Wednesday 2 October 2024

Mine expansion would give Dalhousie community a 'black eye,' residents fear


Mine expansion would give Dalhousie community a 'black eye,' residents fear

Company behind pozzolan mine says project is in 'conceptual' stage, but it has already bought land

Hundreds of residents of Heron Bay in northern New Brunswick are worried about plans to turn a quarry into a massive mining operation within municipal boundaries just 200 metres from a school.

It was standing room only at two public meetings recently as people asked a mining company questions such as: "Does this create dust … that would spread in the bay or in the town of Dalhousie?" and "Have you ever thought about the people who have wells up there?"

Quebec-based companies Carboniq Inc. and Cimbec Canada Inc. have come together to form EcoRock, which hopes to greatly expand a quarry already in the Dalhousie community into an open mine.

The material being extracted is pozzolan, a low-carbon alternative to the cement now used in the creation of concrete. The company's goal is to process the material at a local plant, then export it around the world, using the nearby port and rail lines.

A man in a grey sweater speaks into a microphone being held by a moderator as other residents watch. He has an animated look on his face and his hand is raised.     A resident of the Dalhousie area asks a question to general manager Francis Forlini at a recent public meeting about the proposed mine expansion. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

With a population of about 3,000, Dalhousie amalgamated with nearby Charlo in 2023 to form Heron Bay.

The community has faced economic hardship in recent years after the closure of three major industries — a paper mill, a chemical plant and a power generating station.

Francis Forlini, the EcoRock Dalhousie general manager, said the project would create up to 168 permanent jobs.

WATCH | 'You should be going somewhere else': Dalhousie residents speak out against mine expansion: 

Proposed mine expansion raises tension in northern N.B. community

Heron Bay pozzolan mine in Dalhousie area could see a massive expansion in the next few years.

"We're really at the start of the project," he said. "Right now the project is very conceptual."

Pozzolan is a 400-million-year-old volcanic ash now being considered as a way to lower emissions in the production of the binder needed for concrete. For the cement now being used, a mixture of limestone and clay goes into a kiln, where it decomposes under high heat. The process produces greenhouse gas emissions, but with pozzolan, this step is avoided.

EcoRock has purchased the quarry and surrounding land, along with the West Wharf and nearby railway.

Grey and pink coloured rock Pozzolan is a type of volcanic rock formed by layers of ash. Four hundred million years ago, Sugarloaf Mountain in nearby Campbellton was a volcano. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

Forlini said he believes the expansion of the quarry could see the amount of pozzolan extracted go from 55,000 tonnes each year to three million tonnes.

"Maybe in December or November 2025, maybe sooner if everything goes really, really well, maybe later if it takes longer," he said. 

"So it's really hard to say, but we're in no rush. We want to do things right to make sure that we become a good neighbour."

Never zoned for a mine

Federal and provincial approvals will be needed at different stages of the project.

At the municipal level, Heron Bay Mayor Norman Pelletier said the existing rock quarry has operated as a non-conforming use within Dalhousie town boundaries but an expansion can't move ahead without the area being rezoned.

The Heron Bay municipality recently passed first reading of a zoning bylaw amendment that would give it the authority to allow, deny or put stipulations on a mine or quarry in the area. Pelletier voted to break the tie vote of 3-3. Council decided to delay the second and third reading until 2025. 

"It gives us a voice," Pelletier said. "We could say that the company who wants to establish a mine in our town, you're going to have to follow all the criteria."  

"We as a municipality can say, well, you're not going to be driving on our roads with your trucks. We want a conveyor system, we want silos. We don't want no dust."

EcoRock said the next steps include a feasibility study and an environmental impact study on top of the environmental "survey" that's already been completed.

Pelletier, who's also the provincial Progressive Conservative candidate in Restigouche East, has not yet decided whether to support the mine. 

"There's still a lot of obstacles in the way. I'm not going to say yes or no until we hear all the facts," Pelletier said.

"I'm pro whatever development's going to come to our region. I'm not going to deny that. But I want to see the whole package laid out in front of me."

 A man in a white tshirt with a bald head and grey moustache and beard. He's standing in front of the woods and looking to the left of the camera.Norman Pelletier, the mayor of Heron Bay and a Progressive Conservative election candidate, hasn't made up his mind about the project. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

If the mine does expand, it would go from its current 11 hectares to 80 hectares.

EcoRock promised residents at meetings that the mine would be buffered by 200 metres of forest on all sides, and the popular Dalhousie Mountain Trail would be a "conservation" site.

Concerns about dredging the ocean floor to allow for ships to load pozzolan at West Wharf were also raised.

 A map shows the town of Dalhousie, a small area filled in yellow and a much larger area outlined in yelllow.    A map shows the current size of the pozzolan mine in yellow, compared to the proposed size of the mine after expansion, marked with a dotted yellow line. The federal government says on its website that the expanded mine could mean 168 permanent jobs. (EcoRock Dalhousie)

Across the Bay of Chaleur, Miguasha, Que., resident Jean-Marc Beaulieu worried the expansion would hurt his community.

"The bottom of the bay is heavily polluted," he said. "And with the mine, if they dredge the port or they dredge the bay to get bigger ships to the port, they will just put back all this sediment that are contaminated in circulation."

David (Tapit) Slagger, a member of Woodstock First Nation who lives in Dalhousie, said he too worries the project could harm the Bay of Chaleur and its inhabitants.

"What they're proposing here is going to affect our way of life, the fishery and, and overall the environment," he said. "The reverberations of blasting would have a devastating effect on the fishery."

Residents fear for environment

None of the residents who asked questions at the recent meetings spoke in favour of the project, and many signs along Victoria Road, which leads to the area, reflect opposition to the project.

A man in a white shirt and wearing a black hat with a a "no mine" graphic speaks into a microphone. Miguasha, Que., resident Jean-Mark Beaulieu says he can often hear loud cars or boats on the Dalhousie side of the Chaleur Bay and worries about the noise levels and pollution if the mine expands. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

"We want to turn the page on industry," said resident Gail Fearon, who served on Dalhousie's town council for more than a decade, until 2022.

She worries the company isn't consulting enough with the community.

"You see [the company] moving ahead and going 100 per cent with this project, and getting the rail lines and getting the ports put in place and everything. And we haven't even dealt with the bylaw."

A woman with short blonde hair in a white sweater speaks to a reporter holding a microphone. Gail Fearon says she wants to see Dalhousie move beyond its industrial past. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

Slagger wants to see the community lean into tourism, instead of returning to its industrial past.

"It's going to hurt the town and the people, the tourism industry, it will give Dalhousie such a black eye that no one will want to come here," he said. 

Overhead view of quarry The developers have completed a geological analysis of core samples extracted from the existing quarry in Dalhousie. They expect to have a detailed plan for the project by the end of the year. (Michael Heenan/CBC)

Fearon said there's now a group of over 1,500 residents from both sides of the bay, and surrounding areas, who are opposed to the mine expansion.

And as for whether the company behind the project can convince her it's a good idea?

"Not in my lifetime, no."


Victoria Walton

Associate Producer

Victoria Walton is a reporter at CBC P.E.I. and New Brunswick. She is originally from Nova Scotia, and has a bachelor of journalism from the University of King's College. You can reach her at


David Amos
"Norman Pelletier, the mayor of Heron Bay and a Progressive Conservative election candidate, hasn't made up his mind about the project."

My My Wasn't that a predictable answer?


David Amos
Methinks the local folks should hold a referendum N'esy Pas?
Ed Franks 
Reply to David Amos
Government by referendum is not the way to go......This is why we elect politicians to make these decisions..,

Good Day


Tuesday 7 May 2024

Proposed volcanic-rock mine divides northern New Brunswick town


Proposed volcanic-rock mine divides northern New Brunswick town

Some Dalhousie residents welcome prospect of jobs, others fear environmental impact

In a vast quarry on New Brunswick's north shore, Réjean Carrier looks up at towering walls of ashen-grey rock, cut deep into the landscape. 

"We have this presence of volcanic ashes in a zone around Dalhousie," he explains in French, pointing out a rock called pozzolan. "It will bring good jobs to the area."

Carrier, president of Quebec-based Carboniq Inc., hopes to turn an existing quarry into an open mine to extract the material as a low-carbon alternative for the cement industry.

His vision is to take the pozzolan from a small mountain, process it at a plant in the area, and export it globally using nearby port and rail lines.

WATCH | 'Yes, it's jobs, but a job at what expense?':

Could a volcanic-rock mine change life in northern New Brunswick?

Duration 4:28
Residents on New Brunswick's north shore are divided over a proposal to operate an open-pit mine in the community of Dalhousie. While many are embracing the potential for a boost to the struggling economy, others fear the project could harm the environment.

The existing rock quarry has operated as a non-conforming use within Dalhousie town boundaries but is much smaller than the project Carboniq imagines.

In the community of Dalhousie, the prospect of a new mine is raising questions over how to balance the economic benefits with potential impacts on the environment.

The community has faced economic struggles in recent years, struggling to reinvent itself after the loss of three major industries. The closure of a paper mill, a chemical plant and a power generation station has led to shuttered businesses and a declining population. 

The idea of a new mine is being embraced by some residents, with talk of hundreds of jobs during construction and as many as 168 once the processing plant is in operation. But others fear an open pit mine, near a school and residential areas, could impact their quality of life and harm the environment.

Réjean Carrier, president of Carboniq Inc., stands in a quarry Réjean Carrier, president of Carboniq Inc., stands in a quarry he hopes to convert into a mine for the cement industry. 'It will bring good jobs to the area,' he said. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

Mayor Normand Pelletier said residents have lots of questions and the developers will have to make their case to the community. He said people are divided on the issue.

"We have a lot of people that are interested and would like to see a project as such take place," he said. "For one, it's going to create good-paying jobs.

"We're kind of anxious to hear the company and how they're going to promote it and make those public consultations to ease the pressure on the citizens."

Volcanic rock

The natural resource is the result of the region's prehistoric past. Four hundred million years ago, Sugarloaf Mountain in nearby Campbellton was a volcano. As it spewed ash across the landscape, it created layers of pozzolan rock.

At the Dalhousie site, studies have revealed the deposit of rock is deep enough to last at least 100 years, according to the developers.

Pozzolan is now being looked at as a potential solution to drastically lower emissions in cement manufacturing. In current mixtures, limestone is added to a kiln and decomposes under high heat, which produces greenhouse gas emissions. But with pozzolan, that step in the process is avoided entirely.

Grey and pink coloured rock Pozzolan is formed by layers of volcanic ash. Four hundred million years ago, Sugarloaf Mountain in nearby Campbellton was a volcano. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

The material is currently being extracted at some sites in the western United States and around the Mediterranean Sea.

The project has received backing from the federal government. In 2022, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency made a conditionally repayable contribution of $1.2 million to cover geological and environmental surveys.

Carrier is working on the project with Guy Rousseau, president of cement company Cimbec Canada. The pair launched their venture in 2022.

Two men look at map on wall Guy Rousseau, left, and Réjean Carrie explain the deposit of pozzolan they've identified through geological analysis in the Dalhousie area. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

Carrier said the geological analysis of the deposit has been completed and the project is now focused on how pozzolan might need to be processed to meet the needs of the industry. The rock is being tested in a laboratory.

"The demand will increase because we're searching for products to decarbonize the production of cement," he said.

'It's going to leave a scar in the landscape'

The municipality of Heron Bay held a public meeting last month to discuss new zoning, including changes that would allow quarries and mines to operate in parts of the community of Dalhousie.

Residents filled the room to question councillors about the project, raising concerns about noise, dust, truck traffic and pollution. Many demanded more information about the mine, questioning why they haven't heard directly from the developers.

Gail Fearon, who spoke at the meeting, said she wants to see greater transparency so her community can make an informed decision.

"My problem is yes it's jobs, but a job at what expense?" she said in an interview, overlooking post-industrial brownfields on the community's waterfront.

Gail Fearon Gail Fearon, a former town councillor, spoke at a recent meeting about proposed zoning changes to allow quarries and mines to operate in the community. She said residents need more transparency to be able to make an informed decision about the project. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

Fearon said the project could lead to a permanent impact on the environment and the potential consequences need to be seriously considered. Growing up in the community, she remembers seeing waste from the paper plant being released into the bay.

"The industries that left, they left at least a flat piece of property. Whereas this project, it's going to leave a scar in the landscape," she said.

Carrier said he is listening to residents and recognizes some have questions and concerns. But he said it's too early to bring plans to the public for feedback. The project is still in a planning stage.

Overhead view of quarry The developers have completed geological analysis of core samples extracted from the existing quarry in Dalhousie. They expect to have a detailed plan for the project by the end of the year. (Michael Heenan/CBC)

"We don't want to design a project in public, but we are taking these concerns into account, from an environmental survey, a social acceptance survey," he said.

Carrier said a walking trail near the top of Dalhousie Mountain will not be affected, since the geological deposit stops well before that point in the landscape. He said possible impacts to neighbours could be controlled and mitigated.

"We're making the plan taking into account the different constraints imposed, that citizens impose, the environment imposes, laws impose," he said.


Alexandre Silberman

Video journalist

Alexandre Silberman is a video journalist with CBC News based in Moncton. He has previously worked at CBC Fredericton, Power & Politics, and Marketplace. You can reach him by email at:


David Amos
Isn't there a "scar" already there?  
Don Corey
Reply to David Amos
Sure looks like it to me. Apparently it must be ok though with the local greenies. 
Don Corey 
This will be a great project for Dalhousie and area, with a new viable industry providing much needed employment and a big economic boost. Hopefully the always vocal NIMBY crowd won't throw a wrench into the whole thing.  
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey  
Good luck
Don Corey
Reply to David Amos
Thanks, the area will need a lot of it.  
Frank Blacklock  
Green energy projects are not environmentally friendly, but take in billions for big corporations and their friends in government.
Mike Fowler 
Reply to Frank Blacklock 
You could just drop the first word from your post.

And the second, for that matter.

Corporations exist to earn shareholders money.

Bob Leeson 
Reply to Frank Blacklock
Luckily the 602 square km of open pit mines run by the bitumen oil industry are environmentally friendly. Everyone knows that bitumen extraction, processing, and later downstream combustion only produces unicorn gases, delivered by fairies.   
William Barron 
Reply to Frank Blacklock   
What projects do absolutely no harm at all?
David Amos
Reply to William Barron 
Good question 
Don Corey
Reply to Mike Fowler 
So what's wrong with that? They also provide excellent pay and benefits to millions of Canadians, significantly contribute to the local economy, and are the #1 key to both the country's productivity and GDP. Canada has been going downhill since 2015. We need to provide an environment where businesses (and therefore the country) can get us back on track. Many comments here reflect the all too common liberal negative mentality to developing our natural resources.
Mike Fowler 
Reply to Don Corey
I didn't say there's anything wrong with it.

(By law), corporations are beholden to their shareholders. Not "the environment", the collective, or feelings.

I'm not the one getting hysterical about how "environmentally friendly" (just) green energy projects are.

BTW: the most common liberal mentality to developing our resources is fake "conservativism" which involved giving tax pay dollars to "private" businesses, rather than letting the free market work.

Jimmy Vee  
Reply to Don Corey
Downhill not since 2015 but 1996, honesty is a good thing but its hard for some. Funny thing about Canada productivity numbers they started to level off and fall with each tax cut that benefited corporations. 
Don Corey
Reply to Jimmy Vee  
We're heading in the wrong direction, and have been since 2016. Speaking of honesty, there are indeed some who struggle to accept such and simply respond with unsubstantiated allegations and excuses.
Don Corey
Reply to Mike Fowler 
I totally agree with you on subsidies to privately-owned enterprises. You seem to think the practice is "conservatism", but it sure is alive and well in Ottawa. 
Jimmy Vee  
Reply to Don Corey
check the stats they are very interesting, it seems every time industry gets a tax cut they decide to do less, maybe because margins have improved. 
Mike Fowler 
Reply to Don Corey
And "conservative" provinces like Ontario and Alberta.

It's not real conservatism - it's an attack on it while wearing a disguise.

William Peters  
Here we ago again with he interviewing of people who have an economic interest in doing this. What we have is a collective wealth which is not to be wasted chasing personal examples of well building. None of us are permanent. Converting your landscape to saleable commodities and a externalities is an equation that promises some temporary material gain in exchange for certain environmental impacts. There is no sugar coating the downside to make it go away. A mine is a stress on the planet. They are examples of economic economy that we are doing that are contributing to our current unsustainable path. That path is not helped by dollars. Arguments that are meant to appeal to your wants always omit to ask you if you might prefer to not lay the planet to waste and to focus instead on things that respect the much slower speed we must take in exploiting energy for our benefit. It cannot just be a mindless race for more that has appeal to people who are given less in order that they might want to allow for more activity to be done. The economic benefit that is sought can be achieved by better economic distributions of the wealth benefit of existing levels of activity. If we had better distribution we would not concede that the world be wasted in order to possibly content us. To want more is to want to be given less by those who will promise more. Find a way to achieve your goals politically and put an end to the many occasions of you being poisoned by industrial chemicals and bad thinking. 
Don Corey
Reply to William Peters 
Nice but meaningless diatribe. This is the mentality that contributes toward our stagnant (at best) GDP/capita.  
MR Cain  
Reply to William Peters
Time to get off the pulpit and research the benefits. 

Allan Green
Reply to  MR Cain  
You linked a marketing page by the company proposing this project. That's propaganda, not research.
Allan Green 
Reply to Don Corey
And your comment is shortsighted. That's the mentality that's lead to worldwide environmental degradation.
William Peters 
Reply to Don Corey 
That's your own belief system speaking from being threated. Endless growth chases endless GDP growth. It's a meaningless measure which is faulty accounting neglecting what is lost to produce growth. You grow and lose some things, but with GDP you seemingly always win. Also, when you have someone paying a rent that's a contributor to GDP as rental payments are counted as valuable economic activity when they are not. The trick is how you such people into believing they are always going forward by wasting what is given to us and extracting value for the passage of time. We' re on to you amateur economists. 
William Peters 
Reply to Allan Green 
The game is up. Growth in energy demand or growth in emissions is not desirable unless we value dollars (a form of obligation) more than well being where we are. Dollars can never secure us well being. That's an illusion. It gets you stuff at the company store. The attitude that pushes us to want more demands more obscenity. We don't suffer from a lack of affluence. We suffer from obscene levels of affluence and horrible distribution of wealth. Nobody should be telling people they'll be better off, like a socialist, when they are fronting for free market capitalism. It surely is propaganda of the sort that typically silences people.  
MR Cain
Reply to Allan Green  
of course it is; you will find more info on the other company involved and the fact that the project appears to be a done dea; research all the info and make up your own mind. 
Don Corey
Reply to Allan Green  
Yep, you're in that group that wants everything except economic development. 
Don Corey
Reply to Don Corey
I'm not feeling threatened by anything except politicians and others who thrive on stifling economic growth. Canada's GDP/capita has been stagnant since 2015 and projections have us falling far behind every country in the OECD.  
MR Cain
Reply to Allan Green
Cimbec Canada Inc. and Carboniq Inc. are developing a volcanic rock extraction project located in Dalhousie, New Brunswick. It shows milestone dates. It has already been provided federal funding. This IS the project. Do some research. There are other sites that are marketing the companies involved. 
Robert Brannen
Reply to Don Corey
If you take a look at Canada's GDP growth/capita you will find it has been essentially in a decline since 2003. The few occasions in which it has increased have followed periods like the real estate melt down and the pandemic.

Growth of GDP/capita, Canada: 2003 - 16.68%, 2004 - 13.58%, 2005 - 13.19%, 2006 - 11.33%, 2007 - 10.26%, 2008 - 4.59%, 2009 - minus 12.49%, 2010 - 16.36%, 2011 - 9.800%, 2012 - 0.85%, 2013 - minus 0.06%, 2014 - minus 3.19%, 2015 - minus 14.44%, 2016 - minus2.94%, 2017 - 6.65%, 2018 - 3.14%, 2019 - minus 0.37%, 2020 - minus 6.06%, 2021 - 20.55%, 2022 - 5.73%.

Year over year increases in total GDP do not necessarily translate to an increase in rate of growth in GDP/capita.

In the above time span, the rate of growth in GDP/capita was only on the increase in 2010, 2016, 2017 and 2021.

Allan Green 
Reply to Don Corey
And you're part of that group that wants economic development at the expense of everything else, including a habitable planet.  
Don Corey
Reply to Robert Brannen 
As per StatsCan (April, 2024) our GDP per capita has now fallen to 2017 levels (so nothing to brag about there).

Furthermore, our GDP per capita (inflation adjusted) has grown by only 1.9% since the current federal government took office in 2015. During the same period, for comparison's sake, the United States growth has been a whopping 8 times higher.

And, looking ahead, from now to 2030 Canada is projected to have the slowest rate of GDP per capita growth among the 38 developed countries in the OECD.

Simply put, our economy is stalling relative to past performance and all other comparable countries around the world.

It's time to stop pretending that all is well.

Don Corey
Reply to William Peters
First time I've ever been called an economist, amateur or otherwise. I suppose it could be worse since you didn't call me an accountant.

Your socialist leanings are quite obvious, and you need to realize that there are (thank goodness) many who disagree with you.

Don Corey
Reply to Allan Green
Where did I say that? Can you be more specific? A lawsuit requires a bit more detail.  
Allan Green 
Reply to Don Corey
Where did I say I wanted everything except economic development? Black and white generalizations are a two way street. 
Walter Vrbetic  
Interesting science... I'v never heard of pozzolan let alone its ability to replace limestone in cement production.

Though I had read that early Romans used volcanic ash in their cement formula.

Louis Léger 
Reply to Walter Vrbetic 
By many metrics, pozzolan also makes better quality concrete. It's a neat substance! 
John Cash  
Such a beautiful piece of land there. I hope they don't wreck it with jobs and other nonsense.
Don Corey
Reply to John Cash 
There are always those who thrive on standing in the way of progress, with exaggerated and/or fabricated excuses for why the status quo is the way it has to be. 
John Cash 
These jobs in depressed areas always get fast tracked through the environmental impact stages.... It's just good for votes. 
Don Corey
Reply to John Cash  
Votes are a non-issue for this part of the province. 
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey  
For Higgy anyway
Don Corey
Reply to David Amos
That's for sure. 

Government of Canada supports a net‑zero industry transformation

News release

November 8, 2022 · Dalhousie, New Brunswick · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

By investing in strategic projects that leverage regional assets and target greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, we can create a healthier environment and new economic opportunities. This will foster a strong, sustainable recovery and build a greener economy for all Canadians. The Government of Canada is investing to help Carboniq Inc. and Cimbec Canada Inc., the codevelopers of the Dalhousie Pozzolan project, conduct studies to produce a cementitious material to help decarbonize the cement industry, which is alone responsible for 7%–8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Diversifying for the future

Today, René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska‑Restigouche, announced a conditionally repayable contribution of $1,223,361 to Carboniq Inc. and Cimbec Canada Inc. as part of the Canada Coal Transition Initiative – Infrastructure Fund. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA.

This investment will help Carboniq Inc. and Cimbec Canada Inc. complete the initial steps of a project to extract a natural pozzolan deposit, a rock of volcanic origin. These steps include assessing deposit size and quality and conducting environmental surveys in the work area in preparation for a future environmental impact study. The extraction and processing of this pozzolan have the potential to create up to 500 jobs during the construction phase, as well as 168 permanent jobs once the processing plant is in operation.

Dalhousie’s natural pozzolan deposit, the result of an accumulation of volcanic ashes over 400 million years ago, may play a significant role in reducing the carbon footprint of cement manufacturers by providing a material that does not need to be calcined to offer cementitious properties.

This project must be completed before any major mining developments can take place. The codevelopers also recognize the importance of engaging in dialogue with First Nations for any subsequent projects.

Today’s announcement further demonstrates the Government of Canada’s commitment to focus on economic diversification to ensure the creation of good jobs and wealth, both now and for the future. 


“Transitioning to a low carbon economy is a priority for our government. The economy and the government go hand in hand, which is why we are committing to working with partners to create new opportunities as we transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.” 

– Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA

“As New Brunswick moves away from coal, we are working with partners to help make this transition. This investment will help the proponents of the Dalhousie Pozzolan project and neighbouring communities diversify the economy, create jobs and prepare for the future.”

– René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche

“We are especially pleased that the Government of Canada, through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, has agreed to support this project. This support will help us accelerate the development of this project, and therefore the decarbonization of our economy.”

– Réjean Carrier, President, Carboniq Inc.  

Quick facts

  • Incorporated in 2014, Carboniq Inc. provides expertise to identify and deploy solutions aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting companies.

  • After founding what would become McInnis Cement in the Gaspé Peninsula, the largest cement plant in Canada, Cimbec Canada Inc. is continuing to develop initiatives that complement the cement and concrete industry.

  • The Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) – Infrastructure Fund is a $150 million fund that aims to help communities move away from coal by investing in infrastructure. 

  • In Atlantic Canada, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is delivering $55 million under the CCTI initiatives to support investments in infrastructure and economic diversification within communities preparing to transition away from coal.

Associated links


Marianne Blondin
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Official Languages and of the
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Dominique Bouchard
Director of Communications
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Réjean Carrier
Carboniq Inc.

Cement Association of Canada
Green Party of New Brunswick Leader David Coon praised the Canadian cement and concrete industry action plan to net-zero today at
Hmmm I wonder if he meant it


hydraulic cement
Also known as: pozzolan, pozzuolana, pulvis puteoli, volcanic-ash cement

Baths of Caracalla

pozzolana, hydraulic cement perfected by the Romans and still used in some countries, traditionally made by grinding a material of volcanic origin (the pozzolan) with powdered hydrated lime. Roman engineers used two parts by weight of pozzolan mixed with one part of lime to give strength to mortar and concrete in bridges and other masonry and brickwork. During the 3rd century bce the Romans used pozzolana instead of sand in concrete and mortared rubblework, giving extraordinary strength. Used with an aggregate of broken tuff, travertine, brick, or marble, the material contributed to the evolution of new architectural forms in such monumental constructions as the Pantheon and the Baths of Caracalla at Rome.

Pozzolana was first found at Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), near Naples, where there are still extensive beds, and also around Rome. Natural pozzolana is often composed mainly of a fine chocolate-red volcanic earth. Industrial, artificial pozzolans are produced in furnaces where organic materials, such as coal, are burned and the ash is reclaimed. Fly ash is the most common form of industrial pozzolan.



Rejean Carrier


Carboniq Inc.

+1 (514) 466-2744

Guy Rousseau


Cimbec Canada Inc.

+1 (514) 618-6864


Dalhousie Office

419 D Adelaide St.

Dalhousie, New Brunswick

Canada E8C 1B7


Dalhousie Pozzolan


Dalhousie pozzolan is a rock made of volcanic ash ejected about 400 million years ago by the active volcano of Mount Sugarloaf. This rock can partially replace a substance used in the production of cement called “clinker” (calcined limestone). It would only need to be finely ground.

Purpose of the project

The objective of the project is to provide the cement industry with a very low carbon footprint cementitious material that will reduce the clinker-cement ratio and thus reduce the need for clinker, the production of which is the source of significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

When limestone is heated in a cement plant kiln, its decomposition under the effect of the heat leads to the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). Since the ground pozzolan does not need to be heated, all emissions related to the decomposition of the limestone as well as those related to the use of fossil fuels for heat production will be avoided.

The Dalhousie Pozzolan Project has the potential to reduce GHG emissions from the Canadian cement industry by up to 3 million tons per year. That's the equivalent of taking 1 million medium-sized cars off the road every year.

A large deposit and the necessary infrastructure

There is a large deposit of pozzolan at the project site in Dalhousie.

In addition, all the necessary infrastructure for the project is already in place: the quarry, the railway, a high voltage power line, and the port.

Benefits for individuals and communities

The project would bring several benefits to the community:

  • The project would create jobs, both directly and indirectly.

  • A royalty would be paid to the municipality

  • The municipal taxes on the site would increase, providing additional revenue to the municipality.

  • Infrastructure that was no longer in use would be revitalized.

  • We would also like to develop a partnership with the Ugpi’ganjig First Nation.

A project in 2 phases

The quarry

A quarry is already operating on the site. It has been there since 1932. For the first two years, the plan would be to continue operating this quarry and sell the construction stone.

These operations would be the same as those currently taking place at the quarry.

Meanwhile, a feasibility study on the extraction of pozzolan would be conducted. This study would include an environmental impact assessment.

Phase 1

Phase 2

The pozzolan mine

If the project is approved, pozzolan extraction would begin. The project's classification would change, and the quarry would become a mine.

Provisional timeline

Pozzolan production: a simple process

To produce pozzolan, we would take the stone from the quarry and grind it more finely.


Even the rejected stone that is unsuitable for construction could be processed in this way. Because of this, there would be no waste. Everything extracted from the quarry would be used.

Valuable dust that would be captured

The rock would be ground in a closed building since we would want to minimize the amount of dust released into the air as much as possible, for two reasons:

  1. To comply with regulations and promote good relations with the community.

  2. To capture and sell the dust as a product.

Few new infrastructures to build

New infrastructures would be needed at the port to load the ships.


To transport the products from the quarry to the port, a few scenarios are possible. These scenarios will be evaluated in the environmental impact study.

Quarry expansion and creation of a conservation area 

Currently, the quarry’s production is 55,000 tons per year. By 2027, the goal would be to reach a production of 3 million tons per year, including:

• 2 million tons per year of pozzolan

• 1 million tons per year of construction aggregates

To do this, the quarry would need to be expanded. A conservation area would also be created.

​On the map, the solid yellow rectangle represents the current approximate area of the quarry. The dotted yellow line represents the projected expansion. The purple rectangle represents the conservation area.

Please note:

  • The land within the conservation area (in purple) would be protected.

  • The project would not touch the hiking trail on the mountain (Dalhousie Mountain Peak Trail). There would be 200 m of wooded area between the quarry and the trail.

  • There would also be 200 m of wooded area between the quarry and the École Aux Quatre Vents.

  • The project would not create any new industrial sites.

The views from the trail would not change

The views of the landscape from the Dalhousie Mountain Trail would not change.

Dalhousie - Vue du belvédère.png
Dalhousie - Vue direction carrière.png

The view from the trail looking south

The view from the trail looking north, towards the quarry

A crucial step : studying the project’s environmental impacts

An environmental assessment will need to be conducted to understand the potential impacts of the project on air, water, wildlife, vegetation, and the local population.

We are also preparing a proposal for a citizen consultation process. This would involve meetings and activities that would allow people who live in the area to actively contribute to the environmental assessment and determine the conditions under which the project could move forward.



anny Doucet

Tonight's meeting is a committee meeting but they will be talking about the bylaw change and here's the agenda please whoever can make it please attend
 May be an image of text

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