Wednesday 14 October 2020

Horizon Health cuts seven beds at Perth-Andover hospital

Methinks before the Yuletide season there is a debate and vote on the Speech From The Throne 
Too Bad so sad for that Higgy et al are not paying attention to what their buddies are up to N'esy Pas? 


Horizon Health cuts seven beds at Perth-Andover hospital

Cuts at the Hôtel-Dieu of St. Joseph are meant to address staffing issues problems


Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: Oct 13, 2020 6:28 PM AT


Hotel-Dieu of St. Joseph serves people in Perth-Andover, Tobique First Nation and surrounding communities. (CBC)

Horizon Health is cutting about a third of the beds at Hôtel-Dieu of St. Joseph Hospital in Perth-Andover because of a nursing shortage. 

Horizon announced Tuesday it would be cutting seven medical beds out of the 22 inpatient beds in Perth-Andover after two weeks of consultation with staff and physicians looking into a fix for staffing problems.

"The situation would certainly have worsened without this immediate intervention," Geri Geldart, Horizon's vice-president, clinical services, said in a news release.

The hospital serves about 12,000 people in Perth-Andover, Tobique First Nation and surrounding communities. 

Horizon's news release said the emergency department will remain open 24 hours a day seven days a week and palliative care services will continue.

Because of the bed cuts, there may be situations where patients will need to be transferred to the Upper River Valley Hospital.

CBC News tried to find out more from Horizon Health, including whether the cuts are permanent, but has not heard back.


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David Amos
Welcome back the the circus Mr Tibbs. I knew out of the gate that you would be like a moth to the flame on this bit of news in your neck of the woods. I didn't say much early on despite Higgy's spin doctor attempts at baiting of me because of your recent loss I knew you were very familiar with the scene in your local hospital. Once you stepped up to the plate and started swinging I joined the fray because I have the right to add my two bits worth whether Higgy et al will pay for my heath care or not N'esy Pas? 





David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: ever add substance to that or just act like you knew it all along?
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: curious as to why someone with your MENSA mind ended up a couch surfing spammer? What a waste.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise.
Just shut off the necessary resources and these smaller hospitals will die.
And Mr Higgs can claim his hands are clean.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: BINGO
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Its not rocket science nor does an old Maritimer such as I need a "MENSA mind" to understand that if 3 of his disenchanted caucus members decided to bail on Higgy before the vote on the Throne Speech his mandate may fail to meet the muster out of the gate. If so then his opposition buddies could pull on Higgy what he and the PANB did to them a couple of years ago.

Methinks with Lady Luck on our side in the Yuletide season we could be celebrating the creation of another minority government thereby making Higgy's Police State a footnote in our history N'esy Pas??
maggie short
so is this hospital english or is it french??? 22 beds is not a hospital just a catchment first aid post. the size and small population of new brunswick is equal to a small town/village in other parts of canada and yet the healthcare dollars have to cover 2 distinct healthcare systems. wake up new brunswick!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @maggie short:
Being a Horizon hospital it is considered to be English, but that is not absolute. It is in a funny spot and serves the interior (Plaster Rock) and the Indian Reserve that is close by. The nearest hospitals are Grand Falls (130km) and River Valley (Waterville) (I'm guessing about 95km). I believe it started out as a French Catholic something (hence the name Hotel-Dieu of St. Joseph), but I'm guessing. You really should have a road map of the interior of northern NB to see why it is there.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks because it flys the Horizon banner It does not dictate that its for Anglos My family doctors works with Horizon and he sends me to a Vitalité emergency rooms for tests which are south of his office..Even Higgy should find that interesting N'esy Pas?
rayma allaby
and so it begins.
David Amos
Reply to @rayma allaby: Methinks this circus has been going on since Higgy attacked certain hospitals last spring. Nobody can deny that Higgy's double talking nonsense cost him the support of his precious French Deputy Premier and Northrup and Wetmore disagreed with him too N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
If anyone cares to remember this is one of those hospitals Mr Higgs decided to close. The staff were given their lay off notices on the Friday, several went across to the US (the border is a 5 minute drive) and got better paying jobs, the "song and dance routine" kicked in on the Sunday and the decision was reversed, but it was too late, those nurses are gone and won't be back. So, unless Mr Higgs wishes to employ TFWs here, he better get our money out, and do some serious hiring.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks folks would be foolish to dispute your opinions on Higgy's doings in the hospital in your neck of the woods N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy forgot what happened when he and his Horizon stooges attacked the two hospitals down in my neck of the woods. The green meanies raised a little hell in Sackviile while his buddies Northrup and Wetmore sided with the liberals and a lot of upset folks in Sussex N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Locally the "working for Horizon Health" well has been poisoned. The young able bodied nurses (with student loans) have made other arrangements, leaving those nearing the end of their working careers to hold the fort.
Locally a Conservative was elected, if services continue to be cut, that mistake won't happen again.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you may know why the lady called me before she got elected She could bail on Higgy too if she likes being an MLA N'esy Pas?
maggie short
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: many of these nurses have come to alberta.....
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @maggie short:
Not so in this case. It is a small community hospital out in the weeds. The US border is a 5 minute drive. The hospital in the US is always hiring nurses for the same money paid in $US (+ 30%). It was the younger nurses, with, I assume, student loans to pay that bailed. This hospital is being allowed to wind down.
David Amos
Reply to @maggie short: Methinks a lot went south of the Medicine Line as well N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
This Hospital is basically a respit for those recovering or not deemed serious enough to be in the larger Hospitals . It's had more floodwater run through it than most in a Bangladesh Typhoon . It's 40 Kms. from Grand falls and 60 from the one in Waterville. Not sure where they'd come up with 12,000 people that they'd serve . I'm sure most people south of there would prefer to be served in Waterville .
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Would you say the same if the closest hospital to you closed? In an Emergency time is everything.
Joe Doe
Reply to @Mary Smith: yes. In both ways. Delays at small hospitals can lead to death as they prevent definitive care at more qualified centres. It has been shown repeatedly, particularly in trauma literature.
David Amos
Reply to @Joe Doe: Yup
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: However time is everything in most situations particularly if someone is bleeding to death..Methinks it best to stabilize them out of the gate before passing them on to a more qualified trauma centre N'esy Pas?
Randy McNally
Reply to @Lou Bell: The Hotel Dieu Of St Joseph was at one time, a 65 bed full service hospital with a full ER, OR, X-ray, pediatricks and maturnity ward, kitchen - cafeteria, and laundry. It was run by the nuns and was always in the black financially right up until the province took it over in the early 90's - then down hill ever since. As to the flooding.. this can be laid straight at the feet of the province as well because of the silt build up in the Beechwood headpond which causes the ice to jam now in an unnatural fashion which comes as a result of poor forestry management of crown lands and allowing a free rein on clear cutting up stream along both the St John river and the Tobique rivers and their tributaries.
rayma allaby
Reply to @Randy McNally: the hospital was built towards the street instead of being extended to the back where the existing emergency room is now....that hospital never flooded in all the while i lived in the perth andover area until the *new* expansion was built.
David Amos
Reply to @rayma allaby: Thats interesting
Jem Segasis
Open up to all of Canada. Masks stop this virus. Mask up and open up. New Brunswick wouldn't even have hospitals if it weren't for the rest of Canada so this elitism needs to stop now. It is not acceptable!
Mary Smith 
Reply to @Jem Segasis: Are you from New Brunswick? Or the East Coast? Masks don't replace the 100% proactive quarantines. Masks are in addition to all other measures, not to replace them.
Mary Smith
Reply to @Jem Segasis: Also, you were saying today that people need to wear masks 24/7, within their households, and only not wear them when bathing. Come on. (And I'm someone that is all for masks indoors and in situations outside when you could encounter others). You are acting as if masks are 100% effective and they just aren't for a myriad of reasons (but they're still an important tool to minimize risks). The proactive quarantines are 100%. If the virus isn't here, it MUST be imported in through our weak links (essential workers and those that break quarantines). Masks are better than no masks, but they aren't at the top of the list to mitigate risk. All the public health measures together are how we stay proactive rather than reactive.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jem Segasis:
Give your head a good long soak.
Winston Gray
Reply to @Jem Segasis: "New Brunswick wouldn't have hospitals if it wasn't for the rest of Canada, this elitism needs to stop"

You are the only one acting "elite", acting like New Brunswick is your vacation property that you are ENTITLED to visit because your economy is bigger.

The elitism needs to stop, and it stops with YOU.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks after doing so he should go back and pick up the bricks that fell off his load N'esy Pas?  
JOhn D Bond
So if the article accurately represents the capacity of the hospital, Horizon via Higgs has reduced capacity by almost 1/3. Now if statistically for some protracted period of time, hospital capacity is running below 15 medical beds, then that would be an ok thing to do. However if it shows that they run above 15 beds, this is a cut to services that Higgs said he wouldn't do. Like most thing the politicians and bureaucratic never provide all the information.
Joe Doe
 Reply to @JOhn D Bond: you do realize that these beds were closed due to a shortage of nursing staff? You cannot have inpatients without nurses.
It will be progressively more difficult to attract health care staff to small communities. They are not attractive for many new grads. Small, rural hospitals will struggle, and likely become health care centres, similar to Minto.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Joe Doe: I understand that is what the article says, but the inverse side is that it is all to easy to simply not hire staff replacement staff to end up at the same result. Similarly staffing could be hired and moved in some cases between hospitals as need or demand rises.
Instead the chose to cut capacity, to me the translation is that they simply were cutting service levels to the community.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @JOhn D Bond:
There is a "history" here, and to correct that history is going to take some of our money, either that or staff the place with TFWs.
Joe Doe
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: that may be simplifying hiring. We are talking about people. They may not want to commute. You also would have to assume that there is a surplus of staff elsewhere to allow coverage between hospitals. The reality may be that people do not want to live and work in small towns. It is a global, not a NB issue. Just my $0.02.
JOhn D Bond
 Reply to @Joe Doe: That is part of the beauty of it.Some certainly will not but others will be open to that and actually thrive given the opportunity. However it does make managing the process and recruiting a tad more challenging but from my perspective and effort that would be well spent.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: True
Brian Robertson
I remember when there was no hospital in Perth Andover; period.
They should consider themselves fortunate.
Peter Pelkey
Reply to @Brian Robertson: It's obvious by your statement you no longer live in Perth Andover, and most likely living where there is a hospital should you need one.
There may have been no hospital there at one time, but in my 60 years of life there has been one. So, why should they consider themselves fortunate because they are loosing services? Considering the majority of the population are seniors, any cuts to the hospital are a serious concern to the citizens. Maybe they should cut services where you presently live and see if your reaction is the same. Me thinks you are a bit on the pompous side.
Les Cooper
Reply to @Peter Pelkey: They were only cut because there is no staff. Higgs isn't to blame for that! Are u going to volunteer to work those beds
Matt Beckett
Reply to @Les Cooper: Hmm who is to blame for staff shortage then? If I am not mistaken doesn't that full under the government?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Peter Pelkey: Times change, money needs to be allocated elsewhere. Most rural hospitals are glorified nursing homes with no real dire services as is. Dont act like its the cardiac center of NB
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Matt Beckett: Over the last 15 years, the province gave tens of millions of extra dollars to the two universities that produce nurses. This was to increase class sizes and produce more nurses. The universities did NOTHING to uphold their end of the agreement. But I guarantee you that at least a dozen administrators and professors overseeing those programs were paid $100-150k. That’s how it goes in the Super State......takes SO much of your money, and does so little with it....
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Les Cooper:
Mr Higgs and his stooges at Horizon Health are directly to blame.
You are forgetting these nurses were already laid off once, at which time those who had to work (the young able ones) all got jobs in the US (for more money). Then we got to witness first hand the Higgs song and dance, when he changed his mind, but it was too late.......... this well has been well and truly poisoned. The employer is no longer trustworthy, so it's either TFWs, or big bucks.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I concur
Brian Robertson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
Awww. Terry. Are you still mad that the PCs and Premier Higgs won a resounding majority in the last election?
I'd suggest that the pain will go away in time. But recent history would indicate that liberals just can't deal with disappointment.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Methinks the fat lady ain''t sung yet much to the chagrin of many sheople who drink the blue koolaid and worship Higgy et al. i have no doubt Mr Tibbs and many other folks who are protesting the Police State nonsense right now would agree that their beloved leader has partaken of too many of Cardy's butter tarts before the debate and vote on the Throne Speech is history N'esy Pas?
Randy McNally
Reply to @Brian Robertson: That would have been before 1947 - 73 years ago.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Which was a huge mistake because it was and still is unnecessary for nurses like many many other professions to require a university degree.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
You know, I don't much care if the folks of NB elected a bumbler of a premier, who will likely accomplish less in the next 4 years of playing government, than he accomplished in his first 2 year run playing at it.
Generally folks get the governments they fully deserve.
I do, however, feel sorry for those directly affected by the bumbling and indecisiveness of the current government, those specifically stuck here, without options. But not to worry the food banks are doing a large business and the homeless numbers continue to climb.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I agree bumbling and indecisive sums it up quite nicely Mr Tibbs.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Randy McNally: Randy, I totally agree with you. In the past, educating nurses was much more of a local affair. If a community or hospital wanted to start up its own "nursing trainee" program, then it did so. There were some basic rules about what it had to consist of, but most of it was "on the job training" in which older, more experienced nurses mentored the younger ones. Students had to pay a small fee to be in the program. And guess what?? There were tons of nurses produced, and young people did not have to leave home or spend a fortune to get "certified". Then the Super State got involved, told every one exactly what they had to do in order to be a nurse or hire one, and even took over all of the salary questions. The State controls EVERYTHING now. And like most things that the State sucks into its fiefdom (because it loves to have power), things were NOT an improvement. In fact, they are worse. (And guess what?? All of that Super State apparatus costs money..........A LOT of money). Oh well. Liberals love the Super State, and they also love to complain when they can't get a hospital bed or a primary care doctor. Go figure. 
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Terry, can you be honest for one second, and admit that the problems with the hospitals and staffing have been brewing for THIRTY YEARS? Are you capable of mustering any honesty about the issue, or are you just obsessed with raw partisan politics???
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jim Cyr:
As far as I can see (and like Buford T Justice I may need new glasses), if one were to casually go to a NB hospital, take a seat in an out of the way place, and simply watch, you won't be long figuring out what is wrong. There are too many folks hanging around, on the payroll, who are not healers. I'm not sure what they are doing, nor am I sure who hired them, but they are not healing anyone. As I never see any of their jobs listed I can only assume they are patronage hires. Patronage is not exclusive to any one political party and has been going on much, much, longer then the thirty years you mention.
Now, in this case, this is on Mr Higgs and his stooges at Horizon Health. How is it possible, in NB, with the shortage of nurses that is a daily reality, can Horizon Health issue lay-off notices to nurses? Think about that.
This was nothing more than an attempted benefit/seniority/relocation payment dodge, and the bluff got called, and this is the result.
Thank you Mr Higgs.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jim Cyr:
In fact, If I was a nurse, hoping my wages would at least keep up with the cost of living, I would take the wise advice given by Mr Higgs, and seek employment elsewhere (in another province).
David Amos
Reply to @Peter Pelkey: Methinks Mr Tibbs would agree that was well put N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Beckett: Yup
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: BINGO
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you are correct as usual However what you quite likely don't know was at EUB hearing that had been ongoing since 2017 Higgy that had suddenly cancelled this summer (357 Matter) just before he had the rate increase and the Not So Smart Meter nonsense snuck in secretly during the election there was a fellow Internver from Sussex. He was complaining that NB Power should give the Food Banks a break on their power bill like they do for the irving Clan because a great deal of their costs go towards keeping the freezers operating. I told the dude to approach his MLA Northrup and say my name and he may get what he wanted. However never saw him again after I ran against Northrup.i heard some gossip as to why he went missing. I trust that you know I am not smart enough to make this up N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks everybody knows Higgy's daughter is a nurse who works elsewhere N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy et all know why I have avoided Horizon Heath ever since the RCMP assaulted me and had me falsely imprisoned in the looney bin of the DECH in 2008. The worst of of the Keystone Kops made the news bigtime yesterday and I ust laughed at the nonsense of it all and sent he and his bosses another email to remind them I am still paying attention in my old age.Years later I had the last laugh on Horizon and their beancounters when I discovered that the shrinks and Horizon did not get paid for their malice because there had been a "Stay" on my Medicare Card just like my drivers license and my Social Insurance Number and my CPP etc. What is truly funny about that governmental wickedness is tha because I have no SIN the CRA cannot compel me to pay taxes. Hence for obvious reasons I never report to the CRA. However Service Canada sheople who used to laugh at me have become very accommodating since I sued their beloved Queen in 2015 and ran in the election of the 42nd Parliament at the same time. Again I trust that you know I am not smart enough to make this up N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks whereas my words are beginning to evaporate as standard operating procedure perhaps folks should visit my blog to see all that was said by certain parties The hoedown on June 13th was very special indeed N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks "Dirty Santa" has been onto your wicked little game for quite some time You cannot dent the fact that I have the same right to Health Care as you and your buddy Higgy do nor can you deny the fact that you did invite me to sue your boss months ago N'esy Pas? 
Paul Bourgoin
Horizon Health cuts seven beds at Perth-Andover hospital in the middle of an increase of Covid explosion!
Les Cooper
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: if there isnt staff then they have to cut. Nothing to do with pandemic. Just no staff
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Les Cooper:
"No staff" caused directly by Horizon Health.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yup
Randy McNally
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'll second that emotion
David Amos
Reply to @Randy McNally: Methinks you know why I like that you one of my expressions it proves to me you don't mind reading words N'esy Pas?
Gerry Ferguson
If there's no staff then makes sense to close the beds. Just like they should get rid of the empty wickets at Service NB if they are only going to have ONE clerk working.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson:
There is no staff because their employer laid them all off, then 2 days later we witnessed the Higgs song and dance, big ooops, but by that time those who wanted had found employment in the US for more money. So the end result is this.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its interesting that most folks can't see Higgy's latest game for what it is N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
He's not even subtle about it............ right out of the gate it is a big FU.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks we should celebrate that fact because it helps to makes his caucus and their electorate have lots of time doubt Higgy's motives before the vote on the Throne Speech in late November N'esy Pas? 
val harris
Higgy will start small then go big.
Donald Gallant
Reply to @val harris:
And you would do what ?

Staffing a hospital is no different than staffing a restaurant.

No clients = less staff.

Higgs will do what should be done and have been done long ago.

Like airports there are too many Hospitals in NB.

NB must adjust.
Chuck Gendron
Reply to @val harris: This is because of staffing shortages, read the article, Higgs does not micro manage every little thing in the province. What do you want run the hospital with short of staff. Do you think the government should force staff to work there at gun point?
val harris
Reply to @Chuck Gendron: Hospitals are full so hire mite staff. Imagine hiring people
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Donald Gallant: Staffing at hospitals is very different than at a restaurant. The reaction time to hire qualified hospital staff cannot be compared to wait staff in a restaurant where you post a sign have have resumes immediately. 
The no client (patients) =less staff doesn't work for hospitals the same way. Hospitals must have excess capacity build in for the seasonal issues that happen so that they are not turning patients away. If they start having to turn patients away they and
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Chuck Gendron: Higgs and his team better be "Micro Managing" the health care system otherwise they collectively are not doing their jobs. Over 30,000 people cannot get a family doctor, wait lists for elective surgery are up to 2 years. Both of these are a travesty and are on the cusp of violating the Canada Health Act.
So only someone suffering from the "Peter Principal" would not make the Health system in the province a priority and make sure the bureaucrats are doing everything they can.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @val harris: Higgy is feeling his oats
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: At least they have a medicare card
Les Cooper
Reply to @val harris: Higgs not to blame that there is no staff. You people dont seem to get it.
Lou Bell
Reply to @val harris: Unlike the Liberals who tried underhandedly going big by giving 130 UNDISCLOSED million to their base ! They paid for it last election and will pay in the future ! Like the Liberals in PEI , Greens are putting the liberals in 3rd place ! Blame that on Higgs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: you'll never get yours so it won't keep you up at night.. sleep easy dirty santa
Stephanie Gould
Reply to @Donald Gallant: I think you missed the point. Less staff = Less care. Wow.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @val harris: Hire just any old person off the street, Val? Or did you want actual nurses? THERE ARE NONE. Unless you want to pay $100k per nurse to import them from out west. Do you have a personal budget, or do you just spend whatever you want on anything you want??
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jim Cyr:
You are forgetting that Horizon Health Dicked these guys around and already laid them all off once. So the surprise should be small, if employment anywhere else, for anybody else, is seen as desirable.
Colin Seeley
Reply to @Stephanie Gould:
Actually more staff when there is not enough business is kinda silly to most people .

Most health care does not need hospital type buildings.

NB needs to reform to Convert many so called NB hospitals to CHC and / or UCC.
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Yup
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy should pay more attention to what his buddies are up to N'esy Pas?
Randy McNally
Reply to @Les Cooper: Whenever I hear the term "you people" Or "those people" Why do I always think "conservative?  



















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