a country bewildered but essentially unchanged.
It could also be, some argue, that the so-called freedom convoy is not
an aberration at all but a mirror to an integral part of the country
that doesn’t fit the stereotype, and so is ignored.

Counterprotesters confronting a small convoy in Ottawa on
Sunday.Counterprotesters confronting a small convoy in Ottawa on
Sunday.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New York Times

The unrest seems a rebuff to the cherished mythology imposed on
Canada’s citizens from abroad and held by many Canadians themselves as
moderate, rule-following, levelheaded — and just plain nice.

Start with the pervasive slogan of the unrest, scrawled across trucks,
hats, shirt and flags, an epithet startlingly vulgar by Canadian
standards that urges Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to go away. Some
say he should be not just deposed but imprisoned over the vaccine
regulations governments in Canada have passed.

The anger is new. Over the past two years of public health crisis,
Canadians have followed their classic playbook. Even right-leaning
provincial governments dutifully took their lead, for the most part,
from public health experts, passing strict pandemic rules that
citizens then followed.

Protesters warming themselves Sunday in Ottawa.    Protesters warming
themselves Sunday in Ottawa.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New York

While there have been some mask protests, more outrage was directed at
local governments for not doing more to protect their citizens, and at
politicians who broke the rules. Wearing a mask, and getting the
vaccine, was deemed a basic act of civic solidarity. Canada has one of
the highest rates in the world, with more than 83 percent of the
population over the age of 5 having received at least two vaccine

“Let’s take care of each other in this time of need, Canada,” Mr.
Trudeau tweeted in March 2020, days after his wife showed symptoms and
he became the first G7 leader to self-isolate. “Because that’s really
who we are.”

Maybe it is because Canada, unlike the neighbor that overshadows it,
was born not from revolution but from negotiation that its approach to
rebellion now seems more than a little unconventional, even quirky.
But one thing is clear: The members of the so-called freedom convoy
are not bellowing “compromise” or “care for one another.”

The streets of downtown Ottawa echo with chants and slogans steeped in
the language of the American Revolution, right down to the Don’t Tread
on Me pennants. “Freedom,” yells a man in a red mask waving a Canadian
flag. “Freedom,” comes the ardent reply. Though the flag, it should be
noted, was held aloft in a quintessentially Canadian fashion, attached
to a hockey stick.

The streets of downtown Ottawa echo with chants and slogans steeped in
the language of the American Revolution.           The streets of
downtown Ottawa echo with chants and slogans steeped in the language
of the     American Revolution.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New
York Times

The repeated invocation of liberty is just one reason — along with the
American, Confederate and Trump flags spotted in the mix — many
believe the unrest is essentially a U.S. import.
Sign up for the Canada Letter Newsletter  Back stories and analysis
from our Canadian correspondents, plus a handpicked selection of our
recent Canada-related coverage.

For two years, Canadians have been largely stuck at home, and many
have spent more time in front of the screen than ever. As they did,
they absorbed the American culture war being played out from Fox News
to Breitbart, and Trumpian ideas took root in Canada, said Gerald
Butts, a longtime friend of Mr. Trudeau’s and his former top political

It was not just ideas.

Right-wing activists in the United States and elsewhere have lent more
than moral support to their new kindred spirits in Canada. They are
opening their wallets. At least some of the money that has allowed the
protesters to keep their trucks fueled and cover other expenses has
flowed in from untraceable sources on crowdfunding platforms and

Canadian political veterans have taken note.

“We ran the longest federal election campaign in history in 2015, and
we spent $42 million, right?” said Mr. Butts.

By comparison, in just a few weeks, the truckers raised about a quarter of that.

“One of the most concerning things about this movement,” Mr. Butts
said, “is it’s shown how easy it is to pour millions of dollars of
dark money into Canadian politics.”

The question now is how might that play out in the months and years ahead.

Traditionally, Canadian politics is a fight for the center, but
populism is not totally alien to the country.Traditionally, Canadian
politics is a fight for the center, but populism is not totally alien
to the country.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New York Times

Traditionally, Canadian politics is a fight for the center, not for
the fringes of the ideological spectrum. Political analysts point out
that the far-right People’s Party of Canada, whose leader, Maxime
Bernier, is a champion of the trucker protest, did not win a single
seat in last year’s parliamentary election.

But, populism isn’t totally alien to the country, points out Janice
Stein, a political science professor at the University of Toronto. A
populist, the brother of the Ontario Premier Doug Ford, was once mayor
of the country’s biggest city, Toronto, and for years, the Reform
party rallied around a sense of Western alienation and socially
conservative values.

“There’s a worrying tendency in Canada to define everything pushing
against our founding myth as an import from the United States,” Ms.
Stein said. “We have mythologized our niceness: ‘We are not polarized
like France and Britain, and the only major democratic country in
which the center has held is Canada, and that’s because we’re so nice
and so caring to each other.’”
Understand the Trucker Protests in Canada
Card 1 of 6

Voicing grievances. A demonstration by truck drivers protesting
vaccine mandates has ballooned into a nationwide movement that has
slowed the economy and brought life to a standstill in parts of
Canada. Here’s what to know:

How it began. On Jan. 22, a convoy of truck drivers departed from
British Columbia en route to Ottawa to protest a vaccine mandate
imposed by the Canadian government on truckers entering the country
from the United States.

Expanding reach. After the drivers arrived in Ottawa on Jan. 29,
similar protests erupted in other Canadian cities and on the
Ambassador Bridge, a vital junction for the automobile industry.
Protesters soon expanded the scope of their demands, with some
espousing a wide range of far-right views.

The impact. Drivers occupied strategic sites across Canada, including
the Ambassador Bridge, which links Windsor, Ontario, to Detroit. As a
result, automakers ran plants at reduced capacity due to delays
created by the protests. Canadian law enforcement officials reclaimed
and reopened the bridge on Feb. 13.

State of emergency. On Feb. 14, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the
rare step of declaring a national public order emergency aimed at
stopping the protests. The order allows the police to seize trucks and
other vehicles, and the government to ban blockades in designated

The crackdown. On Feb. 17, police began arresting people involved in
the demonstration in Ottawa, including Tamara Lich, one of the
organizers. The morning after, hundreds of officers moved in on the
protests, arresting several other participants and removing truck

Canadian politics may in fact be more genteel than in many other
places, but not because Canadians are innately kinder. That has just
become a lot clearer.

“This is a myth-busting moment,” Ms. Stein said.

Sooner or later, the trucks will depart, but will the movement the
prime minister dismissed as a “small fringe minority” continue to
grow? Some have their doubts.

“This is a one-off political expression,” said Paul Summerville,
co-author of the book “Reclaiming Populism,” which argues that
Canada’s strong socialized medicine and affordable education system
has given the country a sense of fairness and equal opportunity,
inoculating it against populism.

“People are tired, they are angry,” said Mr. Summerville, a former
investment banker in Victoria, British Columbia. “This is a very
specific moment that has to do with people feeling very uncomfortable
for the last two years, because of the pandemic.”

The unrest has infuriated many Ottawa residents, who have led
counterprotests against what they view as an intimidating occupation
of their city. But they have also drawn huge crowds of supporters,
particularly on the weekends, when the downtown has been turned into
what feels like a raucous tailgate party, alternative news convention
and brewing witch hunt, all at the same time.

Signs stuck to a fence in downtown Ottawa.         Signs stuck to a
fence in downtown Ottawa.Credit...Brett Gundlock for The New York

Strangers stop for impromptu conversations, hug and beam at one
another, smiling widely — which after two years of mask wearing offers
an emotional balm. One woman paraded the streets with a sign exhorting
people to show her their teeth.

It does not take long to hear stories of personal suffering, and to
understand why an ordinarily rule-abiding people might decide that a
little rebellion is called for.

“Every single one of these people, has been catastrophically hurt,”
said Mr. Rowe, the protester, lowering his megaphone for a moment. A
Bikram Yoga instructor from the city of Kingston, two hours away, Mr.
Rowe listed his losses over the past two years, tears brimming in his
eyes: his home, his business and half of his retirement savings. And
then there was the death of his brother-in-law.

“The suffering has gotten to a level where they have nothing to lose,” he said.

Compared with many countries, Canada was let off easy by Covid, with
far fewer deaths per capita than the United States. But it came at a
heavy cost.

Restrictions have been heavy and long. Almost two years after the
pandemic hit Canada, the country remains in various stages of
lockdown, with indoor dining banned in the country’s two largest
provinces, Ontario and Quebec, until only recently. Residents of
old-age homes were locked in for the better part of a year across the
country. Students in Ontario missed more in-class learning than
anywhere in North America, local newspapers state.

Recent polls show that most Canadians disagree with the tactics of the
so-called freedom convoy, and worry that the country’s democracy is
being threatened. But, many feel sympathy for protesters, particularly
younger Canadians.

“Imagine storm clouds on horizon,” said Darrell Bricker, chief
executive of the polling company Ipsos Public Affairs. “That has to
discharge somewhere. This is part of the discharge.”

Among those people watching the scenes unfold in Ottawa is one of the
city’s two poet laureates, Albert Dumont. An Algonquin elder, Mr.
Dumont rejects not just the protesters’ notion of freedom, given its
effect on local residents, but the whole idea that Canada was ever
particularly nice, or even tolerant.

“My dad didn’t get to vote until 1960 — that’s not long ago,” he said.
“There was a time when Canada was ugly and very cruel to Indigenous
Canada Opens Blockaded Bridge, but in Ottawa, Truckers Won’t Budge
Feb. 13, 2022
In Ottawa Protests, a Pressing Question: Where Were the Police?
Feb. 12, 2022
Canada Toughens Stance on Protests, Promising ‘Robust’ Police Response
Feb. 11, 2022

Catherine Porter

Catherine Porter is the Canada bureau chief, based in Toronto. Before
she joined The Times in 2017, she was a columnist and feature writer
for The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest-circulation newspaper.
A version of this article appears in print on Feb. 15, 2022, Section
A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Law Invoked As
Canadians Mull Identity.
The dude left out some interesting names
I am seeing controversy over truth and roles being broadcasted, regarding Freedom Convoy 2022, among some key players within...
There is a way to save all conflict.
Just Ask me! I am a true Freedom Whore and I've been around the block a time or two..
Let's just all give our name and list our contributions to the Convoy!
Horn tootin time!
Aka Bathroom reading material! 👇
Let's use truth today!
I'll go first!
Adam Renowden
2015 - 2018 Advocated against Legal-lies-ation of Cannabis - President of The International Alliance For Cannabis.
Made some important friends ie: Cheech and Chong, Willie Nelsons fam, etc.
United Very many private dispensaries to fight the current government monopoly.
Thank you so much to one of the best, an advocation genius!
You've passed much knowledge to me. Richard Kudra! Love ya brother!
Brock Merchant is another brother in arms!
Also Thanks to Dr Sam Mellace!
Thank you for screaming at me over the phone about how this shit works!
Sorry I didn't make it to Jamaica in time!!
R.I.P Sam.
2017 - Joined Qanon in it's "earlier" days. Collaborated with "certain" military members and a few "higher up" example 1: Lee Newton Rhodes
Hello Mr President! 👌
Collaborated with Janet Ossebaard in the making of Fall of The Cabal.
2018 - Founded Yellow Vest Canada
Gained knowledge from leaders in France, UK and Ireland.
Thank you Ben Gilroy!
I was the guy who had the media releases written, rcmp letters written, organized protest Canada Wide against Trudeau and the UN. Worked with some amazing people and some not so much!
Special Shout out to Le'Meute. (Wolfpack)
Tom Quiggin, Wayne Peters, Ruddi Bruce, Cprock Fringe Minority Adam Douglas and Many many more!
One super special lady -
Rhonda Cynwar!
Collaborated within the first Convoy to Ottawa 😉!
Anyone remember United We Roll?
Then Covid hit! Just as Hong Kongs people stood up and were winning their democracy... hmmm...
2020 - 2021
Organized large protests against measures, vaxx, etc.
United Nurses and Teachers in NB, sued Government of NB.
November 2021 - Invited to organize within the Convoy by the god father himself Martin Brodmann! To me sir, you are the O.G of the 2022 Convoy!
Special Thanks to James Bauder too!
I was involved in the war room.
The faces you see as the forefront?
Are exactly that.
Which is important!
Saying that, Many unknown soldiers put much more forth!
I was the Main Stage Organizer.
Responsible for keeping speakers and bands on the stage.
Responsible for keeping good vibes and love in the air during the Convoy.
Responsible for setting the pace on keeping clean streets during the Convoy.
90% of the fireworks you seen in Ottawa, came from my hotel suite.
Think I did my job well! 😉
I met everyone, collaborated with everyone and know who is who and their roles to a degree...
I could list names to thank in the comments but would never remember everyone I have fought this silent war with!
From Chris Sky, Lamont Daigle, Kelly Anne Wolfe, Ryan Kulbaba, Cullen McDonald, Vlad, Dana Metcalfe, Leanne Carter, Normann Blanchfield, Jim Sellars Jim Kerr, Morgan May, Jeremy MacKenzie, Patrick King, Scott Steward NB, Libertarian Keith Tays, Heidi Johnsen, Lynn Thier, Nikki Gallant, Chris Gallant, Claude Gallant, Chris Harrigan (rip) etc etc... Many many many of us, who were Pioneers of the current Freedom Movement..
These history makers are only a few!
Leaders of the pack! 💛
Who do I appreciate the most?
The donors to the movement and every soul who stood in the freezing cold, showing support along the way to Ottawa! True Canadians!
Never forget...
No matter the contribution,
It takes EVERYONE!
Thank You
You're Welcome!
Who's Next!?!
Dana-lee Melfi
Sure did like Josheph B, Brett W, but got a few of the originating actors. Lol
September 28th 
Shared with Public
Unseen photos of the Ottawa Convoy control room. 
 May be an image of 1 person and studying


Martin Brodmann Wait till my trial...when I get to talk about this picture, and my big map on the table and Stu and his roll, and the emails with the Police dating back to August of 2021 and the permits with my name all over them.

Dana Metcalfe
James Bauder no one is discrediting your efforts at all. Its about those who claimed it and are using it for one would have come from the east of you, Martin and unity.Thats how I ended up there.
Dana Metcalfe In your post you list Bridgette as the originator of the Ottawa Convoy, which I am sorry to point out, is not true. Both Bridgette and Chris, were talking about doing a slow roll at the Borders (not Ottawa)... The factual truth is that the Nation Wide Convoy for Freedom to Ottawa was was started by myself long before Bridgette or Chris were involved. Martin was the second person to join. Stu (in the picture with Bridgette) was the very first person to join.
Truth be known, National wide, hundreds of people were organizers behind the scenes that joined Canada Unity and spent months and months planning. I consider everyone involved equal as team members who all played a roll, yourself included in on that list Dana. I just want the accurate truth to be known. I appreciate everyone that helped and participated equally.
Marie Carolann Martin Freedom
ty Pat an Bridgit are the ones i heard about this convoy an i followed so maybe the whole damn truth will come out ty for sharing

Tammy Kaiser
Marie Carolann Martin Freedom I'm curious to know what Bridgette could share and about whom...

Karen Buchanan
Tammy Kaiser where did she quietly disappear to?

Tammy Kaiser
Karen Buchanan I just didnt see her in any posts anymore...

Debbie N Guy Furlong
Loved her from the beginning
May be an image of 4 people, people studying and table
James Bauder 
Martin Brodmann HonkHonk brother. The truth will have to wait untill Nov 2025...

Norm Zeer
James, sadly, you are correct in saying this.
I remember when you, your wife, along with another female volunteer left Calgary making your way to Ottawa.
I /we haven't heard from you fine folks in quite some time.
(Or at least I have not, sir)
I do hope that the two of you are doing well?

Norm Zeer Sandra Bauder and I are doing as good as can be. We are back driving truck, long hauling with a flat deck from Calgary to Houston on a weekly run. Just living life as best we can and waiting patently till for my trial, which we can't wait till it's over and behind us. Just praying I don't get a criminal record.

Norm Zeer
James & Sandra,
Keep on trucking. More importantly, after your trial and beyond dear folks.
Love from (almost) the West Coast of Canada, Metro Vancouver, BC,
Denise Soucy
If we took the same plans in the same roads and people stood up and took possession of their Town Halls and the roads where they live and shut down Canada and keep it shut down and not give up maybe then we can get some where . Remember food binds the people. We need to clean up the mess right where we live. And the Masons kick them out wherever you find them

Dana Metcalfe
Denise Soucy 199% truth ❤️
Is that bald old man Chris there?

Debra Vandekerkhove no it is not

Tracey Briand
Shannon OceanAnne Schelling no.. he helped hijack the convoy...
May be an image of 11 people, people studying and table
Mary Wall
I am with you Dana , there are some people that claim to be the organizers of the truckers convoy 2022 and are still Profiting from that lie , I remember clearly when it was first talked about pat king and Bridgette were on a live together, you are correct Brigette Came up with that idea Pat got so excited after that it spread like wild fire , I also remember Tamara leech called pat an offer to set up a go fund me and do the accounting part of it ,I also remember Tamara leech doing a live crying about how much money was coming in , I also remember Tamara on the convoy said Pat needs to turn around and go back home , please tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth , people need to hear it.

Frank Peters
One thing I can collaborate with Dana-Lee. We and I mean the people in my group in London had a celebratory event held in Brigette Beltons honor well over a year ago in London on Wellington. We and this time I mean TRUCK 🍁 YEAH Surprized her with gifts and acknowledged her rightful position regarding the Freedom convoy. She kindly gave us a complete version of what , how and why she decided to call out for help. Thank you for acknowledging the remarkable courage and letting people know who sparked it. As for the rest I can't say... I'm just a t shirt giveawayer.. l.o.l.

Tammy Kaiser
I remember, on the beginning of the first convoy, there was plenty of mention about Bridgette and then she disappeared or something. Credit should go to those most deserving, without a doubt! Cheers.

Tracy Simituk
Where are the so called Ring Leaders!!! Tamera & Red. Ohhhhh they were in another room, maybe? They seems to have benefited quite well within the movement and some, well. I pray for the others 🇨🇦🙏

Carol Saunders
Many questions I had wasn't or didn't add up. Awards, Cruises and legal funding for only a handful made no sense to me. I heard when Pat got shut out as part of leadership, before they even reached Ottawa. He discussed possibly turning around because he didn't want to hurt the Trucker convoy movement. So many of us begged him not to. Even tho he seemingly wasn't considered good enough to be accepted as part of the leadership. ( I believe based on past lies and innuendoes about him from old media reports ) He has certainly suffered more than his share from Government in my opinion without any obvious help, support or defending leaders that have been glorified in media. Why has Pat seemingly been struggling alone without financial or legal help like some of them have. Was he designated the fall guy? I don't know much about Bridgett the one that started the whole Convoy idea in the first place or even Danny Bulford or many others that played such important roles during the Convoy. I sure pray they have had some financial or legal help and support. Its hurtful to see a handful get so much legal and financial help when others are left to seemingly fend for themselves? So much division. We the public have been left to wonder, question and decide who is good? Who is not so good? Who is getting favoured treatment and who is being treated unfairly? And from who? Government or themselves? From my perspective Sitting on the outside looking in. While only searching info for help and hope, having to decipher for myself who is wise to follow or seek advice from and who isn't? Its often like following polititions and media while trying to sort out the lies from truth. So distructive to each of us Canadians that only want a Democratic and a moral Country and World. The only ones that are benefitting while we are fighting amongst ourselves are the WEF, WHO, UN ,the elites like Schwab, Gates, Blackrock, Banks and Big Buissness and Polititions etc. What happened to the origional purpose for the 2022 trucker Convoy that went to Ottawa? We miss that group. The Joy, The Comaraderie, The Excitement the Purpose. Where did it go?
Not to be cause of more division but , I struggle with my own personal suspicians without obvious cause other than personal feelings, in regard to some like maybe Rebel News or True North? I'm not saying anything is wrong with them at all. Its just that my crazy head just keeps spinning with personal percieved suspicians or inconsistencies?
I do feel that I will sort out my perhaps irrational thoughts and suspicions with truth eventually.

Jeannette Grondin
I remember Bridget starting this.

Angela Inreddeer
Who are the two blonde ladies with their back turned towards us

Monda Thomas
Angela Inreddeer one is Bridget Belton (sp?) I do believe.

Tracey Briand
Angela Inreddeer One is Bridget .. she was one of the people who actually started the convoy until it got hijacked by Tamara and Chris.. but nobody believes it.. she got screwed.

Monda Thomas
Tracey Briand she also testified against the convoy at the inquiry. Nothing was hijacked they just already had large numbers of followers. I know who Bridget is and how she was one of the initial planners but it became a grass roots movement that had a life of its own. No one person deserves more credit than the next. In my opinion if you were boots on the ground in Ottawa than your just as much patriot and hero as anyone else. ❤🇨🇦❤

Angela Inreddeer
Tracey Briand what do you think about Pat King and Freedom George?

Tracy Simituk
Angela Inreddeer do we have to go there? Don’t wreck it all for me 🙏

Tracey Briand
Monda Thomas she was Supenade. She testified for the convoy not against it.. I watched her entire testimony. Not sure where you got that from..

Tracey Briand
Angela Inreddeer not a fan.... to be honest.
Tracey Briand
Monda Thomas I watched the inquiry and she testified for the convoy, not against it! She was subpenad as a hostile witness! Did you watch it?

Penny Jones
Tracey Briand I went in person. Most days. And have read the transcripts

Angela Inreddeer
Tracey Briand I did yes. And I worked a military event not to long that she spoke at so her and I got put together a lot that day

Monda Thomas
Tracey Briand I watched every minute of every day live on C-Span.
Jamie Jordan
Tamara was the leader

Tracy Simituk
Jamie Jordan like as in, leader of the pack? Vroom Vroom.

Karen Buchanan
Jamie Jordan and look at the price this beautiful lady is paying? God Bless all involved and still fighting
Who do you not see in these photos?
This is where a group of us worked directly with a team to navigate the most epic stand for freedom in Canada.
There's a lot to be said that has been silenced about this incredible journey.
The misconceptions of who was leaders and who gave birth to the iconic event that shook the world.
Many people have no idea what happened behind the scenes and many have taken credit and marketed themselves as leaders.
I would like to clarify that I played a role and observed every moving component of this journey. So much so that I've been threatened by lawyers not to talk about certain parts of it.
One thing I can share though…
Bridget Belton is the originator of the Ottawa Convoy. She was hands-on and boots on the ground with truckers while many tried to shove her out.
You see the grassroots movement funded this from day one while the purse holders wouldn't release funds without lawyers.
So on behalf of Canada, I'd like to thank the real hero of our country Bridget Belton. She is a trucker, not a polished shiny object that is being marketed to distract everyone from the truth.
I will also clarify that the person who has taken credit for the initiative wouldn't release the funds she had available, refused to engage with truckers and only wanted to deal with fuel and potties. Even that respinsblilly fell on is in the control room.
One day in the not-so-distant future Canadians will know the truth. I will put together a round table of people you see in that photo and others who lived in the core.
But it's time you all stop celebrating false idols who are set to entertain you and distract you from what's happening.
To this Day Bridget Belton has been cut off from legal support with the JCCF. She works her ass off to survive like the rest of us….
Meanwhile, at the ranch, someone has climbed up on the porch and benefited in unethical ways. Especially when it's not hers to own.
I look forward to sharing more photos and truths over the next few weeks.
Why am I doing this now? Not to create division but to tell Canadians the truth because they deserve it.
We have all been lied to long enough.
Pray for my safety as I run into this burning house we call Canada. I can't do this alone so I need you all to have your heads on a swivel.
If we're gonna save this country we're gonna have to start with the real and that starts with honesty, respect for those that do the work and the courage to put it all on the line.
Who's with me?
Dana-lee Melfi
I knew you would jump on the bandwagon of lies lmao!

Dana-lee Melfi
Ask Dana who she was invited by and does not mention.
Brigitte started NOTHING. Can barely write a word, can't prove her false story of a "second convoy" she apparently organized and was also invited and accepted to join Canada Unity. The lawyers, Chris, Scammy and others removed the architects and King by threats and force.
I really thought your stuff was good, but now you show your credibility is zero.

David Raymond Amos
I must say you are one sick puppy to find all this bullshit funny
Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos I now find you funny. You say that you document important aspects into the hidden underbelly but will lie for "a friend". No better than the people at the top doing the same thing. Not sorry I have better morals than you. I sent you hard documentation and now you want to disagree and attack because I questioned your friend and she could show NOTHING to back up false claims. Just like much of the "Freedom Community" you like to attack ya hypocrite.
Dana did not get involved until Canada unity asked her, and here she is saying that Brigitte was the originator. That is what I laughed at.
Have a great day. I now know what you meant by David is only about David.
David Raymond Amos
 ---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 1:07 PM
Subject: RE The "Peace-Man" returns to court in Ottawa on Monday Correct?
To: <>, <>, pm <>, <>, mcu <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, Marco.Mendicino <>, Nathalie.G.Drouin <>, Michael.Duheme <>
Now that "Peace-Man" is before the court he may enjoy checking some of my work about war etc


Freedom Fighter: Dana-Lee Melfi aka Peace Man | Trial Day 1

Maverick Multimedia
Jan 23, 2024  
Freedom Fighter - Dana-Lee Melfi ( Peace Man ): 
Interview: Trial Day 1 
"Peace Man faces four separate charges including "Mischief" in connection with his protest in Ottawa during the "Freedom Convoy". In this exclusive interview with Maverick News Dana-Lee Melfi ( Peace Man ) talks about the first day of court proceedings...his first "win" in court...and the financial challenges he faces as he deals with the costs associated with his legal battle. 
Live coverage of today's top NEWS EVENTS, with Veteran Journalist Rick Walker, and "The Freedom Reporters". We are on the frontline of the "information wars", bringing you today's top stories from a whole new perspective, with a focus on Freedom. 
Please support our journalism by donating at:


Last night, I did my best to explain day 1 of my trial for standing in peace ✌️ Unfortunately, I was ready for the court, and the court was NOT READY FOR ME! I thank Rick for being the ONE media not afraid to show.


Freedom Convoy Aftermath -- Interview with "Peaceman" Dana-Lee Melfi

Mar 3, 2022  
Today I interview Dana and get his perspective on the ending of the convoy and what this experience was like for himself as well as the truckers. I will ask the questions we all have on our mind like what the interaction was like with the police, were there any charges laid, and what his plans are now that the convoy has left Ottawa. 
As always, if you'd like to get to know me better my email is 
Also, if you have any interest in following my rumble account that is as follows: 
If you guys would like to check out Dana and perhaps get in contact with him here is his Facebook:   / danalee.melfi   
Dana-Lee has an official website! Check it out here: 
Also, check out Dana-Lee "The Canadian Traveler" on Google Maps and see his amazing photography across Canada:


Lest we forget
Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos You are triggered baby!
What do your posts mean?

Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos I don't forget. Now stop with the cryptics and get it out or sit down.

David Raymond Amos
Was it all just a setup?
Law Society of Ontario
8:49 PM · Jan 15, 2024
David Raymond Amos
5:35 PM · Jan 20, 2024
David Raymond Amos

David Raymond Amos
Take A Stand
213 subscribers
Jan 6, 2024 #takeastand
If I could have 13 minutes of your time please.
We are ALL in this together!
No matter your label, this is not a Canada thing, It's a humanity thing.
Please share if you approve of this message.
No matter, I would love to hear what you have to say.
Especially if you are a Government official that has answers.
If the Courts, the Police agencies, CSIS and the Government have not
done their due diligence, (I can prove it) how can they find a man
standing in peace, promoting peace, guilty of a crime? Is this the
Canada you want? This is also a kind of an "ACCEPTABLE" docu-series
preview and was made in a hurry to bring awareness in the short time
to my trial.
I am not a professional videographer nor do I have all the tools for
how it should be shown.
None of the "Alternative media" is covering it or will cover it, nor will MSM.
Want to ask yourself why?
The subject matter is why! The hidden control is why!
Where has the logic gone?
A decade or more of documentation is what you may have not seen on why
I stood in protest. A methodical plan of sabotage made sure you have
8 months ago
Perhaps we should talk before you go to court on Monday I already talked to your lawyer and was not impressed
8 months ago
Please call on Messenger at any time. I am in the city on HS now.
8 months ago
@dana-lee6227 My computer does not have a mike or camera But feel free to call my cell Its in the email I am about to send you
3 months ago
Just so this statement is recorded "I do believe it is because of you David that no Judge was available for two days and then everything withdrawn". I know this because you showed your communications as you always have. Thank you sir.
Take A Stand
Take A Stand

Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos I don't listen to garbage ty.

Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos Are you still talking in cryptic garbage??
Like what is your thing, dude??
I never did a thing to you wrong. I actually pointed people to your stuff.
Thought you were documenting about important things happening in our country.
All until I questioned one of your friends that had no answer. Then you attack and no better then the people you say are bad.
Either get over it and move on or spit out what you're trying to say.

David Raymond Amos
Dana-lee Melfi Anyone can see that I merely shared a Dana Metcalfe post and that you attacked ME AGAIN

David Raymond Amos
Dana-lee Melfi Did you even bother to read what your buddy Bauder posted about these photos?
David Raymond Amos
Dana-lee Melfi Interesting It appears that my comment about you bragging to me about knowing LaFace went "Poof" before I could save it Was that you or just a glitch in the system?

Dana-lee Melfi
David Raymond Amos I have not watched nor paid attention to any of them for 6 months. Just pawns and we have enough. Bigger fish out there.

David Raymond Amos
Dana-lee Melfi Pure D Bullshit
    3 months ago
    Just so this statement is recorded "I do believe it is because of you David that no Judge was available for two days and then everything withdrawn". I know this because you showed your communications as you always have. Thank you sir.
    Take A Stand
    Take A Stand

    David Raymond Amos
    Dana-lee Melfi You liked this video Hence you knew the truth about Bridgette et al out of the gate
    David Raymond Amos
    Dana-lee Melfi Influencer Infighting
    Not everyone is pleased with Bauder’s plans. One influencer in the movement said over a voice message on Telegram that Bauder was more interested in his own image and causing division despite preaching about “unity.”
    “There’s too many chiefs and not enough Indians… pun intended,” said Edmonton-based Phil Primeau, laughing.
    Some of Bauder’s other relationships are imploding: his former organizing partner during the 2022 convoy, Jason LaFace (sometimes spelled LaFaci) has left the organization. LaFace was previously an organizer with the Yellow Vests movement and has posted a picture of himself wearing a Soldiers of Odin – an Islamophobic biker-style hate group – vest.
    During a livestream over Facebook on December 22nd, LaFace says he has been working for Bauder but was recently replaced by a man named Dana-lee Melfi.
    LaFace continues, saying he was working 60 hours a week and feels he was taken advantage of by Bauder. “When [James] was in Ottawa I did everything for him, all his court work, all his paperwork, and Stand4Thee can back that up. Because you know what? That guy takes advantage of people in this movement and is a fucking idiot.”
    LaFace has also taken credit for the social media and web presence of Canada Unity. As of writing, Canada Unity’s website is defunct, and just brings visitors to an unsecured, blank page. The Facebook group for Canada Unity says the website is “under development.” However, the website was fully functional until at least mid-December.
    A December 23 archive of the site reads “James Bauder Canada Unity is NOT a registered company it is not a business. Site was developped and he did not pay us for the work we did for him = James has burned his bridges with everyone. “
    Previous archives of the site show a post from November 8 which announces Dana-lee Melfi, also known as “Peace-Man,” has joined the Canada Unity team. Recent posts to the Facebook group from Melfi indicate he holds a leadership position.
    In a post dated December 26, Melfi advises group members that they are not approving all posts due to the scrutiny they are under, and the content of the posts that are being submitted.
    “There are a lot coming in that just want to hurt us if we approve and have to watch everything beforehand now as a precaution,” the post reads.
    Both Melfi and Bauder are facing charges from their involvement with the 2022 convoy, including mischief to property, disobeying a lawful court order, and obstructing justice.
    Dana-lee Melfi
    David Raymond Amos Written by Mathew Horwood in National Post Dec 2022.
    Yes, this piece of garbage is in the Clandestine illegal rooms that plot against Canadians with Freedom Corp and JCCF lawyers.
    That was a purposeful hit piece, Coordinated.
    Wow you really do know nothing eh David.
    You believe liars and have zero good input.
    May be an illustration of 1 person and text


    David Raymond Amos
    Dana-lee Melfi Jason LaFace — who at times uses the name “LaFaci” — is listed as the North and East Ontario organizer for the convoy on the Canada Unity website, and has been cited in other media as the main organizer for Ontario. In photos posted to his Facebook page, which were screenshotted by Global News, he shared an image titled “Canadian politicians who are not born in Canada” and included his own caption: “traitors to our country.”
    According to a screenshot obtained by Global News, LaFace posted a selfie where he wore a hat with what appears to be the initials S.O.O., which is believed to stand for Soldiers of Odin — an anti-immigrant group first established in Finland.
    The emergence of the far-right Soldiers of Odin group in Canada raised concerns about the potential for “anti-immigrant vigilantism,” according to a de-classified intelligence report obtained by Global News in 2017.
    Jason LaFace SOO
    Screenshot/Global News
    “One of the admins on their website is actually somebody who’s like the vice president of the Soldiers of Odin, a skinhead group in Sudbury, Ont.,” said Dr. Carmen Celestini, a post-doctoral fellow with the Disinformation Project at Simon Fraser University.
    “His name is Jason LaFace. He also uses other names, but he is a vice president of this group, which organize events that will try to stop immigration, people who are BIPOC or people who are in LGBTQ communities.”
    “Last summer,” she added, LaFace posted a message on Facebook indicating that he planned to “paint over a mural in Sudbury for (Black Lives Matter).”
    LaFace later apologized, saying he “should have researched a bit more what was going on in terms of the mission and why it was sanctioned by the city.
    “I apologize for my behaviour to the entire city,” he said, according to the Sudbury Star.
    However, LaFace showed a slight change of heart in a recent Facebook Live.
    “This whole moment in history right now has changed my life for better, for the rest of my life,” LaFace said.
    “I’m not a bitter little a–hole like I used to be, where I was pretty ignorant to some people online.”
    However, in that same video, LaFace also issued a message about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
    “There’s things that are working in the background right now, that I found out this morning, Justin Trudeau is going buh-bye. It’s true, he is,” he said.
    “It’s done, so now we just have to deploy our plan … he’s gone when we’re done.”
    When Global News attempted to contact LaFace for a comment, he said “no thank you” and hung up.
    Muddying the convoy's cause
    As the ideologies allegedly supported by a number of the convoy’s organizers make headlines, some truckers are getting frustrated.
    “We’re here to get freedom back. That’s what we’re here to get, out here for. Whatever their agendas are, that’s not what we’re here for,” said Belton, referring to the more extreme voices tied to the movement.
    Belton is a trucker who has been regularly making TikTok videos about the convoy and plans to attend Saturday’s protest. She is also listed as a Sarnia contact on the Canada Unity webpage.
    “They need to go home. We don’t need them. We don’t need their numbers. Yeah, we’ve got huge numbers with just people that want to go back to a normal life and that’s what we want,” she said.
    Lich, an organizer of the truck convoy, said in a video posted to the convoy’s Facebook page that those promoting violence or hate do not reflect the position of the protesters.
    “As you know, we are on our way to Ottawa to hold a peaceful protest. I just want to put it out there that nobody in this convoy will be inciting violence or uttering threats. That is not what we’re here to do,” Lich said in the video.
    “If you see anybody trying to associate themselves with us that is acting in that way, you need to get their truck number and their licence plate and report it to the police.”
    For some, the individual views of organizers aren’t as important as what they’re doing for the cause.
    When Belton was asked specifically about organizers and told some of what Global News had uncovered about LaFace and King, she said the information about the purported views is “irrelevant” for her.
    “I’m coming here for freedom,” she said.
    “All I know is that they’re good people to me and they are helping me.”

    David Raymond Amos
    ---------- Original message ---------
    From: David Amos <>
    Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 9:59 PM
    Subject: Fwd: Breaking: Google Censors Anti-Trudeau Ads
    To: <>, blaine.higgs <>, pm <>, Katie.Telford <>, kris.austin <>, bruce.fitch <>, Bill.Hogan <>, mary.wilson <>, sherry.wilson <>, Bill.Oliver <>, rob.moore <>, <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, pierre.poilievre <>, Richard.Ames <>, <>, Jason Lavigne <>, jagmeet.singh <>, Jacques.Poitras <>
    Cc: premier <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, <>
    Too Too Funny Ezzy
    Why would I give money to the wealthy dude I am running against???
    PED 28 - Quispamsis
    Name Party
    Blaine Higgs Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
    Aaron Kennedy Liberal Party of New Brunswick
    Alex White New Brunswick New Democratic Party
    Andrew Conradi Parti Vert N.B. Green Party
    David Raymond Amos Independent
    Deja Vu Anyone???
    Tuesday 1 October 2024
    Higgs faces the pros and cons of a one-promise campaign
    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Team Blaine Higgs <>
    Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 12:53 PM
    Subject: Breaking: Google Censors Anti-Trudeau Ads
    To: David Amos <>

‘Freedom Convoy’ Rebrands, Plans for Winnipeg in February

Here we go again.

Canadian Anti-Hate Network 

Left to Right: James Bauder, Ron Clark and Colin Ross. Source: Facebook

To mark the one-year anniversary of the so-called “Freedom Convoy” which occupied Ottawa for 3 weeks in January and February of 2022, organizers with Canada Unity are planning a reunion in Winnipeg for February 17th to the 20th. 

James Bauder – one of the organizers of the 2022 Convoy, as well as previous convoys to Ottawa including the 2019 United We Roll / Yellow Vests Canada convoy – made the announcement over a livestream on Christmas Day. Appearing with movement influencers “Freedom Advocate” Ron Clark and Colin “BigBear” Ross, Bauder announced Winnipeg as the site for a “World Unity Convoy 2023.”

“We are going to be inviting groups from all over the nation to join us in unity, for a better future, for solutions, for the children across the world and in Canada. We’re going to be inviting whoever wants to join us, multicultured, multispiritual on this journey,” Ross told the audience. 

The group said that they chose Winnipeg as it’s the centre of Canada, and people can come from the east and west coasts. Ron Clark told the audience there are convoys “from the north and the south coming, all meeting together.” It’s unclear if the southern convoys refer to convoys coming from the United States. 

Bauder told the audience that there is a “world convoy aspect.” Clark said they reached out to other countries, who plan to participate in simultaneous convoys. They didn’t specify which countries they expect to participate or how many. 

The specific goals of the convoy remain unclear. “We’re going to be really focused on solutions for a better world for all Canadians,” Ross said on the livestream.

Influencer Infighting

Not everyone is pleased with Bauder’s plans. One influencer in the movement said over a voice message on Telegram that Bauder was more interested in his own image and causing division despite preaching about “unity.” 

“There’s too many chiefs and not enough Indians… pun intended,” said Edmonton-based Phil Primeau, laughing.

Some of Bauder’s other relationships are imploding: his former organizing partner during the 2022 convoy, Jason LaFace (sometimes spelled LaFaci) has left the organization. LaFace was previously an organizer with the Yellow Vests movement and has posted a picture of himself wearing a Soldiers of Odin – an Islamophobic biker-style hate group – vest. 

During a livestream over Facebook on December 22nd, LaFace says he has been working for Bauder but was recently replaced by a man named Dana-lee Melfi. 

LaFace continues, saying he was working 60 hours a week and feels he was taken advantage of by Bauder. “When [James] was in Ottawa I did everything for him, all his court work, all his paperwork, and Stand4Thee can back that up. Because you know what? That guy takes advantage of people in this movement and is a fucking idiot.” 

LaFace has also taken credit for the social media and web presence of Canada Unity. As of writing, Canada Unity’s website is defunct, and just brings visitors to an unsecured, blank page. The Facebook group for Canada Unity says the website is “under development.” However, the website was fully functional until at least mid-December. 

A December 23 archive of the site reads “James Bauder Canada Unity is NOT a registered company it is not a business. Site was developped and he did not pay us for the work we did for him = James has burned his bridges with everyone. “

Previous archives of the site show a post from November 8 which announces Dana-lee Melfi, also known as “Peace-Man,” has joined the Canada Unity team. Recent posts to the Facebook group from Melfi indicate he holds a leadership position. 

In a post dated December 26, Melfi advises group members that they are not approving all posts due to the scrutiny they are under, and the content of the posts that are being submitted. 

“There are a lot coming in that just want to hurt us if we approve and have to watch everything beforehand now as a precaution,” the post reads. 

Both Melfi and Bauder are facing charges from their involvement with the 2022 convoy, including mischief to property, disobeying a lawful court order, and obstructing justice.


Convoy organizers set sights for Winnipeg

Protest scheduled for Winnipeg from Feb. 17 to Feb. 20, 2023

Some of the organizers of last year's convoy have altered plans to end a second convoy in Ottawa this February, opting instead for Winnipeg.

James Bauder, co-founder of the group Canada Unity and a co-organizer of last February's protest in Ottawa, made the announcement in a Facebook live video, along with fellow organizers Ron Clark and Colin 'Big Bear' Ross, on Christmas Day.

The rally is scheduled to take place from Feb. 17 to Feb. 20, 2023. The start date falls on the one-year anniversary of the final full day of the protest in Ottawa — one day before police started a push to take back occupied streets in the nation's capital.

Bauder had previously posted a call on social media for "Freedom Convoy 2.0" in Ottawa on those same February dates. Now he says the capital will be a stop on the way to Winnipeg where the convoy will make its presence known. 

"We're going to come with our convoy — coming right by Ottawa," he said. "We're going to honk, honk and we're going to invite Ottawa residents."

A man in a blue patterned shirt speaks into a microphone. James Bauder appears as a witness at the Public Order Emergency Commission in Ottawa in November. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)

Ottawa's police chief has said the force would not allow a repeat of last year's protest which occupied downtown streets for weeks. The federal government also said it learned lessons from the handling of the protest and has already implemented changes for future events.

"We chose Winnipeg because it's the middle point in Canada, so people can come from the east coast, from the west coast," Ross said. "We'll be able to convoy across the nation." 

Bauder was behind the group that called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to be arrested and "charged with treason." Other convoy organizers eventually distanced themselves from him.

Organizers promise peaceful rally

Bauder's also been involved in previous, less successful attempts to disrupt the capital. Bauder, who testified last month during the Public Order Emergency Commission, calls his demonstrations "bear hugs." 

He was arrested in Ottawa in February and faces several charges. His bail conditions currently prevent him from returning to the capital.

Police clear an area of protesters near Parliament Hill. Police enforced an injunction against protesters, some who had been camped in their trucks near Parliament Hill for weeks, on Feb. 19, 2022. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)

Organizers said it will be a "peaceful, multi-day assembly," featuring speeches, ceremonies, events and guest speakers.

"The goal is to facilitate a grassroots movement of citizens worldwide," a woman by the Facebook name Serena Freedombear said in a separate video posted to Canada Unity's page.

No contact from organizers, Winnipeg police say

Convoy organizers told Radio-Canada they had been in contact with the Winnipeg Police Service, but police said no representative of Canada Unity had yet reached out to them.

"As of Thursday, no representatives of this group had contacted the Winnipeg Police Service," Const. Jay Murray told Radio-Canada on Sunday.

Radio-Canada also requested an interview with the Ottawa Police Service but has not heard back.

In a letter addressed to the mayor and chair of the city's police services board last week, Ottawa police chief Eric Stubbs said he and his command team have briefed the board about the "potential" return of protesters in the new year.

"There is zero tolerance for disturbances and/or criminal behaviour or for individuals who attempt to disrupt our communities with vehicles," he wrote.

With files from Radio-Canada's Gaëlle Kanyeba

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Some trucker convoy organizers have history of white nationalism, racism

Posted January 29, 2022 1:34 pm

As the first vehicles from the trucker convoy started appearing on Ottawa streets, some Twitter users shared a particular photo: a pickup truck with a confederate flag flying from the bed.

Now, as the convoy descends on Ottawa with the stated aim of opposing all COVID-19 mandates, anti-hate experts allege those with white nationalist and Islamophobic views don’t just represent the fringes of the movement but are among the organizers of the convoy.

“We’re saying that this is a far-right convoy because — from day one — the organizers themselves are part of the far-right movement,” said Evan Balgord, executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.

“They have previously been involved in far-right movements and have made Islamophobic comments in the past.”

It can be difficult to determine who is a key organizer of the convoy, but there are some names that emerge time and time again — whether as authors of the $7.4million GoFundMe campaign, as points of contact on the website that boasts a petition with 240,000 signatures, or on social media posts providing widely-shared directions to anyone hoping to join.

Global News contacted all the organizers mentioned in this story, but none responded by the time of publication. Jason LaFace, an Ontario organizer, did pick up the call, but upon the reporter identifying themselves, immediately laughed, said “no thank you,” and hung up the phone.

What does the convoy want?

The convoy initially kicked off with a focus on opposing vaccine mandates — especially the one aimed at truckers. The government announced in November 2021 that all Canadian truckers seeking to cross the border from the United States would need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine. That mandate went into effect on Jan. 15.

The U.S. also instituted its own ban on unvaccinated truck drivers a week after Canada implemented its policy.

In the days since the trucks hit the road, the stated goal of the movement has become muddied.

One trucker who is headed to the protest, Brigitte Belton, told Global News in a Friday interview that her goal is “to get freedom back,” and that she is “not here for politics.”

Commenting on other participants whose goals may be more extreme, she said “whatever their agendas are, that’s not what we’re here for. So they need to be quiet. They need to go home.”

A group affiliated with the convoy, Canada Unity, has produced a “memorandum of understanding” that it plans to present to Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and the Senate, and which it believes would force the government to rescind COVID-19 public health measures, or force the government to resign en masse.

“The GG wouldn’t dismiss a Cabinet that hasn’t lost the confidence of the Commons … moreover, the GG has no authority to independently rescind laws or regulations,” said parliamentary expert Philippe Lagassé.

Who is organizing the convoy?

The convoy has a number of participants with different goals and isn’t cohesive, but some popular webpages help paint a picture of the people behind the convoy.

There is a GoFundMe page that has raised more than $7 million for the trucker convoy. That fundraiser has two names on it: Tamara Lich, and B.J. Dichter.

Speaking to a cheering crowd at a People’s Party of Canada convention in 2019, B.J. Dichter warned listeners about the dangers of “political Islamists,” and said the Liberal Party is “infested with Islamists.”

He added that, by meeting “with extremists,” Conservative and “establishment” politicians “put at risk moderate and secular Muslims, who want nothing more but to integrate into Canada, to become Canadian, and to leave the garbage of their birth country behind them.”

“Despite what our corporate media and political leaders want to admit, Islamist entryism and the adaptation of political Islam is rotting away at our society like syphilis,” he added, according to a story written for the Toronto Star by Alex Boutilier, who is now employed by Global News.

Another dominant voice within the convoy community is a man named Patrick King. King is listed as a contact for North Alberta on Canada Unity’s website, which hosts the memorandum of understanding that boasts more than 240,000 signatures.

King’s name was repeatedly mentioned on the convoy’s walkie-talkie app, Zello, on Friday — but he has ended up in the public eye for different reasons in the past, according to footage posted online.

In a video posted on Twitter in 2019, King suggests that unless Canadians “get up off your as—s and demand change,” they might want to change their names to “Ishmael” or “drop a bunch of change down the stairs” and  “call yourself chong ching ching chang.”

In other video footage, King can be seen repeating racist conspiracy theories. In one clip posted to Twitter by another user, King says “there’s an endgame, it’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race, or the Anglo-Saxon. And that’s what the goal is, is to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines,” he said.

“It’s a depopulation of race, okay, that’s what they want to do.”

He then talks about men with the first names “Ahmed” and “Mahmoud” who he claims are trying to “not only infiltrate by flooding with refugees, we’re going to infiltrate the education systems to manipulate it” so there is “less procreation” which leads to “less white people — or you know, Anglo-Saxon. Let’s say Anglo-Saxon, because when I say white, all the ANTIFA guys call up the race card.”

In a Facebook Live posted directly to his page, King says that COVID-19 is “not a naturally occurring virus.”

“It’s not a naturally occurring virus, it’s a man-made bioweapon that was put out to make people sick, to push the narrative for all these jabs, is what it was,” he said.

“Because the jab is the, they want to be able to track you, follow you, know your every movement you do.”

King did not answer two phone calls or respond to emails from Global News.

Jason LaFace — who at times uses the name “LaFaci” — is listed as the North and East Ontario organizer for the convoy on the Canada Unity website, and has been cited in other media as the main organizer for Ontario. In photos posted to his Facebook page, which were screenshotted by Global News, he shared an image titled “Canadian politicians who are not born in Canada” and included his own caption: “traitors to our country.”

According to a screenshot obtained by Global News, LaFace posted a selfie where he wore a hat with what appears to be the initials S.O.O., which is believed to stand for Soldiers of Odin — an anti-immigrant group first established in Finland.

The emergence of the far-right Soldiers of Odin group in Canada raised concerns about the potential for “anti-immigrant vigilantism,” according to a de-classified intelligence report obtained by Global News in 2017.

Jason LaFace SOO 
Screenshot/Global News

“One of the admins on their website is actually somebody who’s like the vice president of the Soldiers of Odin, a skinhead group in Sudbury, Ont.,” said Dr. Carmen Celestini, a post-doctoral fellow with the Disinformation Project at Simon Fraser University.

“His name is Jason LaFace. He also uses other names, but he is a vice president of this group, which organize events that will try to stop immigration, people who are BIPOC or people who are in LGBTQ communities.”

“Last summer,” she added, LaFace posted a message on Facebook indicating that he planned to “paint over a mural in Sudbury for (Black Lives Matter).”

LaFace later apologized, saying he “should have researched a bit more what was going on in terms of the mission and why it was sanctioned by the city.

“I apologize for my behaviour to the entire city,” he said, according to the Sudbury Star.

However, LaFace showed a slight change of heart in a recent Facebook Live.

“This whole moment in history right now has changed my life for better, for the rest of my life,” LaFace said.

“I’m not a bitter little a–hole like I used to be, where I was pretty ignorant to some people online.”

However, in that same video, LaFace also issued a message about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“There’s things that are working in the background right now, that I found out this morning, Justin Trudeau is going buh-bye. It’s true, he is,” he said.

“It’s done, so now we just have to deploy our plan … he’s gone when we’re done.”

When Global News attempted to contact LaFace for a comment, he said “no thank you” and hung up.

Muddying the convoy's cause

As the ideologies allegedly supported by a number of the convoy’s organizers make headlines, some truckers are getting frustrated.

“We’re here to get freedom back. That’s what we’re here to get, out here for. Whatever their agendas are, that’s not what we’re here for,” said Belton, referring to the more extreme voices tied to the movement.

Belton is a trucker who has been regularly making TikTok videos about the convoy and plans to attend Saturday’s protest. She is also listed as a Sarnia contact on the Canada Unity webpage.

“They need to go home. We don’t need them. We don’t need their numbers. Yeah, we’ve got huge numbers with just people that want to go back to a normal life and that’s what we want,” she said.

Lich, an organizer of the truck convoy, said in a video posted to the convoy’s Facebook page that those promoting violence or hate do not reflect the position of the protesters.

“As you know, we are on our way to Ottawa to hold a peaceful protest. I just want to put it out there that nobody in this convoy will be inciting violence or uttering threats. That is not what we’re here to do,” Lich said in the video.

“If you see anybody trying to associate themselves with us that is acting in that way, you need to get their truck number and their licence plate and report it to the police.”

For some, the individual views of organizers aren’t as important as what they’re doing for the cause.

When Belton was asked specifically about organizers and told some of what Global News had uncovered about LaFace and King, she said the information about the purported views is “irrelevant” for her.

“I’m coming here for freedom,” she said.

“All I know is that they’re good people to me and they are helping me.”

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. 



David Raymond Amos

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 9:59 PM
Subject: Fwd: Breaking: Google Censors Anti-Trudeau Ads
To: <>, blaine.higgs <>, pm <>, Katie.Telford <>, kris.austin <>, bruce.fitch <>, Bill.Hogan <>, mary.wilson <>, sherry.wilson <>, Bill.Oliver <>, rob.moore <>, <>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <>, pierre.poilievre <>, Richard.Ames <>, <>, Jason Lavigne <>, jagmeet.singh <>, Jacques.Poitras <>
Cc: premier <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, premier <>, <>

Too Too Funny Ezzy

Why would I give money to the wealthy dude I am running against???

PED 28 - Quispamsis
Blaine HiggsProgressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Aaron KennedyLiberal Party of New Brunswick
Alex WhiteNew Brunswick New Democratic Party
Andrew ConradiParti Vert N.B. Green Party
David Raymond AmosIndependent

Deja Vu Anyone???

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Higgs faces the pros and cons of a one-promise campaign

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Team Blaine Higgs <>
Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Breaking: Google Censors Anti-Trudeau Ads
To: David Amos <>

Rebel News Sponsor

Dear David,

The PC Party of New Brunswick recently submitted a Google advertisement tying New Brunswick Liberal leader Susan Holt to her federal counterpart Justin Trudeau.

The ad simply pointed out the obvious: a Liberal government in New Brunswick will be just as disastrous as the Liberal government in Ottawa.

But here’s the thing: Google blocked the ad, stating that the content violated advertising guidelines.

Which guidelines? According to Google, speaking about Justin Trudeau is forbidden — a strictly federal matter that cannot be discussed by provincial parties.

Google is actively prohibiting a political party from talking about the disastrous record of a sitting Liberal Prime Minister — and how a Liberal premier would bring the same destruction at the provincial level.

Under the guise of accountability, Big Tech is once again shilling for their allies in the Liberal Party.


This attack on free speech comes in the middle of a tight race between the New Brunswick Liberals and the PCs.

Unsurprisingly, Susan Holt — the leader of the New Brunswick chapter of the Liberal Party — is running away from Justin Trudeau’s disastrous record.

But make no mistake: there is no daylight between Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and Susan Holt’s Liberals.

Just like Justin Trudeau, Susan Holt wants to block parents from being involved in the education of their children, plans to distribute hard drugs on New Brunswick streets, and has promised up to $6 billion in new spending that will come from increased taxes or new debt.

A far left-wing party is even planning to prop up a minority Liberal government with a secret list of demands. Sound familiar?

Susan Holt and the New Brunswick Liberals want to do to New Brunswick what Justin Trudeau and the federal Liberals have done to Canada — and Big Tech is helping make it happen.

Premier Blaine Higgs and the New Brunswick PC Party are working hard to defeat the Liberals in New Brunswick and show Justin Trudeau that his destructive policies have no place in Canada.

Because Google is blocking PC ads and the biased news media will not report the facts, however, Premier Higgs will need to find new ways to reach New Brunswick voters.

Conservatives across Canada are able to help. Anyone in Canada can donate to the PCs and help Premier Higgs deliver economic prosperity, family values, and free speech to the good people of New Brunswick.

Can you contribute $50, or $100, or $200 to help New Brunswick get four more years of conservative government and send Justin Trudeau a clear message that Canada has had enough of his radical Liberal agenda?

You can donate here. 

Click here to sign a letter of support for the Premier of New Brunswick

Let’s remind Justin Trudeau and the Liberals — all Liberals — that we are fighting back.

Team Higgs


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