PC candidate who was symbol of Higgs's rightward shift defeated
Controversial candidate Faytene Grasseschi loses bid for seat
Liberal John Herron has won Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins in a close race against Christian activist candidate Faytene Grasseschi, who some say signaled a potential turning point for New Brunswick's Progressive Conservative party.
Herron, a former Progressive Conservative MP, said it was a major win that reflects the progressive nature of the community — with what he called a history of traditionally moderate politics.
"You had a great number of individuals within this community who checked their past partisan storage at the door, where we had Progressive Conservatives, Liberals —even voters who may be more Green-inspired — and they've all joined this particular candidacy," he said.
Liberals won the riding with 3,259 votes by a margin of 2.7 per cent, the PCs garnered 3,035 votes.
"I think there's a number of things for consideration, given that Mr. Higgs had well over 10 of his own MLAs not offering for him again, I think there were very strong signals that the governing party was apt to change," Herron said.
"To elect a member who's going to participate in that new government — that's absolutely helpful to the region itself."
The Liberal party won a majority with 31 seats, making leader Susan Holt the first woman to be premier in the province's history. The PC party won 16 seats and the Green party won 2.
Grasseschi was not available for comment once results in her riding
were finalized. She released a Facebook post thanking her team and
supporters, and congratulated John Herron on his win. (CBC)
Grasseschi has been a Christian activist for two decades and has been accused of harbouring extreme views on issues such as gay rights and abortion.
She previously said she put her name forward in response to a "party revolt," and what she called an assault "by the liberal media" over Higgs's changes to Policy 713, an education policy requiring students under 16 to obtain parental consent before teachers using a new name or pronoun aligning with their gender identity.
She was nominated as the candidate for the riding over the objections of Gary Crossman, who held the riding for many years but decided not to reoffer, and members of the PC riding association board.
Early in her campaign, she said her opponents had denigrated her for things she said two decades ago. She also said she believes in the Charter of Rights and Freedom.
CBC News contacted Grassechi's campaign office for comment Monday night. A campaign staff member said Grassechi and her campaign were hosting a gathering at a private residence on the night of the election.
She was not available for comment once the results were finalized.
In a Facebook post, Grassechi thanked her supporters and campaign team and congratulated Herron on his victory.
candidate Laura Myers congradulated Liberal John Herron on his win and
said she's happy with the progress the Greens have made in the riding. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Counts in the region were delayed by voting machine failures at the Hampton Community Library polling location. Results came a few hours after the Liberals won a majority.
The Green Party came in third in the riding, winning 18.7 per cent of the vote.
Laura Myers, who previously said the PCs should have rejected Grasseschi's bid to run, stopped by Herron's campaign headquarters to congratulate him.
"The people spoke — they wanted change," she said.
"I think that the Conservative candidate that was chosen for this riding was somebody that the people in the riding just couldn't back. And so they wanted something different. And I think that the Liberal vote, it was a safer vote."
Myers said she feels good about the progress the Green Party has made in the riding.
"I mean, the last election we had under 13 per cent in this riding and this time we had almost 19 per cent. So that's a pretty big jump. I'm very proud of the campaign that we ran," she said.
From: Faytene Grasseschi / PCNB - Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins 2024 Candidate <info@votefaytene.ca>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Longtime PC supporters face a dilemma in high-profile Hampton election race
Faytene Grasseschi’s candidacy has driven many party supporters to back Liberal candidate
For Dorothy MacDonald, and lifelong Progressive Conservatives like her in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, this month's New Brunswick election represents an agonizing choice.
MacDonald worked for almost three years as the constituency assistant for Gary Crossman, a former MLA and PC cabinet minister.
Yet she's not sure she can vote for the party she has supported since she was a child.
"I still haven't made up my mind. I'm still anxious," she said after attending a recent candidates debate at Hampton High School.
"Two of the candidates have never been to my house, so I'd really like to have more one-on-one with them. It's been very difficult."
MacDonald is not alone. Her decision, and the choice of other PC stalwarts in the riding, will not only determine who gets elected here but could have a role in shaping the future of the PC Party itself.
Many longtime party supporters were upset last December when Christian conservative activist Faytene Grasseschi was nominated as the candidate over the objections of Crossman and members of the PC riding association board.
"My personal and political beliefs no longer align in many ways with the direction of our party and government," Crossman said when he resigned as minister and MLA in April.
MacDonald is a self-described life-long Progressive Conservative in
Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, but she's unsure how she will vote this time. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Grasseschi has been a Christian activist for two decades and has been accused of harbouring extreme views on issues such as gay rights and abortion.
In her 2009 book Marked, she wrote, "We are to make disciples of every people, group and culture, yes … and teach nations to obey all that the Lord has commanded."
At last December's nomination, PC Leader Blaine Higgs praised "the conviction, the determination and the pure ability" of Grasseschi and said her candidacy was part of a "revolution" within the PC Party.
That makes the Hampton race, and Grasseschi's possible presence in a future PC caucus, a potential turning point for the party itself, as Tories wrestle with a more socially conservative direction or return to the political centre.
Longtime Hampton PC supporter Al Walker said in an interview that her nomination, and Higgs's attitude, were the breaking points for him.
"I just had to change this time. … I said 'enough's enough.' She would be a national embarrassment if we elected her," he said.
Al Walker is one of the Progressive Conservatives from the riding who persuaded John Herron to run for the Liberals. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Walker is one of the Tories who convinced former federal PC MP John Herron, who switched to the federal Liberals toward the end of his House of Commons tenure, that he should run as the provincial Liberal candidate in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins.
"I've never donated to the Liberal Party before in my life," Walker said. "This time I certainly have, and I was proud to do so, because this will make the difference."
Last Wednesday's debate was the first time Herron, Grasseschi and the other candidates shared a stage.
The event, organized by the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce, attracted about 250 people.
Chamber president Luke MacGregor said the high-profile nature of the race is generating a lot of discussion.
"It's a bit more exciting than it has been in the past," said MacGregor, who has heard lots of election talk at the local craft brewery he owns.
"We have a big crowd Friday nights, and that is the number one topic until everybody has moved on to the next couple of rounds."
Grasseschi told the crowd that she decided to get into provincial politics last year when she saw Higgs "assaulted by the liberal media" over his changes to Policy 713.
told the audience she was inspired to run last year when she saw
Premier Blaine Higgs being 'assaulted by the liberal media' for his
stance on Policy 713, which is about gender identity in schools. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
Those changes require school staff to obtain consent from parents if a student under 16 wants to adopt a new name or pronoun reflecting their gender identity.
Before the change, parental consent wasn't required.
But after raising the issue, Grasseschi pivoted, saying that knocking on doors in the riding, "the number one issue that I heard about is cost of living."
Throughout the night she articulated the PC Party positions on issues from the environment to property taxes and from health care to housing.
She departed from the party line twice: to say she was open to "a conversation" about not applying sales taxes to N.B. Power bills – as the Liberals have promised — and to an inquiry on forest clearcutting and glyphosate spraying.
Herron argued that Grasseschi, who lives just outside the riding, doesn't represent the political mainstream and that he is the only one who can defeat her.
Herron, left, speaks with People's Alliance candidate Peter Graham after the debate in Hampton. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
He referred to her as "this version of the Conservatives, whose candidacy lives outside the fringes of this riding, who represents an extreme fringe politics that goes beyond the modern traditions of the province."
Answering a question about 2SLGBTQ+ issues, Grasseschi argued her opponents have denigrated her based on things she said 20 years ago.
"Let me tell you what I believe in 2024," she said. "I believe in the Charter [of Rights and Freedoms]."
She read from Section 2 of the Charter, which guarantees freedom of religion, expression and assembly, among others.
"I would run in front of a bullet to protect these fundamental rights and freedoms for our LGBTQ+ kids and for every single one of us, no matter who we are and how we express ourselves," she said.
She did not mention other sections of the Charter, such as Section 7 protecting security of the person — the clause that led to the decriminalization of abortion — or Section 15 on equality, which helped pave the way to legalize same-sex marriage.
Grasseschi has been attacked, mocked and insulted on social media for her views, including by critics who have posted old videos of her speaking in tongues and claiming to heal people through faith.
"I'd like to propose that there's been no one in this town that has been more bullied, more shamed, more harassed online, than the woman that you're looking at right now," she said at the debate.
"But you know what? That doesn't change who I am. I still love, and I'll still fight for you and your loved ones, and I still care."
Green candidate Laura Myers, right, argued that Herron is not the only person who can beat Grasseschi. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Four other candidates are running in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, though the NDP and Libertarian candidates did not appear at Wednesday's debate.
The Green Party's Laura Myers rejected Herron's argument that only the Liberals can block Grasseschi.
"The comment I hear the most at the door is 'Well, I know who I'm not voting for,'" she said. "You can't get what you want by voting for what you don't want."
Myers, a welll-known community volunteer and former teacher, earned enthusiastic applause from many of the people at the debate.
People's Alliance candidate Peter Graham said he also left the PC Party over its direction and argued the formerly right-leaning, populist Alliance is now a moderate, middle-of-the-road option.
"We reject extremism," he said. "We've got this dichotomy of the Liberal Party and the PCs, and they're at loggerheads and they won't work collaboratively on anything. … As a centrist party, we can bridge that gap."
For MacDonald, the lifelong PC member and former assistant to Crossman, the 90 minutes of discussion wasn't enough for her to make a decision.
"The first part of the debate, I was saying, 'This is the way I'm going to go.' Then in the second part, things changed around a bit," she said.
Ultimately, she said, the fraying of old party loyalties may be healthy.
"In some ways it's good, because it's really got people thinking outside the box," she said.
"It really makes you look at what's going on, instead of saying, 'I'm a PC, I'm always going to be a PC.' Now I'm starting to look at party policies, what people are saying, what the constituents are saying, and really listening."
Reply to David Amos
She departed from the party line twice: to say she was open to "a conversation" about not applying sales taxes to N.B. Power bills – as the Liberals have promised — and to an inquiry on forest clearcutting and glyphosate spraying."
Good for her
Allan Marven
Were they invited???
Reply to David Amos
The organizers probably thought they were irrelevant...a waste of time?
I resemble that remark
BTW Grasseschi's computer and that of a couple of her opponents acknowledged my email about the "Leader's Platform Forum" yesterday which I was invited to
Reply to David Amos
"In February 2004, Herron announced that he would leave the newly merged Conservatives to sit as an Independent and would run as a Liberal in this election."
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
We wished the same thing on each other minutes ago
We should get over the fact big business does/will factor in when it comes to running the economy, etc. They also put food on the table for many regardless of the fact they have/will receive what many think are "favours" from our governments. With regards to religion we've seemed to have gone down the drain and into the sewers since church attendance has severely declined. And, yes I know thru the ages religion has had their problems and that's because people are...people with their own sometimes what I'll call misguided minds. But I feel if we just cast our thoughts on Jesus all will be well in the end.
MR Cain
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Big difference between religion and faith.
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Church attendance should be mandatory?
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
I have faith; I don't practice religion.
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
So everyone should become Christian?
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Guess who I was just talking to
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to David Amos
Aw shucks...maybe the new Consensus Party??
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Try again
Matt Steele
Faytene Grasseschi seems to be extremely in the area , so that riding is pretty much in the bag for the PCs . Liberals seem to be throwing mud at the wall , and hoping something sticks , but it is too little , and too late .
Matt Steele
Reply to Matt Steele
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Matt Steele
You will find disgruntled Libs will swing to Green thus allowing a PC win
Graeme Scott
Reply to Matt Steele
I suspect Faytene will hurt the PC numbers but only to the point where they take the seat with 45-50% of the vote as opposed to the 60% they got last time
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Graeme Scott
Jos Allaire
Reply to Matt Steele
They'd vote for a blue lampshade is what you're saying. And you're probably right.
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Jos Allaire
As they do in many other ridings..like Shediac for example
John Lawrence
Reply to Matt Steele
That’s why she was placed there lol, fantastic con play. Higgs needs someone from western Canada to defend assaults on his beliefs and overall character because he is a weak leader as proven by all of the quality people leaving his team lol
In our election in Saskatchewan, the Christian right is trying the same thing, not as extreme candidates but got Scott Moe to waste time and resources on a pronoun policy which we didn’t need. They just steal time and energy from the real issues,
Reply to Gerald Smith
The dead cat strategy, also known as deadcatting, is the political strategy of deliberately making a shocking announcement to divert media attention away from problems or failures in other areas.
Trust that I enjoy it when they play that wicked game
In Marked, a book published in 2009, Grasseschi wrote that the legalization of same-sex marriage "gave sodomistic strongholds greater leverage and greater access over the mindsets of the citizens of Canada."
She suggested the 2005 change could lead to people marrying animals, including "man and dog, woman and fish," and said she would continue fighting to reverse it.
Reply to Anne Wallenberg
Was she wrong?
Reply to John Power
She was right!
So what if she doesn't prove to be.
Does she believe that dinosaurs once roamed the earth?
Reply to Anne Wallenberg
PCs should have banned Grasseschi from running, Green candidate says
Christian conservative’s 2009 book condemned legalization of same-sex marriage, promised to fight it
Jacques Poitras
Jan 16, 2024
20 Years ago
Tory-turned-Liberal John Herron loses
CBC News · Posted: Jun 29, 2004 8:22 AM ADT
Liberal incumbent John Herron has lost his New Brunswick riding to Conservative Rob Moore.
Moore received less than 35 per cent of the popular vote, while NDP Pat Hanratty came in third with 16 per cent.
Moore is a lawyer and helped organize the Canadian Alliance in the riding in the late 1990s, running in 2000.
Herron represented the riding for two terms as a Progressive Conservative, but spoke against the merger. He said he believes the union of the Alliance and Progressive Conservative parties has swung his former party too far to the right for his comfort.
This area has given its support to the Progressive Conservatives in every election for the past 80 years, save for 1993, when Liberal Paul Zed won office. Zed was then beaten in 1997 by Herron.
In February 2004, Herron announced that he would leave the newly merged Conservatives to sit as an Independent and would run as a Liberal in this election.
Yes she was wrong.
Jarrod Yeo
Regardless of the story contents, this piece represents the media's subtle yet constant attempt to influence the election outcome. Measured by column inches, it is clear the "lean" is Conservative ... as Poitras dedicated the great majority of the story to only one aspect (personality instead of issues of one candidate) and almost all the attention is on her, which is what she and the Conservatives want. Meanwhile, the other choices and information needed by voters is given much less attention, even though other candidates were present at the event. It is as if there were only one candidate, instead of several. Bad news for voters trying to find out from their media sources all the options available to them in this election. The influence by CBC is clear in this riding ... and voters left in the dark on their democratic choices by our National Broadcaster.
Reply to Dennis Atchison
Sounds like a PCNB rant to me.
Reply to Dennis Atchison
Clearly this riding is of upmost interest given the PC candidate was handpicked by the current Premier who showed disregard and disdain for the choices of the local Conservative party. It is a very controversial choice given her strong views on religion and how it should be practised. It's also important that voters know this candidate is very selective on what parts of the Chart of Rights and Freedoms she believes in. A third interesting point with this candidate is that she does not live in the riding.
Reply to Dennis Atchison
I'm gueesing you are not happy with te facts.
Reply to Dennis Atchison
This is an analysis.
Remember me?
Reply to Lynette Browne
Sorry for the early morning sp mistakes.
I'm not
Reply to David Amos
Relevance? none.
They deleted my reply to you in which I deliberately misspelled as word
When do you cross the line from a hit piece to election interference?
Reply to Eileen Kinley
It is election interference by those who hide their identity.
Perhaps you should read it again
Reply to Eileen Kinley
A left wing anal y sis
Ah the old Monday morning PC hatchet job, so predictable.
Peter Hill
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Yup, somehow reporting of facts is a hatchet job.
MR Cain
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Analyses; let's see yours.
Eileen Kinley
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Yes, local PCs are not happy.
James McCaffrey
Reply to Ted DiBlase
If writing the facts makes your candidate look bad, that's not a hatchet job...
Wow, the PC party is really falling off the edge with this candidate, Grasseschei. I sure hope citizens use commone sense and a reality check.
Reply to Lynette Browne
She's excellent.
Reply to Felix Mitchell
Yes, at preaching and suppressing human rights.
Reply to Lynette Browne
Our PM does the same thing
Faytene is correct about the liberal media. They are trying their best to run down PC candidates with every piece they write.
Allan Marven
Reply to Daniel Henwell
And I thank them for that.
Reply to Allan Marven
And I ain't no Liberal as my voting in the next federal election will show.
Reply to Daniel Henwell
The story is factual, it's pointing out that the candidate was not the choice of the local PC riding. That's not 'running down' the Party.
It should be easy to decide knowing what the mess the present leader has left to fix , never mind adding religion to heal everything. Use brain.
There is no place for any religion in Canadian politics and it is time our Constitution for re-written to remove the mention of a mythical being.
Reply to Free Palestine
Says "Free Palestine" .....really.
Reply to Free Palestine
Because you say so.......
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Let's concentrate on Canadian issues.
I concur with the Separation of Church and State
Battle between ‘fringe’ candidate and ex-Tory reflects division in N.B. politics
October 5, 2024
A riding in southwest New Brunswick that for decades was a Progressive Conservative stronghold is shaping up to be a bellwether that could offer a window into the future of the Tory party, and maybe of the province.
The Progressive Conservatives are putting up Faytene Grasseschi, an activist and Christian TV host, in the Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins riding. The Liberals, meanwhile, have also nominated a conservative — at least a former one.
John Herron, a two-term Progressive Conservative member of Parliament, agreed to join the Liberals because of the threat he said his opponent represents. His candidacy is a reflection of the schism among the Progressive Conservatives, many of whom have chosen to sit this election out because of the direction they said the party is going under Tory Leader Blaine Higgs, who is seeking a third term in office.
“Realistically, there are just two candidacies who could win this seat,” Herron told a meet and greet in the riding earlier this week, organized by the local chamber of commerce.He didn’t mince words: “Ours and this version of the Conservatives, whose candidacy lives outside the fringes of this riding, and who represents an extreme fringe politics that goes beyond the moderate traditions of the province.”
Grasseschi told the crowd that she decided to get involved in provincial politics last summer, during the controversy that erupted when the Higgs government forced teachers to get parental consent before they could use the preferred first names and pronouns of transgender and nonbinary students under 16. The change triggered outcry across the country, including from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
But Higgs persisted, saying parents must be informed if their children are questioning their gender identity.
Grasseschi said her desire to run for office came when “I witnessed a senior citizen being assaulted,” referring to the 70-year-old premier of New Brunswick.Higgs has said Grasseschi’s arrival has attracted “a lot of new members to the party,” and that he was not concerned that her beliefs could alienate socially progressive people. “We have a very diverse population and it is becoming more diverse. And we must respect the individual rights, freedoms and beliefs of each individual.”
J.P. Lewis, a political science professor at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, said if the Progressive Conservatives and Grasseschi win, then that would be the “clearest test” of the direction of the party.
“It could be a sign that the party membership, or the eventual caucus, are shifting to a different place.”
Lewis said the riding is also interesting because of Grasseschi’s high social media profile. She is a well-known figure in Christian conservative circles and is the author of several books.
In one of her books, “Marked,” published in 2009 under her maiden name Kryskow, she wrote about God speaking to her and described same-sex marriage as a threat to traditional marriage — even suggesting it could lead to man being able to marry a dog.Grasseschi, Lewis said, has “become the face of Higgs’s move further to the right again. Because she’s higher profile, because of her YouTube following and things like that, and because of the fact that the nomination contest actually got news coverage, which many don’t … I think for all those reasons, (this riding) is significant.”
One way to gauge whether voters are happy with the choice in Grasseschi is how many people show up to pick Higgs’s candidate, Lewis said. In 2020, the Progressive Conservatives got 4,351 votes, 61 per cent; Liberals got 1,084, good for 15 per cent; and the Greens took 816 votes, or 11 per cent.
Kent McNeilly, a resident of the riding who attended the meet and greet, said the results of the election in the riding could signal whether politics in the province is moving further to the right.
“This riding they used to say … federally and provincially, you can put a blue coat on a dog, and he’d win. Very rarely do we not go blue,” he said, referring to the Conservatives. “But there’s a good possibility that we might not go blue this time.”
Green candidate Laura Myers said the fact that former Tories are running on Liberal tickets speaks more about the direction of the Progressive Conservative party than anything else.
A number of people are disenchanted with the federal Liberal government, and that displeasure has trickled down to provincial politics, Myers noted. But she also said people have told her they are unhappy with the incumbent Tories.
Myers said she has lived in the riding for 34 years and usually Green candidates did not expect to win. “And now, I mean, I would say everything has changed . … I think the Greens have some momentum, and not just in this riding.”This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 5, 2024.
Hina Alam, The Canadian Press
From: <info@votefaytene.ca>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 4:30 PM
Subject: Auto: RE PC Faytene won't discuss 'security concerns' that caused event's cancellation
To: <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your message. It is important to us. One of our volunteers will review and respond to you as soon as possible.
We are serving a high volume of emails and calls right now, but hope to respond within 24 hours. Thank you for your patience and support.
If you are looking for information on where to vote, please click here: https://www.votefaytene.ca/vot
For information on Faytene's candidacy and policies please visit: https://www.votefaytene.ca/
Thank you so much.
- Team Faytene / PCNB - Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins
E: info@votefaytene.ca
P: 506-522-8880
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 4:30 PM
Subject: RE PC Faytene won't discuss 'security concerns' that caused event's cancellation
To: <info@votefaytene.ca>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, <james@jsmklaw.ca>, <info@ezrainstitute.ca>, <info@libertycoalitioncanada.com>, <laura.myers@greenpartynb.ca>, <aconradi@meridiancp.com>, <brian.boucher@greenpartynb.ca>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>, kris.austin <kris.austin@gnb.ca>
Cc: <awaugh@postmedia.com>, Jason Lavigne <jason@yellowhead.vote>, art <art@streetchurch.ca>, <Steve.Outhouse@gnb.ca>, pierre.poilievre <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>
From: Faytene Grasseschi / PCNB - Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins 2024 Candidate <info@votefaytene.ca>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Longtime PC supporters face a dilemma in high-profile Hampton election race
Faytene Grasseschi’s candidacy has driven many party supporters to back Liberal candidate
When do you cross the line from a hit piece to election interference?
Reply to Eileen Kinley
It is election interference by those who hide their identity.
Perhaps you should read it again
Reply to Eileen Kinley
A left wing anal y sis
Ah the old Monday morning PC hatchet job, so predictable.
Peter Hill
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Yup, somehow reporting of facts is a hatchet job.
MR Cain
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Analyses; let's see yours.
Eileen Kinley
Reply to Ted DiBlase
Yes, local PCs are not happy.
James McCaffrey
Reply to Ted DiBlase
If writing the facts makes your candidate look bad, that's not a hatchet job...
Wow, the PC party is really falling off the edge with this candidate, Grasseschei. I sure hope citizens use commone sense and a reality check.
Reply to Lynette Browne
She's excellent.
Reply to Felix Mitchell
Yes, at preaching and suppressing human rights.
Reply to Lynette Browne
Our PM does the same thing
Faytene is correct about the liberal media. They are trying their best to run down PC candidates with every piece they write.
Allan Marven
Reply to Daniel Henwell
And I thank them for that.
Reply to Allan Marven
And I ain't no Liberal as my voting in the next federal election will show.
Reply to Daniel Henwell
The story is factual, it's pointing out that the candidate was not the choice of the local PC riding. That's not 'running down' the Party.
It should be easy to decide knowing what the mess the present leader has left to fix , never mind adding religion to heal everything. Use brain.
There is no place for any religion in Canadian politics and it is time our Constitution for re-written to remove the mention of a mythical being.
Reply to Free Palestine
Says "Free Palestine" .....really.
Reply to Free Palestine
Because you say so.......
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Let's concentrate on Canadian issues.
I concur with the Separation of Church and State
Replay - Join Pastor Artur Pawlowski on The Lavigne Show for a powerful and timely discussion on "Signs of Scoundrels in Your Midst."
Pastor Artur Pawlowski, a vocal defender of truth and freedom, has stood against corruption, tyranny, and deception. Born in communist Poland, Artur saw firsthand the dangers of government overreach and learned how to identify those who exploit power for their gain. Since immigrating to Canada, he has continued his mission to protect civil liberties and religious freedom. His ability to spot modern-day "scoundrels" has been tested repeatedly, most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he defied government lockdowns and spoke out against what he saw as widespread corruption and abuse of authority. His defiance led to multiple arrests and made headlines across the globe.
In this episode, Pastor Artur will draw from his decades of experience to equip viewers with practical tools to recognize deception in today’s world. Whether it's political leaders, corrupt officials, or those pretending to act in the public’s best interest, Artur has a sharp eye for spotting those who are not what they claim to be.
Tune in to this important conversation to learn how to identify these scoundrels and protect yourself, your family, and your community. With his unique background and uncompromising stance on truth, Pastor Pawlowski will provide invaluable insights into staying vigilant in a world where deception is all too common. Your time spent listening to this episode will be well worth it.
Don’t miss this enlightening episode as we delve into the signs of scoundrels and how we can all stand firm against those seeking harm.
PC Faytene won't discuss 'security concerns' that caused event's cancellation
'Meet the candidate' event was scheduled for Hampton last week

Faytene Grasseschi, the Progressive Conservative candidate for Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, won’t say what “safety and security concerns” led her team to cancel a “meet the candidate” campaign event in Hampton last week.
The event was scheduled to be held last Thursday at the Hampton Senior Resource Centre, but according to a note posted online from “Team Faytene,” it had to be cancelled.
“We regret to inform you, due to security concerns, that the event has been cancelled until further notice,” the note read.
“Our goal is to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone to meet Faytene, interact with her, and ask policy questions. We will announce new events in the near future once we can ensure a secure setting for all attendees.
“Faytene will be directly contacting those who registered to allow an opportunity to ask any questions they might have. Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we work together to build a beautiful future.”
Brunswick News asked Grasseschi exactly what the threat was, who it came from, and whether the police were called – and if not, why. She was also asked whether the incident had led to any changes in her campaign plans, like increased security.
“The decision to cancel last week’s event was made due to safety and security concerns. I have no further comment at this time,” Grasseschi said in an email.
Brunswick News also asked the RCMP whether they were contacted about the incident.
“We can confirm that the New Brunswick RCMP has not received any calls and has no knowledge of this matter,” Cpl. Hans Ouellette said in an email.
Doug Williams, the PC party’s executive director, didn’t respond to questions about the incident, and a message left at the Hampton Senior Resource Centre wasn’t returned.
Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins is a new riding created after a mandatory 10-year electoral boundary review.
Grasseschi, a Christian conservative activist, is running against Green Laura Myers, Liberal John Herron, the NDP’s Gordie Stackhouse, and People’s Alliance candidate Peter Graham. After a dispute about the nomination process, Grasseschi was acclaimed as the PCs’ candidate for the riding late last year.
In July, Gary Crossman, the outgoing PC MLA for Hampton, publicly endorsed Herron, a former Conservative MP.
“I have always supported the person who I feel best represents our riding,” Crossman said in a statement. “With his wealth of professional experience as a two-term Member of Parliament, lawmaker and his business development, I believe John is the best candidate to represent our riding over the next four years.
“I will be voting for John Herron in the election this fall and encourage others to do the same.”
Grasseschi has been a vocal supporter of Premier Blaine Higgs, and particularly his controversial changes to Policy 713, which sets gender rules in public schools. The changes are now being contested in court.
Last year, Grasseschi, who lost the Tory nod to Mel Norton in the riding of Saint John-Rothesay in the leadup to the 2021 federal election, announced the launch of Don’t Delete Parents on June 27 – a three-part campaign under the administration of 4 My Canada, a non-profit whose registered office is at her home in Quispamsis.Tory-turned-Liberal John Herron loses
Liberal incumbent John Herron has lost his New Brunswick riding to Conservative Rob Moore.
Moore received less than 35 per cent of the popular vote, while NDP Pat Hanratty came in third with 16 per cent.
Moore is a lawyer and helped organize the Canadian Alliance in the riding in the late 1990s, running in 2000.
Herron represented the riding for two terms as a Progressive Conservative, but spoke against the merger. He said he believes the union of the Alliance and Progressive Conservative parties has swung his former party too far to the right for his comfort.
This area has given its support to the Progressive Conservatives in every election for the past 80 years, save for 1993, when Liberal Paul Zed won office. Zed was then beaten in 1997 by Herron.
In February 2004, Herron announced that he would leave the newly merged Conservatives to sit as an Independent and would run as a Liberal in this election.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 5:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: <laura.myers@greenpartynb.ca>, <aconradi@meridiancp.com>, <brian.boucher@greenpartynb.ca>
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: <james@jsmklaw.ca>, <info@ezrainstitute.ca>, <info@libertycoalitioncanada.
Cc: blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, Mark.Blakely <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
From: Faytene Grasseschi / PCNB - Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins 2024 Candidate <info@votefaytene.ca>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On Aug 6, 2024, at 8:01 PM, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote: ---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: Ross.Wetmore <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, <connielarson.nbliberal@gmail.com>, <DonMonahan@hotmail.com>
Cc: <blaine.higgs@pcnb.ca>, <info@pcnb.ca>, <Rob.weir.riverview@gmail.com>, <davemonctoncentre@gmail.com>, <michelmorinpcnb49@gmail.com>, <marcandrerosspcnb47@gmail.com>, <vote4chippin@outlook.com>, <info@votefaytene.ca>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 7:46 PM
Subject: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: Daniel.J.Allain <Daniel.J.Allain@gnb.ca>, jeff.carr <Jeff.Carr@gnb.ca>, Richard.Ames <Richard.Ames@gnb.ca>, kathy.bockus <Kathy.Bockus@gnb.ca>, Gary.Crossman <Gary.Crossman@gnb.ca>, Bill.Hogan <Bill.Hogan@gnb.ca>, Bill.Oliver <Bill.Oliver@gnb.ca>, mary.wilson <mary.wilson@gnb.ca>, Ryan.Cullins <Ryan.Cullins@gnb.ca>, Mike.Dawson <Mike.Dawson@gnb.ca>, bruce.fitch <bruce.fitch@gnb.ca>, Arlene.Dunn <Arlene.Dunn@gnb.ca>, hugh.flemming <Hugh.Flemming@gnb.ca>, jill.green <Jill.Green@gnb.ca>, Holland, Mike (LEG) <mike.holland@gnb.ca>, Trevor.Holder <Trevor.Holder@gnb.ca>, Margaret.Johnson <Margaret.Johnson@gnb.ca>, Glen.Savoie <Glen.Savoie@gnb.ca>, Tammy.Scott-Wallace <Tammy.Scott-Wallace@gnb.ca>, Rejean.A.Savoie <Rejean.A.Savoie@gnb.ca>, Dorothy.Shephard <Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca>, ernie.steeves <Ernie.Steeves@gnb.ca>, Greg.Turner <Greg.Turner@gnb.ca>, sherry.wilson <Sherry.Wilson@gnb.ca>
Cc: blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, <Steve.Outhouse@gnb.ca>, BrianThomasMacdonald <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, Richard.Bragdon <Richard.Bragdon@parl.gc.ca>, John.Williamson <John.Williamson@parl.gc.ca>, rob.moore <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca> ---------- Original message ---------From: Chrystia Freeland <Chrystia.Freeland@fin.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.
Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.---------- Original message ------------------- Original message ---------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> Thank you for writing to the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.
We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Arif Virani, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:22 AM
Subject: RE Calls from Moncton RCMP (506 856 8139) about ‘PJ’ Andreetti and I
To: <Eric.Rousselle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, <rcmpnb.grcnb@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, kris.austin <kris.austin@gnb.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin. fin@canada.ca>, washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov> Contact information
Sgt. Eric Rousselle
Codiac Regional RCMP
---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: In his final words as Canada’s chief of defence staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre said ‘evil walks this earth'
To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, pierre.poilievre <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, jagmeet.singh <jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, ragingdissident <ragingdissident@protonmail.com>, <DerekRants9595@gmail.com>, Bill.Blair <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, Marco.Mendicino <Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, Anita.Anand <Anita.Anand@parl.gc.ca>, <peter.mackay@mcinnescooper. com>, rob.moore <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, fin.minfinance-financemin.fin <fin.minfinance-financemin. fin@canada.ca>, Melanie.Joly <Melanie.Joly@parl.gc.ca>, Jason Lavigne <jason@yellowhead.vote>, Greta.Bossenmaier <Greta.Bossenmaier@hq.nato.int >, Jens.Stoltenberg <Jens.Stoltenberg@hq.nato.int> , Murray.Brewster <Murray.Brewster@cbc.ca>, wayne.eyre <wayne.eyre@forces.gc.ca>, <Jennie.Carignan@forces.gc.ca> , <RCAFProfessionalConduct- ConduiteprofessionnelleARC@ forces.gc.ca>, <Lise.Bourgon@forces.gc.ca>, <paolo4monctoneast@yahoo.com>, Jason.Carrier <Jason.Carrier@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> , robert.mckee <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, Michael.Duheme <Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >, kris.austin <kris.austin@gnb.ca>
Cc: blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.yk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nt.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, <NIA_IG@navy.mi>, nia_ig.fct <nia_ig.fct@navy.mil>, JUSTMIN <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>, <anthony.housefather@parl.gc.ca> As I said Cya in Court---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paolo ''PJ'' Andreetti <paolo4monctoneast@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: In his final words as Canada’s chief of defence staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre said ‘evil walks this earth'
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> This is the last time you are calling me. I am telling you right now, make no further attempts to reach out to me, either by email, social media, phone etc .....I will not play with you. Make sure to read this a few times. If I decide to get law enforcement involved in this, I will go to the end, no such things as "catch and release".Join the Movement for an Even Better Moncton East
Support Paolo ‘PJ’ Andreetti in the 2024 New Brunswick provincial elections. Together, we can keep building a stronger than ever community. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out and we will get connected!
---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: In his final words as Canada’s chief of defence staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre said ‘evil walks this earth'
To: <paolo4monctoneast@yahoo.com>Moncton East
(506) 962-4001
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 5:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: In his final words as Canada’s chief of defence staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre said ‘evil walks this earth'
To: <paulo4monctoneast@yahoo.com>, robert.mckee <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, Jason.Carrier <Jason.Carrier@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 2:11 PM David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote: Saturday 20 July 2024
---------- Original message ---------From: Anand, Anita - M.P. <Anita.Anand@parl.gc.ca>
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 2:15 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: In his final words as Canada’s chief of defence staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre said ‘evil walks this earth'
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Thank you for reaching out to the office of Anita Anand, Member of Parliament for Oakville. Please note that we are operating on an appointment only basis and our priority is to respond to inquiries from residents of Oakville. In scheduling appointments for the constituency office, we ask that you provide your postal code, email address, telephone number, and a concise explanation of your matter.
For matters related to her role as President of the Treasury Board, the correct email address to contact is the following: President of the Treasury Board/Présidente du Conseil du Trésor president-presidente@tbs-sct.
gc.ca For direct updates from MP Anand, you may visit the following websites:
To receive bi-weekly updates from MP Anita Anand, please click and sign-up for her newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/gW3UrH
Celebrate Canada Day with a lawn sign from MP Anita Anand by clicking the followin link here: Canada Day Flag Sign Up! MP-Anita Anand, Oakville. 2024 (google.com)
Thank you again for reaching out to the office of Anita Anand.
Sincerely yours,
The Honourable Anita Anand
Member of Parliament for Oakville
301 Robinson Street, L6J 1G7
(t): 905-338-2008
With HST promise, Higgs seeks a campaign about choices, not change
PC leader’s tax cut pledge was just one of many options to make life more affordable
Last week, Premier Blaine Higgs, as leader of the Progressive Conservatives, announced he would reduce the provincial portion of the HST if elected again. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs's promise to lower the provincial portion of the harmonized sales tax is a politically potent move and a callback to a similar Conservative commitment almost two decades ago.
The HST is the most visible of taxes. It's itemized on sales receipts we look at every day — as former prime minister Stephen Harper pointed out in 2005, when he launched his election campaign with a promise to cut the federal portion of the tax.
"This tax cut is one you will see every time you shop," Harper said.
"It is a tax cut you will experience, a tax cut that no politician will be able to take away without you noticing."
That promise helped Harper win the election, putting an end to more than 12 years of Liberal rule in Ottawa.
WATCH | The CBC's Jacques Poitras on Higgs's tax-cut pledge:The political potency of PC leader’s HST promise
In a move that echoes Stephen Harper’s 2005 campaign, Blaine Higgs promises a sales-tax reduction of two percentage points if he’s re-elected.Higgs is hoping his commitment, made at a campaign-style Progressive Conservative Party event last week, will have the same galvanizing effect provincially.
The opposition Liberals are making "change" the theme of their lead-up to the campaign, hoping voters are fed up with inflation, health-care wait times, overstuffed classrooms and six years of PC administration.
In this CBC archival photo from 2005, then-candidate for prime minister Stephen Harper promised to cut the federal portion of the HST. (CBC)
The Tories are countering that by making the October election about a choice.
"This fall, New Brunswickers will have a choice to make, and the choices will be very different," Higgs said at last week's announcement.
"Do you want more money in your bank account? Do you want to make life more affordable?"
Of course, the choice Higgs is offering is the one he is choosing to offer voters. But there are others.
His opponent, Liberal Leader Susan Holt, has promised to take the HST off power bills.
It would save people some money, reducing tax revenue by $90 million compared to the hundreds of millions the HST reduction would cost the government.
Higgs is making choice a theme of his campaign as leader of the Progressive Conservatives. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
Holt says her proposal would leave the government room to spend more on health, education and other priorities.
"We've proposed things that we know we can do while continuing to be fiscally responsible," she said last week.
Last year the federal government took the HST off new rental apartment construction, hoping to boost the housing supply and stabilize the cost of rent.
It urged provincial governments to match the move. Nova Scotia did. New Brunswick did not.
There are other potential provincial tax cuts that might do more to help people who need it the most.
The HST doesn't apply to basic groceries and to rent, so lower-income voters, who buy fewer big-ticket items and pay less HST overall, will save less from the cut.
Single New Brunswickers earning less than $21,343 pay no provincial income tax. The government could raise that threshold, exempting more people and leaving more money in their pockets.
But that wouldn't benefit all New Brunswickers, as an HST cut would.
Another choice the PCs have made is the timing of the reduction.
The government has recorded $2.4 billion in budget surpluses over the last four years.
Higgs told reporters last week that the HST reduction, once fully implemented, will deprive the provincial treasury of $450 million a year.
He said that until recently, his government couldn't be sure the big surpluses that make that reduction affordable — surpluses fuelled by unprecedented population growth — would last.
"We didn't have confidence in where it was going to land," the PC leader told reporters.
Now, he says, the windfall looks secure and predictable enough to reduce the HST.
But that will likely limit the government's ability to spend money to keep up with the very population growth providing the government with more revenue.
Last November's capital budget, for example, included just $10.2 million to start work on four new schools and two expansions of existing schools — far less than what's required to provide classroom space for the thousands of new students enrolling.
"It isn't going to completely meet all of next year's needs, in terms of new space," Education Minister Bill Hogan admitted at the time.
"It's impossible to do it all."
A lower HST rate — and $450 million less in revenue each year — would make it even more difficult.
Higgs said last week that building more new schools will be necessary but, because he won't run deficits, that may make other expenses impossible.
"Some things we can't avoid," he said.
"There will be 'must-do's, and there will be 'nice-to-do's, and it will be very important for us to prioritize going forward how we manage that."
Jacques PoitrasProvincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.
378 CommentsDavid AmosMethinks the spin doctors on both sides of the fence had quite a hoedown today N'esy Pas?David AmosPolitical parties must now disclose costs of N.B. election promises2018 act requires disclosures within 90 days of an election
Sam Farley · CBC News · Posted: Jul 25, 2024 5:14 PM ADT
Too Too Funny
David AmosStay tuned There will be more to followDavid AmosContent DeactivatedMethinks the spin doctors on both sides of the fence are having quite a hay day today N'esy Pas?David AmosContent Deactivated"Do you want more money in your bank account? Do you want to make life more affordable?"Duhhh???
David Amos"This fall, New Brunswickers will have a choice to make, and the choices will be very different,"David AmosReply to David AmosC'est VraiDavid AmosReply to David AmosIts kind of obvious with so many of Higgy's old buddies quittingDeborah ReddonReply to David AmosIt's odd that Higgs is using the word 'choice' to express his campaign. It's the very thing he doesn't want citizens to have. Higgs does not believe citizens should have choice with whom they fall in love with.David AmosContent DeactivatedHiggy said "This fall, New Brunswickers will have a choice to make, and the choices will be very different,"C'est Vrai
David AmosContent DeactivatedCouldn't get "the boss" take on it JP? Better call Al and AaronAl ClarkReply to David AmosAl and aaron(?) would need to call dave. He's got all the #s in his massive archive ;-)Don CoreyI suppose there was nothing but praise here for free spending Gallant when he jacked up the tax by 2% in 2016.David AmosReply to Don CoreyIt was a well mixed crowdDavid AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Don CoreyGo to the very first comments if you seek enlightenment or simply a little chuckleDavid AmosReply to Don CoreyStay tuned There will be more to followDon CoreyContent DeactivatedLiberals love to tax and spend. Any type of tax cut is simply beyond their comprehension abilities.David AmosReply to Don CoreySusan Holt, has promised to take the HST off power bills.Don CoreyContent DeactivatedIt’s always entertaining to read one of these anti-Higgs articles from Liberal Poitras.It’s a feeble effort at best, trying to put a negative spin on the Higgs’ promise to reduce the 2% provincial portion of the HST that free spending Gallant dumped on us in 2016.
It’s actually a great move that everyone will benefit from.
Yes, the middle class (that Trudeau has completely forgotten) will benefit a bit more, but why shouldn’t they?
Matt SteeleCurrent Liberal leader Susan Holt was a special advisor to Brian Gallant's Liberals , and we all know how that worked out for N.B. taxpayers. Those that fail to learn from past history are doomed to repeat it .David AmosReply to Matt SteeleAre we doomed to read your repeats?Matt SteeleThank you for the tax cut Premier Higgs as I prefer to spend my money on what I need, rather than have government spend my money on what I don't need . The Conservatives and the Liberals are offering two opposing platforms . Premier Higgs and the Conservatives are offering less wasteful spending , lower taxes , and less government control and interference in the lives of N.B. families . Susan Holt is offering the opposite with massive government spending , more endless taxes , and total government control over N.B.ers , and the lives of their children . Their platforms are plain to see ; and N.B.ers will have the opportunity to choose this fall . Thank you Premier Higgs for your service to our province , most N.B.ers appreciate it !Max RubyReply to Matt SteeleTerrible CBC wowDavid AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Matt SteeleWas that a cut and paste of an earlier comment?David AmosReply to Max RubyDittoKyle WoodmanVote for me and I might take 1% off the HST in a year or so seems to be Higgs' message.Don CoreyReply to Kyle WoodmanRead the article. It’s a promise, not a “might”, and it’s 2% over 2 years. That sure beats a federal plan that loves to spread whatever they do over 10 or 20 years, and actually think people believe them.David AmosReply to Don CoreyPolitical Science 101 When things are going poorly promise a tax cut if electedJames Risdon
Here's a thought: Just axe the tax completely. Get rid of the HST.
Don't just nibble away at it. Remove it entirely.
And, while you're at it, also axe the carbon tax.
Without carbon taxes and the HST, New Brunswickers would get at least a bit of relief from the insane cost of living these days.
House and car prices have skyrocketed. Even eating in a formerly-cheap fast-food restaurant is now a luxury. Vacations? Forget them. In addition to the high cost of gas and diesel, everything else has become prohibitively expensive.
When I first moved to New Brunswick a couple of decades ago, gasoline was 65 cents a litre. It's now almost three times as expensive. THREE times!!!
The size of my paycheque hasn't tripled in that time.
Has yours?
David Amos
Reply to James Risdon
Dream on
MR Cain
Reply to James Risdon
I make money with the rebate as do 8 of 10 Canadians, and pollution from vehicles has fallen, so we can keep the price on pollution.Walter VrbeticReply to James Risdon65 cents a litre for gas three decades ago...1994 price of a barrel of oil was under $18...
Its about $80 today.
Walter VrbeticReply to James RisdonOil 2004 about $40... so about half of todays.Mario-Pierre GaudreauReply to James RisdonThis makes absolutely no sense, at all. Taxes fund services, without which our system would crumble and fail. You think people have a hard time now? Imagine if they had to pay their own medical expenses? You want roads to drive on, or are you cool with dirt trails for highways? Homeschool all children or pay for private education? Are you rich? Because it isn't saving 15% tax and a few pennies at the pump that is going to allow me to pay for everything the government provides for my family and I.We live under a government, keyword here is Govern. We pay taxes so we can reap the benefits of living in an actual society, this isn't feudalism. Taxes aren't the problem, corporate greed is.
Also, minimum wage was $5 three decades ago, it's $15 today. Triple.
Max RubyReply to James RisdonMy property tax has more tripled.James RisdonReply to MR CainJames RisdonIf you want more energy-efficient or electric vehicles, then buy them at the more expensive price.There's no reason why I should pay carbon taxes so the government can subsidize those who make electric vehicles just so you can buy one more cheaply and virtue signal to the rest of us.
Reply to Mario-Pierre GaudreauIt makes a great deal of sense. Taxes are inflationary. They add to the cost of goods and services.But you do put forth a very valid idea. Taxes do pay for services. And some would have to be cut with less tax revenue.
I put forth a list of things that could be cut but that was vetoed by the powers that be who, apparently, want to keep their taxpayer-funded salaries and are perfectly willing to stifle discourse on a matter of public discourse to make that happen.
James RisdonReply to MR CainWhat do you do for a living and what is your level of income?James Risdon
Reply to Walter VrbeticWhich means we should encourage the Canadian oil industry to produce far more oil, green light pipelines, and do everything we can to make the most of our natural resources.James Risdon
Reply to Max RubyAsk not what your country can do for you ....
Gary Webber
Choice is clear don't vote for Higgs
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Gary Webber
"Those who sip from the trough will be upset."
David Amos
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Nay not I
Gordon MacFarlane.
Reply to Mike Van FleetMR Cain
Reply to Mike Van FleetGive strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.
Gordon MacFarlane
Another poster, thanks MVF, noted we are paying $100,000,000,000.00...Every year just to service public debt.
We all know this fun fact but most don't really seem to understand what it means
To spend one million dollars at a thousand dollars a day...it would take close to three years
To spend one billion dollars, at the same rate of a thousand dollars a day...
It would take close to three thousand years
One hundred billion dollars x three thousand years per billion....
And that is just debt servicing!
Fiscal madness that must be reigned in
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
BTW, who can take a guess at what $1.00 in new public debt yields in value?
The answer is just $0.58.
Just 60 years ago it was $3.00, if I remember correctly.
The law of diminishing returns.
Bob Leeson
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
I took advantage of it and decided to buy some of that debt in order to make extra money.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Bob Leeson
I invest in bank stocks and not because I favour fractional reserve banking or the debt based monetary system we find ourselves trapped in.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Bob Leeson
I invest in bank stocks and not because I favour fractional reserve banking or the debt based monetary system we find ourselves in.
Bob Leeson
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
I own bank stocks too. But for leveraging Canada's public debt, there are several ETFs backed by government securities to choose from. It was basically a defensive strategy, as I'm starting to get up there in age ;)
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Bob Leeson
As long as the taxpayer back stops the banks, which, again, I do not believe in, I will continue to invest in them.
David Amos
Reply to Bob Leeson
We all own Bank Stocks
Bob Leeson
Reply to David Amos
Indirectly, through other funds like the CPP. However I hold 3 bank stocks directy.
Fun fact, some of that interest the government pays on its debt not only goes to me through the ETFs I own, but also the CPP since they also invest in government debt instruments.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Bob Leeson
Fun fact, by running a deficit, public debt, they are paying those service charges. It's like using your credit card to pay the interest on it. What eventually happens?
Bob Leeson
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
If I'm the recipient, I suppose I don't mind. Selfish choice I know, but money is money.
David Amos
Reply to Bob Leeson
Do you know why I came home and ran for Parliament in 2004?
Bob Leeson
Reply to David Amos
Err... to take part as an institutional investor in one of the BoC's bond auctions? I suppose you don't need to run for parliament to do that though.
David Amos
Reply to Bob Leeson
Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the
Mutual Fund Industry
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2003 Time: 02:00 PM
The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a
series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
Witness Panel 1
Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
Director - Division of Enforcement
Securities and Exchange Commission
Cutler - November 20, 2003
Mr. Robert Glauber
Chairman and CEO
National Association of Securities Dealers
Glauber - November 20, 2003
Eliot Spitzer
Attorney General
State of New York
Spitzer - November 20, 2003
Bob Leeson
Reply to David Amos
Well great. I was never a fan of mutual funds. Too many fees.
David Amos
Reply to Bob Leeson
Why did I cause that hearing?
Bob Leeson
Reply to David Amos
No idea. Did you? In any case, I'm unsure of the relevance to profiting off government securities such as bonds, treasuries, GICs, etc.
David Amos
Reply to Bob Leeson
Everybody knows
Kyle Woodman
What tax cut? 1% in 2025 and another 1% in 2026 is the proposal no? If it was really a tax cut why doesn't Higgs just do 2% right now. He can you know. He's trying to quid pro quo himself some votes.
Le Wier
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Higgs is trying to get the small business owners votes.
Ed Franks
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Harpers government worked their way to a majority government by cutting the GST tax.
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Le Wier
I don't understand that. I am a small business owner. HST is a write off on business expenses.
Le Wier
Reply to Kyle Woodman
The story last week said the small business owners were happy with the tax cut, because people could get out and shop more.
Mario-Pierre Gaudreau
Reply to Le Wier
That's 2 dollars on every 100. Will that really motivate people to spend that much more? I don't think so.
Le Wier
Reply to Mario-Pierre GaudreauI agree
Ed Franks
Reply to Le Wier
Small business does not care what their customers pay in taxes. Business only collects and remits the tax money.
Ed Franks
Reply to Le Wier
Makes sense thanks Le Wier
David Amos
Reply to Le Wier
Do you believe everything you read?
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos
No. I don’t. Last week’s story about the cut to provincial sales tax didn’t convince me more people will be going shopping because of it.
Le Wier
Reply to Ed Franks
I agree, but they do care if they have fewer customers.Don CoreyReply to Kyle WoodmanGallant jacked up the rate by 2% in 2016. No phase in….just “suck it up”. I suppose you were much more pleased with that approach.BTW, a tax cut is a tax cut, period; be it phased in or immediate.
Kyle Woodman
Blaine Higgs is a flim flam artist.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Kyle Woodman
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Because he treats the electorate like rubes.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Kyle Woodman
So, you're just making the whole thing up. Why would you do that?
David Amos
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Ask the pensioners and the Crown lawyers why they sued Higgy
Kyle Woodman
Reply to David Amos
Thanks David.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Never forget why I sued 3 US Treasury Agents in 2002
Kyle Woodman
Reply to David Amos
I never forget anything you do.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Thanks back at ya
MR Cain
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Saving a thousand dollars with a 2% cut over 2 years in HST. If you believe that...
Mike Van Fleet
Who can take a guess at what $1.00 in new public debt yields?
BTW, I just found this out last night.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Better yet Why do you think I sued 3 US Treasury Agents in 2002?
Gordon MacFarlane
Those who sip from the trough will be upset.
Those who pay for the trough will be pleased
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
I'm going to use that one.
Gordon MacFarlane
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Please do.
Cheers Mike
John Montgomery
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
Which of those people are fixing healthcare?
Matt Steele
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
Truer words have never been spoken , and 100 percent correct .
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to John Montgomery
Healthcare, in its current form, may not be fixable.
John Montgomery
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Maybe not, but it would be nice if someone tried.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to John Montgomery
I could fix it in ten years.
Pass balance budget laws
No more public debt is allowed
Revamped tax code of one page
Most important, end this private sector bureaucracy that is devouring the private sector.
John Montgomery
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
As long as I don't lose services that I use in the name of perusing your policy, I think that's a great idea.
Gordon MacFarlane
Reply to Matt Steele
Thanks Matt, I appreciate it
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to John Montgomery
We'll all have to suffer for a few years. It's happening right now but for the opposite reasons called over $100 billion/year to service the federal and provincial public debt.
John Montgomery
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
I'm fine with that too, as long as people suffer proportionate to their wealth.
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to John Montgomery
So, you are suggesting the gov confiscate the wealth of those richer than you?
John Montgomery
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
I'm suggesting everyone pay as they are able. I have a summer residence that is coming to me in my inheritance and I will need to pay more tax on it now, but I don't mind because I know people with smaller residences are paying less and people with bigger residences are paying more. That's the way it should be.
David Amos
Reply to Gordon MacFarlane
Surely you jest
David Amos
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
Will we see your name on a ballot this year?
Mike Van Fleet
Reply to David Amos
Nope, I'm retired. But, any politician could and should take this advice. It cuts to the root of a lot of problems.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Mike Van Fleet
BTW I asked you a far more important question and somebody flagged itMike Van FleetHiggs, you've missed a golden opportunity to actually pay off the provinces debt really quickly and introduce balance budget laws.What a shame.
David AmosReply to Mike Van FleetHiggy missed that boat when he was Alward's Finance MinisterRonald MillerReply to Mike Van FleetYour crystal ball appears to be a cloudy.Mike Van FleetReply to Ronald Miller$12 billion in debt and over $600 million/year just to service it.$600,000,000 a year.
Mike Van FleetReply to David AmosI thought his name was Higgs.Ralph SkavinskyReply to David AmosDavid Higgs was Finance guy, not Premier. I'm sure he had a plan, but his hands were tied.David AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Ralph SkavinskyNope I explained my position on TV and in a debate when I ran against Higgy et al in 2018Guy NewhereI think it's safe to say this whole left side, right side narrow minded politics thing isn't working out for anyoneDavid AmosReply to Guy Newhere
AmenJohn MontgomeryReply to Guy NewhereI just want to elect someone that demonstrates some willingness to help people with more than just token offers that really will make little difference for them.Matt SteeleContent DeactivatedSusan Holts was a special advisor to Brian Gallant's Liberals , and we all know how that worked out for N.B. taxpayers. History repeating itself .David AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Matt SteelePerhaps its time for lunch and a nap an let Lou take over for awhileMatt SteeleN.B.ers will have a choice this fall as the Conservatives and the Liberals are offering two opposing platforms . Premier Higgs and the Conservatives are offering less wasteful spending , lower taxes , and less government control and interference in the lives of N.B. families . Susan Holt is offering the opposite with massive government spending , more endless taxes , and total government control over N.B.ers , and the lives of their children . Their platforms are plain to see ; and N.B.ers will choose .David AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Matt SteeleYou are on quite a roll today eh?kelly sherrardThey will decrease the tax 2% and soon be taxing something else 5% so we are no further ahead but keep sliding further and further into the pit. The gov't needs to shake their heads and realize that its just a matter of time to find out what is the next thing they will be taxing in this province, the air we breathe?Matt SteeleContent DeactivatedReply to kelly sherrardThe FEDERAL government has doubled the size of the NATIONAL debt in just nine years . The FEDERAL debt was less than 600 billion NINE years ago , now it is 1.2 TRILLION , and rapidly increasing .Bob LeesonReply to Matt SteeleA pandemic will do that it seems. Luckily I don't have to cut my own hair anymore thanks to the support the feds gave to barber and salon businesses and their employees to keep the service sector viable during provincial lockdowns.David AmosReply to Matt SteeleYou cannot say that I did not warn youJohn MontgomeryReply to Matt SteeleI'd rather have a government that goes into debt helping people than a government that pays debt and does nothing for no one, if not cutting services and making life harder for many.Ronald MillerReply to John MontgomeryTell me what services have improved under JT and his massive over spending? What improved under Gallant?Matt SteeleReply to John MontgomerySo you think that the massive population explosion created by FEDERAL government policies over the past NINE years , and that has caused a severe housing shortage while forcing many out of their homes due to huge rent increases across Canada is helping Canadians ?John MontgomeryReply to Matt SteeleAffordable housing initiatives have been cut by every PM in the last 30 years. I don't personally agree with immigration, no. But because the only reason Trudeau does it is so Tim Hortons can find employees that will work for minimum wage. I thought you would be all for anything good for business.Cathy WatsonReply to Matt SteeleThis is a PROVINCIAL election, though, ISN'T it?John MontgomeryReply to Ronald Miller- He saved the police everywhere millions by legalizing pot- He got dental for poor kids
- He increased health payments to the provinces
- He made daycare more affordable
- Canada had the second lowest inflation in the G7 behind Japan. So if Trudeau had anything to do with inflation at all, then he protected us from the worst of it.
I know there are more but I can't think of them right now.
John MontgomeryReply to Cathy Watson Conservatives tend to deflect a lot.Ed FranksReply to John MontgomeryI’d rather a government that improves opportunities for Canadians instead of going into debt and making life harder for many.John MontgomeryReply to Ed FranksIt takes money to make opportunities.Ed FranksReply to John MontgomeryYes it does, that is called investing in the future and since it is investing than we should see a return on this investment. Borrowing money for day to day living is not a investment and will eventually end.Ok so how is Higgs investing for the future? Since paying debt isn't investing either.John MontgomeryReply to Ed FranksEd FranksReply to John MontgomeryPaying off debt is the first step to a great life. The second step is investing. You can do both at once but i like to pay off the debt and then invest. You know in case you lose a loved one or a job or get sick.John MontgomeryReply to Ed FranksNah, I'm not a big gambler. Buying a house and a car was enough gambling for me.Matt SteeleThe Conservatives and the Liberals are offering two opposing platforms . Premier Higgs and the Conservatives are offering less wasteful spending , lower taxes , and less government control and interference in the lives of N.B. families . Susan Holt is offering the opposite with massive government spending , more endless taxes , and total government control over N.B.ers , and the lives of their children . Their platforms are plain to see ; and N.B.ers will have the opportunity to choose this fall .Kyle WoodmanReply to Matt SteeleYou mean wasteful spending like the travel nurse fiasco?David AmosReply to Kyle WoodmanGood questionBob LeesonReply to Matt SteeleI suppose the good news is that when families lose their homes under the conservatives in NB, they can save $4 on a $200 tent at Canadian Tire. They'll be smiling all the way to the bank, I'm sure. TheMatt SteeleReply to Kyle WoodmanTravel Nurse situation was an emergency situation , and the French Health Authority chose to use Travel Nurses to cover for staff shortages . Premier Higgs was not aware of , nor did he approve the cost of the Travel Nurses .Bob LeesonReply to Matt SteeleSo the premiers office had no knowledge of travel nurses and the $174 million expenditure line-item? Is that even possible in a comparatively small province like NB?Matt SteeleContent DeactivatedReply to Bob LeesonThe housing shortage across ALL of Canada was created by the current FEDERAL government , and their policies which created a MASSIVE population surge across the nation which Canada has never had to endure before . The provinces had nothing to do with this population explosion , or the lack of housing that it created . It was the FEDERAL government that caused it , and they continue to do so .What does that have to do with travel nurses? Are you suggesting that people moving to New Brunswick were responsible for letting the premier's office know about the travel nurses and expenditure?Bob LeesonReply to Matt SteeleJohn MontgomeryReply to Matt SteeleHiggs saved all kinds of money on maintenance payments, yet I don't see any difference around me.Alison JacksonContent DeactivatedReply to Matt SteeleYou boss...Mr Higgs you mean.Kyle WoodmanReply to Matt Steele"Premier Higgs was not aware of" hahahahahaha. Do you really believe half the stuff you write?Jim LakeReply to Matt SteeleSusan Holt is not offering “massive government spending”, nor “endless taxes” nor total government control … one should read the policies and platforms before spouting inaccuracies and misinformation.Kyle WoodmanReply to Jim LakeThe truth is just an afterthought for Matt Steele.David AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Kyle WoodmanC'est VraiDavid AmosReply to Kyle WoodmanLOLMR CainReply to Bob LeesonMary Wilson, Minister of Economic Development and Small Business and Minister responsible for Opportunities NB, had to sign off on allowing soul source contract. Of course, Higgs knew.Jim LakeReply to Matt SteeleSusan Holt is not offering “massive government spending”, nor is she proposing “endless taxes” and not sure what policy you’re thinking about mentioning “total government control” … one should read the policies and platforms before spouting inaccuracies and misinformation.Jim LakeReply to Matt SteeleIt is apparent you’re not following any of Susan Holt’s policies or comments … she is not offering “massive government spending”, nor is she proposing “endless taxes” and not sure what policy you’re thinking about mentioning “total government control” … one should read the policies and platforms before spouting inaccuracies and misinformation.Kyle WoodmanHiggs is grasping at straws. He isn't a leader and has no real ideas.David AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Kyle WoodmanEverybody knows and nobody caresKyle WoodmanReply to David AmosWe shall see.Jos AllaireI didn't trust Higgs from day one. Once a COR always a CORI recall folks saying that he had changed. He never did.
David AmosReply to Jos AllaireOh So TrueJos AllaireTrying to get elected with this is not going to cut it. Higgs is toastDavid AmosContent DeactivatedReply to Jos AllaireIMHO Cardy played him like fiddleGuy NewhereElections these days are like trying to decide where you want to be punched ,there really isn't a good choice just one that hurts lessDavid AmosReply to Guy NewhereWell putDon CoreyContent DeactivatedYet another predictable article from Liberal Poitras.I suppose there was nothing but praise here for free spending Gallant when he hiked the GST by 2% in 2016
Political parties must now disclose costs of N.B. election promises
2018 act requires disclosures within 90 days of an election
New Brunswickers are now within 90 days of voting day, which means political parties are now required to disclose estimated costs for campaign promises. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
As New Brunswick's fall election inches closer, political parties have now passed the 90-days-before-the-vote threshold.
And that means stricter disclosure rules are now in place.
From now until the election, scheduled for Oct. 21, political parties must file a disclosure statement with Elections N.B. indicating the estimated cost for every campaign commitment made.
"The intent was, of course, to provide transparency to the electors, to voters of what the costs of commitments being made during an election campaign would mean to them at the end of the day as taxpayers," said Paul Harpelle, director of communications with Elections N.B. in an interview with CBC's Shift radio program.
Harpelle said there are three options parties can choose to provide on the disclosure forms: a cost estimate, a maximum cost estimate, or they can check a box that says no estimate has been provided.
"We ourselves have no control in validating whether or not the costing that they provide is sound," Harpelle said, but added that rival political parties can provide accountability by checking the numbers themselves.
Harpelle said the goal is to "make sure that they've actually filed and that they've checked all the correct boxes in these different disclosure statements."
Paul Harpelle, spokesperson for Elections N.B., said the agency doesn't validate the estimated costs as true. (Submitted by Paul Harpelle)
All of these cost disclosures will be available publicly on the Elections N.B. website, under the "Political Financing" tab. As of Thursday, none of the six registered parties in New Brunswick have provided any disclosures.
When asked if Blaine Higgs's recent promise to reduce the HST if elected would need to be outlined in a cost estimate disclosure, Harpelle said not technically, since it was made on July 18, just days outside the 90-day window.
But if the party states the promise again within the 90-day window, this "will have to be followed by a disclosure statement," Harpelle said.
On Thursday, now within 90 days of the election, a post on X, formerly Twitter, by the Progressive Conservative Party promised the same commitment again.
"In this election, there is only one Party who will cut the HST. The choice couldn't be more clear to make life more affordable," the post states.
Included in the post is a photo of Blaine Higgs as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party under the words "will cut HST" next to side-by-side photos of Liberal Leader Susan Holt and Green Leader David Coon under the words "won't cut HST."
Financial estimates for political promises are due by Sept 19, the day the writs of election are issued, Harpelle said.
Most commitments made between Sept. 19 and election day require a disclosure to be filed to Elections N.B. on the same day they are made, he said.
Last week, Premier Blaine Higgs, as leader of the Progressive Conservatives, announced he would reduce the provincial portion of HST if elected again. This promise does not require a cost estimate because it was just outside the 90-day time period. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
There's an exception for commitments made by a party leader, which have a three-day window for estimates to be filed. This is to account for commitments made during a debate or leader's speech, Harpelle said.
Once the forms are filed, the supervisor of political financing has two days to examine the forms to make sure they are correct. If there are any errors or omissions, the chief electoral officer will reach out to the party to ask for a fix.
"If there are issues where they do not comply, then there are some consequences," Harpelle said.
A party could be prohibited from advertising for the rest of the election or be issued an administrative penalty, he said.
Harpelle said Elections N.B. held a training session for party officials earlier this year to go over the Transparency in Elections Commitment Act, which was proclaimed in 2018 and includes the financial disclosure requirement.
This would only be the second New Brunswick election to fall under the disclosure requirement, since the 2020 election was called early. Unscheduled elections like that do not require financial disclosures to be filed for commitments.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and PracticesABOUT THE AUTHOR
Sam FarleyJournalist
Sam Farley is a Fredericton-based reporter at CBC New Brunswick. Originally from Boston, he is a journalism graduate of the University of King's College in Halifax. He can be reached at sam.farley@cbc.ca
20 CommentsDavid AmosMethinks this is what Yankees call a nothing burger N'esy Pas?William MurdochThis story is just too funny.David AmosReply to William MurdochDittoExpensive promises for N.B.'s October election are piling up. But will they be honoured?
Long history of parties sidestepping commitments after winning won't happen this year, they insist.
Blaine Higgs is promising Progressive Conservatives will reduce the provincial portion of the HST if elected again. The party says big money promises from previous elections that were not honoured will not be repeated this year. (Alix Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)
A history in New Brunswick of expensive campaign promises not being honoured once an election is finished will not be repeated this year, provincial political parties are insisting.
Heidi Cyr, a senior communications adviser and press secretary to Blaine Higgs, said voters can count on the premier to honour a $450-million commitment he made last month to lower the provincial sales tax rate by two percentage points over two years if he is re-elected in October.
"New Brunswickers can trust that thanks to strong fiscal management, including paying down our debt, we are now able to phase-in a 2% cut to the HST," said Cyr in an email about the promise.
"New Brunswickers will be able to see this tax cut roll out on a clear schedule."
WATCH | CBC Explains: Promises, promises:Why N.B. election promises can't always be trusted
New Brunswick political parties have a long history of making expensive election commitments and then wiggling out of them once in office. As pricey promises pile up again in advance of October’s general election, parties insist it won't happen this time.It is a firm commitment from Progressive Conservatives, but New Brunswick political parties have a long history of sidestepping expensive and what appeared to be equally firm commitments made to voters during previous elections.
Higgs himself entered public life in 2010 and one of his first tasks after being appointed finance minister by then premier David Alward was to wriggle out of a pricey election property tax promise Alward had made to seniors weeks earlier.
Progressive Conservatives promised in the 2018 election to 'eliminate' provincial property taxes on apartment buildings once government finances improved. They didn't. The Fort Howe apartment building in Saint John was among hundreds issued provincial property tax bills this year. It was charged $63,000, about $412 per apartment. (Robert Jones/CBC)
Higgs said the promise, which involved permanently freezing the assessed value of houses belonging to anyone over the age of 65 for as long as they owned and lived in their home, was a poor idea and too expensive.
Instead, Higgs concocted a much cheaper scheme where seniors could defer paying tax increases until they died or moved.
Legislation was passed to allow the province to place liens on participating seniors' homes so it could collect unpaid taxes, plus interest, later.
The substitute plan was not well received, and only a fraction of eligible seniors have ever signed on to it.
"The property tax commitment in the platform, I realize that what we did, did not meet the expectations of what people thought they were going to get," Higgs explained at a public meeting in 2011 about why the promise was not honoured as written.
"In 10 years time, it would have cost the province $173 million."
During his own period as party leader, Higgs has also made the decision to walk away from expensive campaign promises.
In the 2018 election under Higgs, PCs made a commitment to "eliminate"
provincial property taxes on apartment buildings as government finances improved.
Blaine Higgs entered public life in 2010. As former premier David Alward's minister of finance, one of his first moves was to kill a pricey tax promise Alward made to seniors in the 2010 election. (CBC)
The party promoted the idea as a benefit to tenants and although government finances did improve dramatically, provincial property taxes on apartment buildings remain.
This year, the provincial government is still collecting, in most cases, between $350 and $600 in property tax per apartment unit in New Brunswick for itself on top of what local governments charge.
On some buildings that represents no tax reduction at all.
A request to interview a government representative about what happened to the property tax promise was not granted, but in her email, Cyr blamed the failure on the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to "re-prioritize the use of all fiscal resources."
New Brunswick did cut tax rates on apartment buildings by half in 2023 but rapidly rising property assessment valuations on the same properties at the same time offset much of those changes.
Despite the size of the commitment to eliminate all provincial property taxes on apartment buildings, which PCs estimated to be worth $90 million in 2018, Higgs has rarely mentioned it.
In July in Moncton as he announced his new promise to cut the HST, Higgs appeared to suggest he had not made any unfunded election commitments in 2018, let alone ones he didn't keep.
"Consistently we have seen governments announce tax cuts or announce spending programs before they could actually afford them," said Higgs.
"I didn't do that in 2018."
In an interview, New Brunswick Liberal Leader Susan Holt said that history will "absolutely" undermine Higgs's credibility with voters on whether he can be trusted to honour a significant promise this year like cutting the HST.
Former New Brunswick premier Shawn Graham narrowly won New Brunswick's 2006 provincial election. However, a promise he made to voters to rebate HST amounts on heating costs to help secure that win was broken almost immediately. (CBC)
"They remember well that this premier promised to eliminate those taxes on rentals, the double tax, and then did not deliver on that promise," said Holt.
"So there's a lot of skepticism that the premier's HST promise is for election purposes and that they won't follow through on the whole thing."
Liberals are proposing their own sales tax cut this year. They have a $100-million plan to drop the provincial portion of the HST on residential electricity prices but have their own history of not honouring all election commitments.
In the 2006 election, Liberals made a similar promise to the public to rebate the HST on home heating costs, but after winning the election quickly reneged.
New Brunswick Liberal Leader Susan Holt is promising there will be no post-election backpedaling on commitments by her party this year if it wins office in October. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
"We will not be moving forward with the previously announced rebate," said new Liberal finance minister, Victor Boudreau, in December 2006, just two months after his party took office.
Like Progressive Conservatives, Holt says whatever has happened in the past there will be no flip-flopping on election promises after the election this year.
"If we put something in a platform and we promise to New Brunswickers that we will do it, then we have to do it," said Holt.
Robert JonesReporter
Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006.
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